Delving into vaults is now even more dangerous in the building, raiding, and looting shooter Meet Your Maker. Its first content update, Dreadshore, adds new plenty of new content for the base-building player-versus-player title, all set to a moodier environment.

Meet Your Maker puts players behind the drafting table for massive vaults called Outposts to protect genetic information, GenMat, as well as diving into the vaults of other players to steal what they’ve hoarded. Creative director Ash Pannell from Behaviour Interactive spoke to Game ZXC about the new expansion, revolving around a lighthouse on the Atlantic coast in the game’s post-apocalyptic future. The following transcript has been edited for clarity and brevity.

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Q: How did the basic idea for Meet Your Maker's Dreadshore expansion come about?

A: We’re using the Sectors to deliver content updates through a narrative. The Meet Your Maker universe exists at a time when humanity is on the verge of an extinction-level event. The Earth is inhospitable and only small tribes of humans live beyond Sanctuary walls. With each Sector, we explore a new location, devastated in its own way. Those that remain in these areas have unique stories to tell in their struggle for survival.

The Dreadshore is a place in our world and the items that we get in the Sector are from that part of the world. It helps expand the story of Meet Your Maker alongside the actual gameplay. Obviously, being a systemic game, every single new item has massive repercussions for the game and the 4 key elements of trap, guard, suit, and weapon not only change the gameplay, but bring a significant amount of playable content to unlock as well.

Q:What are some inspirations for the new Dreadshore environment?

A: The inspirations for the new Dreadshore environment draw from various sources. We looked to classic New England architecture and coastal landscapes for inspiration. Additionally, the eerie tales of maritime legends played a significant role in shaping the unique and haunting atmosphere of Dreadshore.

We wanted to take the player to a completely different vibe and feeling. Dreadshore’s driving rain and dark and moody aesthetic are completely different to that of the Red Sands. The changes to the lighting and atmosphere change the mood for Raiders and give Builders a totally new narrative tool to set their levels.


Q: How does Dreadshore capture the spirit and aesthetics of New England?

A: Dreadshore is designed to evoke the spirit and aesthetics of New England by incorporating elements such as rocky coastlines, foggy harbors, and iconic lighthouses. The architectural styles and visual details aim to immerse players in the distinct ambiance and folklore of the region, evoking a sense of mystery and foreboding as they create or raid Outposts.

Q: What kind of experiments was the Lighthouse Sanctuary engaged in?

A: Dreadshore is the location of an abandoned Sanctuary housed beneath a lighthouse. Within, Advisors were constantly cloned so cruel experiments could be performed upon them. One person escaped, killing the out-of-control Custodian and Chimera on their way out.

The new blocks and decopacks represent the lighthouse that stood over this doomed Sanctuary. Those customizations are part of the remnants of the location, collected by your Sanctuary.

Q:What can you share about Nautilus as a character and the role they'll play?

A: Nautilus is a new Custodian in the Dreadshore expansion, he was known as Prisoner 671. He was just another clone for the operating table, a disposable body that would end up like the rest.

Until that time, his captors tasked him with routine Sanctuary duties. But when he tinkered with the computer stations, he found out what they could really do. In secret, he crafted a suit that could enhance his athletic abilities and a weapon that could eviscerate anyone who stood in his way. ​He made his escape through a labyrinth of lasers, the sound of explosions leading the battle charge. But he wasn’t leaving just yet, not without the blood of his captors on his hands.

In the hands of the players, Nautilus is all about defensive weapon capabilities. All 3 perks greatly buff the Arc Barrier’s capabilities. It finally adds perks to players who love a defensive weapon.


Q: How did you go about rebalancing the ranking tiers?

A: We aimed to create a more balanced experience, rebalancing the ranking tiers in Meet Your Maker was a meticulous process that involved analyzing player feedback, evaluating gameplay data, and fine-tuning the matchmaking algorithms. The goal was to ensure that players face appropriately challenging opponents while maintaining a sense of progression and achievement.

