While there are a wide array of Outposts that can be raided through Meet Your Maker's Raid Map, some players will undoubtedly be interested in targeting specific levels that were created by their friends. Fortunately, this is a fairly simple thing to do, though the process is not specifically articulated in-game. As such, some players may be slightly confused about how to raid their friends' Outposts in Meet Your Maker, and this guide is here to dispel that confusion.

Meet Your Maker: How to Raid Friends

meet your maker how to raid friend

In order to raid a friend's level, the builder must first set their Outpost to Social. To do this, the builder should visit their Sanctuary's Command Center, enter their Outpost through the Build tab, open the pause menu, and select Social under the Activation tab. When that is done, the builder has completed their job, and they are free to exit their Outpost in Meet Your Maker.

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At this point, the raider should interact with their Sanctuary's Command Center and press the "social raid" input that is indicated at the bottom of the Raid Map. This will lead raiders to a new menu in which they can search for levels either by player or Outpost name, and indeed they can find their friend's base by performing an appropriate search. Meet Your Maker players do need to exercise some amount of care when performing these types of searches, though, as capitalization does matter.

To note, Outposts that are set to Social do not extract GenMat, nor do they appear on the standard Raid Map. This means that players will not earn any materials and progression in Meet Your Maker from levels on Social status, and they should make sure to return to their Outposts and switch them back to Active when their friends have completed them. While this can be a bit of a nuisance, it is only minor, as fans can freely switch their Outpost Status whenever they wish.

It is also worth mentioning that players will not receive any rewards from completing Outposts through the Social Raids section, which is presumably to minimize the creation of Meet Your Maker levels that are only for the purposes of farming GenMat, Parts, and Synthite. Players should not let the lack of rewards dissuade them for raiding their friends' bases, though, as it can still be a lot of fun. Additionally, friends can always team up and raid active Outposts together when they want to continue their progression.

Meet Your Maker is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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