Fans of post-apocalyptic worlds and base-building simulators will want to play the latest release from Behavior Interactive, Meet Your Maker. The game was recently released across consoles and PC and is even available for free with a PlayStation Plus subscription. Meet Your Maker is a First-Person base-building and raiding game. Players find themselves in a post-apocalyptic world as a "Custodian" and have the option to raid player-generated death traps in search of loot and bragging rights. They can also build a base of their own Outpost, and challenge the community to see how long they can survive.

Meet Your Maker is a very innovative title, taking aspects from fan-favorite games such as Minecraft, Overlord, and Warhammer 40,000. Players can sink into the game's content as either a raider or a builder. They can choose from a laundry list of skills, layouts, tools, and weapons to ensure that no one can survive the diabolical mayhem of their Outpost. While Meet Your Maker has an abundance of information available to ease players into the game, it can still be daunting for players building their first base or entering their first stronghold. Here are some tips to help beginners building their base.

5 Always Keep The Harvester In Mind

meet your maker

One of the critical components in every base is the Harvester, an essential NPC robot that wanders through a player's Outpost. The Harvester's presence is a sign that the base can be completed. For a base to be finalized, the Harvester must have a reasonably clear path to the Builder's GenMat. Anything obstructing this path will cause the Builder's base to be deemed incompatible.

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Therefore, when beginning the early ideas for a base, players should always have the Harvester's path in mind. It's easy to get carried away with intricate designs and twisting hallways, but these can get in the Harvester's way. A lot of time can be saved by checking the Harvester's path to make sure all that hard work doesn't have to be redone.

4 Think Outside The Box

meet your maker

While the Harvester is a vital component of building a base, accommodating its presence doesn't prevent the Builder from creating something truly sinister. The only limitations placed on the player are the limits of their own imagination.

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At the start of the game, players will only have access to a base level of traps, space, and guards. However, if these are used efficiently, even a single-floor Outpost can pose a sizable challenge to those who try to raid it. Players should carefully plan the layout of their base in order to make something unique that will force Raiders to feel like they're solving a puzzle instead of fighting blindly through a dungeon.

3 Take Advantage Of The Second Phase

meet your maker

Being a Builder means planning for all types of situations. It means ensuring that any Raiders brave enough to walk into the player's domain don't survive. At first, players will want to focus on making the task of reaching their base's GenMat as difficult as possible by setting up a series of deathtraps to make the path from start to finish impossible to overcome.

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However, players should not ignore the possibility of secondary traps in phase two situations. Should a Raider infiltrate a Builder's base and receive the GenMat, Meet Your Maker allows for a secondary phase where new traps and guards can be activated. This can give players a chance to turn the tables on a raider who thinks they've conquered a base.

2 Bigger Isn't Always Better

meet your maker

Meet Your Maker allows players to construct their base in any way they see fit. In the game, players can purchase properties called Burial Sites for their ground zero to construct a base of various sizes. While a large base would be a potent weapon against Raiders, causing them to constantly get turned around and overwhelmed by the amount of space, a smaller base can be just as overwhelming.

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A tight corridor where death could be just one false step away is mentally taxing for Raiders who are used to having breathing room. To create something genuinely diabolical, experiment with putting as many limitations on Raiders as possible.

1 Learn To Chain Traps Together

meet your maker

Traps are the bread and butter of any Builder's base design. They are essential in making sure that no matter many Raiders attempt to plunder the player's base, none live to tell the tale.

Meet Your Maker has an array of treacherous tools for builders to scatter around their death traps and ensure a zero survival rate. However, to truly take advantage of the devices at a Builder's disposal, players should aim to make traps work together, increasing the difficulty of escaping once triggered. For a prime example, a Chain Trap that pulls a raider toward a Fire Trap can cause a level of panic that will end in the raider's demise.

Meet Your Maker is available on PC Via Steam, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One

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