As of June 27th, here are the most notable changes we brought to the ranking system :

  • The Ranking System has been reworked to improve the flow of progression, requiring fewer Ranking Points per Rank. Rank to Rank requirements will also now increase at a more gradual pace.
  • Players will now receive the same base Ranking Points for actions regardless of your opponent’s Rank.
  • You will continue to lose more Ranking Points for actions based on your own Rank.
meet your maker sentry beam

Q: The new trap, Sentry Beam, sounds powerful. How should an attacker approach it?

A: The Sentry Beam is an area denial trap designed to pin unsuspecting players down. As it bounces off walls, it brings a nice new sense of randomness that helps breaks well-known patterns of play. Raiders should be cautious when noticing the sentry beams and slow down to analyze its trajectory.

Q:There is a lot of new content coming in Dreadshore. What do you think players will gel best with?

A: With Dreadshore, we hope players will particularly gel with the atmospheric and immersive elements of the environment. The blend of coastal themes, rainy harbors, and the rich lore surrounding the region will captivate those seeking a renewed experience. Additionally, the introduction of unique traps, guards, and gear will offer players new strategies and opportunities for creative base building and raiding.

Q:How has the game been received by audiences so far, and how will Dreadshore build on that?

A:Meet Your Maker has been received positively by audiences so far, and Dreadshore aims to build upon that foundation. We have seen players embrace the game's strategic gameplay, creative possibilities, and competitive nature. With the introduction of the Dreadshore content update, we hope to further engage and captivate players with its haunting atmosphere, intriguing lore, and exciting new content while also giving them a better idea of how we plan to support Meet Your Maker in the upcoming months.


Q:Are the ways people go about playing as designers or Raiders ever surprising?

A: Absolutely! The ways people go about playing as Builders or Raiders can often surprise us. Players exhibit remarkable creativity in base designs, employing intricate trap setups, clever decoys, and unexpected combinations of elements. Similarly, Raiders display ingenuity by devising unique approaches, exploiting unanticipated weaknesses, or utilizing unconventional strategies. It's always a delight to see the devious minds of Builders and the will to conquer from Raiders.

Q:What are some of the coolest base designs you've seen?

A: Players have constantly surprised us with their innovative and unexpected use of the tools provided in Meet Your Maker. For example, players have drawn inspiration from movie or video game franchises to build some extraordinary and fun Outposts. These creations not only showcase the artistic talent of our players but also demonstrate their deep passion for storytelling and world-building. It's amazing to see how they can take the tools and assets provided in the game and transform them into over-the-top environments that transport players into other realms and narratives.

The game offers a wide range of possibilities for creativity and strategy, and it's inspiring to witness how players push the boundaries of what we initially envisioned. Given the hundreds of different combinations that we were already aware of, our players keep finding new and innovative ways to design their deadly fortresses, it is truly impressive!

We regularly showcase some players’ amazing creations on our social media pages, you can also find plenty on Reddit.


Q:How do you, personally, go about attacking a base? Or designing one?

A: For Raiding it’s all about being methodical for me. Make sure all your angles are covered and move forward making sure to clear a path for the way back. I always use the Phoenix Pods when I am deep into an outpost in case I get caught out, because that happens all the time! You really must get into the head of the Maker – look for patterns they use and exploit them with the tools at hand. If I come across something really challenging, then it’s time to roll up my sleeves, break open the loadout, and start picking some specialist equipment.

For building, it’s about getting into the heads of the raider instead! I always build to provide an experience, making sure all my traps and guards are distributed throughout the whole experience. Why? Because I love accolades more than deaths (although I want them too) and I want to get as many accolades as I can. I also enjoy using verticality and wide-open spaces too so I am always building up, then mixing it up with tight corridors.

Q:Is there anything else you'd like to share?

A: If you haven’t already tried Meet Your Maker, now is the perfect time to jump in! To celebrate the release of Sector 1: Dreadshore, we currently offer a free trial until July 3rd, 11:59 PM EDT.

Included in the free trial is the full-base game, along with the “Sector 1: Dreadshore” content update. Players will have access to all the game’s features and tools, with all of their Outposts and progress made during the free trial being carried over for players who later purchase the game, provided they do so on the same account they used to play the free trial.


Meet Your Maker is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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