Among the 43 different Trophies and Achievements that Meet Your Maker players can earn, several of them have hidden requirements. When it comes to these Trophies, the only hint that players get when solving them is the name of the Trophy, and sometimes this isn't enough to figure out what needs to be done. In this game, there is a trophy called "Give it Your All" that players can unlock, but no clear instructions on how to do so. As it happens, earning this Trophy has to do with the Chimera, the strange science experiment that calls all the shots in the player's sanctuary.

Trophies and Achievements are completely optional, so Meet Your Maker players can play forever without worrying about them if they so choose. That said, earning the coveted Platinum Trophy is a goal for many players whenever they start a new game, and "Give it Your All" is a necessary step on the road to completing that goal.

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How to Unlock the Give It Your All Trophy in Meet Your Maker

meet your maker give it your all trophy

In order to earn the "Give it Your All" Trophy, players must process all five of their advisors at once. More than likely, players have been processing their advisors a lot as they've raided and built deadly outposts in Meet Your Maker, but doing all five at once isn't something that's likely to happen without actively trying for it. This is mostly because the game prompts players to process their advisors as soon as they return from a raid, usually resulting in only one (or on rare occasions two or even three) advisors being processed at once.

How to Process Advisors in Meet Your Maker

meet your maker give it your all processing advisors

For those who aren't aware, "processing" an advisor is what happens when an advisor's bar is completely filled with GenMat, and is the primary way players can evolve the Chimera to earn Cells. In order to process all five at once, players simply need to complete raids for each advisor until all five are ready to be processed, being sure to wait until this point to press the big red button near the Chimera. Alternatively, outposts also provide GenMat for advisors in Meet Your Maker.

In order to make sure that all five advisors are ready to be processed, players should verify that each of their symbols near their stations is red and that the five tubes in the ground are all lit up red as well. Assuming they are, they can go press the red button and, if done correctly, the Trophy should be acquired immediately. Odds are this will evolve the Chimera as well (or at least come close to doing so), rewarding the player with coveted Cells and other materials.

Meet Your Maker is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Meet Your Maker: How to Watch, Control, and Exit Replays