Meet Your Maker burial sites are typically full of deadly traps, horrific enemies, and bases that combine those things to create the perfect deathtrap, but there's a reason that players still take their chances and raid these compounds. Aside from the coveted Genetic Material hidden within, raiding is one of the best ways to get Parts and Synthite needed to craft hardware and unlock new suits and mods. There are a lot of different kinds of currency in the game, and finding and destroying Forsaken Tombs is a great way to get it.

Behaviour Interactive's latest title, Meet Your Maker, includes Forsaken Tombs as an extra incentive for raiders outside of just stealing the GenMat and escaping the base. Builders are encouraged to incorporate them into their bases as well, but there's a problem. Aside from a single vague line in the building tutorial, there isn't really anything to tell players about Forsaken Tombs or explain what they are. As a result, many players don't even know that they exist.

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What Are Forsaken Tombs?

meet your maker what are forsaken tombs

Forsaken Tombs are automatically generated in a fixed place for each burial site, and, much like GenMat, they cannot be moved. They have the appearance of a skeleton sticking out of a wall or floor in a T-shaped crevice, and they glow with an eerie red light. If raiders manage to find them, they can be destroyed with any melee or ranged weapon and reward the player with a ton of Parts and Synthite. The best part is that builders don't lose anything in Meet Your Maker for having their Forsaken Tombs destroyed, as they aren't permanently destroyed and don't cost any resources to the builder.

How to Find Forsaken Tombs

meet your maker how to find forsaken tombs

As a builder, the easiest time to find Forsaken Tombs is before adding anything to a new Burial Site. Forsaken Tombs produce a mechanical humming sound that can be heard when the player gets close, so it's best to just fly around the map listening for it and it shouldn't be too hard to find. For Raiders, the humming sound is once again the best indicator that there's a nearby Forsaken Tomb, but many builders will provide other clues as well.

One common hint that builders use to help raiders find Forsaken Tombs is by using arrows or placing a path using the blue and yellow decal leading directly to it. Players should be careful though, as although some builders leave their Forsaken Tombs unprotected as a treat for Raiders, others will still employ traps. Every Outpost will have at least one Forsaken Tomb in it, but it is possible for Outposts to spawn with two or even three Forsaken Tombs instead.

It's not explicitly stated anywhere, but it seems as though the number of Forsaken Tombs correlates directly with the size of the Burial Site. Small Burial Sites have one, medium Burial Sites have two, and large Burial Sites have three. It's possible that prestige could have something to do with Forsaken Tombs as well, but this has not been thoroughly tested enough yet. Still, it's a great tip for raiders in Meet Your Maker to look for Forsaken Tombs in every outpost they raid.

Meet Your Maker is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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