Upon claiming a Burial Site in Meet Your Maker, players will find that it has a status of "inactive." This means that the Outpost will not appear on other player's Raid Maps, and it will not generate any rewards. Indeed, fans must activate their Outposts in Meet Your Maker if they hope to reap the benefits, and this guide is here to detail exactly how that is done.

In order to activate an Outpost, Meet Your Maker players must fulfill four criteria. Specifically, the Outpost must have a complete Harvester path and the requisite amount of defense, the Burial Site upon which the Outpost is built must have some remaining GenMat, and the player must have an activation slot available. Here are more details on each of those criteria, and players can see which ones are currently being met by looking to the right side of the Activation menu:

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Harvester Path in Meet Your Maker

meet your maker how to activate outpost

To fulfill the Harvester Path requirement, players must create at least one unbroken path from the exterior of their Outpost to the GenMat that is inside. This path must be traversable without any drops or jumps, and fans should utilize ramps to make that possible. Furthermore, the path should not have any Corrosive Cubes on it, and the Harvester will follow the shortest path if there is more than one unbroken route available.

GenMat Available in Meet Your Maker

meet your maker how to activate outpost

Every Burial Site in Meet Your Maker contains GenMat, which is gradually extracted when the Outpost is active. Eventually, this extraction will cause the level's GenMat to become depleted, and players will not be able to activate the Outpost until they have refilled the GenMat with the game's Prestige mechanic.

Minimum Defenses in Meet Your Maker

meet your maker how to activate outpost

To meet the minimum defense requirement, players must simply place an assortment of guards and traps in their Meet Your Maker Outposts. Notably, traps with a kill zone that hits the Harvester path go further toward fulfilling the requirement than traps that do not, incentivizing fans to place hazards along that direct route. However, traps in optional areas do count toward the defense total, and players should not shy away from creating alternate paths to the GenMat.

Activation Slot in Meet Your Maker

While players can claim up to 200 Burial Sites, they can only have five Outposts activated at once. As such, if a fan finds that they are not meeting the activation slot requirement, they will need to set one of their other Meet Your Maker levels to inactive.

meet your maker how to activate outpost

Once all four of these criteria have been met, players should simply visit their Sanctuary's Control Center, load their Outpost through the Build tab, and open the pause menu. Fans should now be within the Activation tab of that menu, and they must simply move left to "active" to send their creation to the Raid Map. Alternatively, players can select Overdrive if they are feeling very confident in their defenses, or Social to give their Meet Your Maker friends access to the Outpost.

Meet Your Maker is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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