Gamers have been in a frenzy since the release of the post-apocalyptic raid-and-build title Meet Your Maker. Developed by the creator of Dead By Daylight, Behavior Interactive, Meet Your Maker offers players the opportunity to be the puppet and puppeteer as they choose to raid outposts for materials or design their own deathtrap to collect victims in.

Related: Meet Your Maker: Building Tips For Beginners

Humanity has been obliterated, and all that remains of the now-diseased civilization is a plethora of heavily-guarded outposts housing Genmat, or genetic material, a heavily sought-after resource. As a Custodian, players are tasked with collecting Genmat by raiding bases designed by other players and by building their own outposts to protect resources. Each outpost will present its own unique challenge according to its layout and dispersal of guards and traps. With traps being a pivotal part of the game, players should become acquainted with the arsenal at their disposal.

9 Holocube

The Holocube trap from Meet Your Maker

Not all good traps need to deliver the killing blow, some may be just as effective as an accessory to the deed. While it doesn't have the lethal tendencies of the other traps available, the Holocube is still a very effective tool for protecting the precious Genmat from thieving hands.

The Holocube is a holographic block of bedrock that serves as a perfect disguise for intruders, which disappears when touched. It can serve as a decoy for more devious assassinations, like the Corrosive Cube or Impaler. Any intruders who step on or through a Holocube will be at the mercy of whatever sinister secrets are hidden beyond its illusion.

8 Iron Claw

The Iron Claw trap from Meet Your Maker

Another trap that doesn't require a killer punch but will certainly help players to set one up, the Iron Claw ejects a metal hand to grab any raider and draw them towards the trap. Where the Holocube is best used as a decoy for other traps, the Iron Claw's strength is perhaps in its ability to buy any guards on site some time to launch their own offense.

The Iron Claw may not be lethal, but its ability to continuously trigger until it is destroyed does make it a handy feature for any build. Coupled with some formidable guards or carefully placed traps, it can turn any base into a true fortress.

7 Death Piston

The Death Piston trap from Meet Your Maker

To fit its ominous name, the Death Piston will make a pancake out of anyone unfortunate enough to step on it. This trap is triggered at intervals, thrusting violently outward, and will continue to do so unless it is destroyed. While it doesn't have any sharp projectiles or explosives, the piston's best friend is the wall next to it.

Related: Meet Your Maker: Raiding Tips For Beginners

The Death Piston will serve to squash any raiders into the next wall; however, it is also a valuable ally to Corrosive Cubes and can submerge trespassers in acid against their will. The one downside to the trap is its visibility, as it will operate constantly without any triggers, so it is one of the easier traps to identify if raiders are careful.

6 Incinerator

The Incinerator trap from Meet Your Maker

Raiders will be invited to an impromptu cremation should they stand in the way of the Incinerator trap. As the name would suggest, this trap releases multiple jets of flame when triggered, which will immediately burn any trespassers to a crisp.

The Incinerator is a perfect close-range trap that is limitless in its number of triggers, meaning raiders determined to disable the obstacle will need to time their attack perfectly. The trap is known to cook its victims from the floor, walls, or a strategically placed low ceiling, leaving behind only the ashes of any unsuccessful thieves.

5 Impaler

The Impaler trap from Meet Your Maker

A trap that shares its name with the real "Dracula" is sure to be an effective executor, particularly in the areas of stabbing and piercing. The Impaler likens itself to a phalanx of soldiers simultaneously thrusting their spears, releasing a terrifying array of spikes to pierce through intruders. Given the size of the block, any raiders standing in proximity to this trap will have a hard time evading the multiple rows of the Impaler's teeth.

This trap can only be triggered once; however, it provides a swift enough response that all that it requires is a shred of hesitation from its victims to consider them neutralized.

4 Corrosive Cube

The Corrosive Cube trap from Meet Your Maker

For any players experiencing raider problems, nothing will fix it quite like a large vat of acid. The Corrosive Cube is a perfect guardian for any Outpost that will not only flat-line any intruders but also eliminate any evidence of trespassers in the first place.

Related: Meet Your Maker: Best Weapons

While the Corrosive Cube requires raiders to foolishly fall into the container for it to work, a clever application of the trap will prove fruitful in keeping Genmat safe. The trap cannot be destroyed, which is an advantage that the cube has over other traps, though it is easy to spot. However, if one was to hide the cube behind a holographic cube of bedrock, the visibility problem may be very quickly solved.

3 Boltshot

The Boltshot trap from Meet Your Maker

While Meet Your Maker provides a variety of defenses to guard the Genmat against raiders, very few offer protection from a distance. For those who favor picking off adversaries from range, the Boltshot trap has everything needed to ward off intruders out of arms reach.

The Boltshot is a single-use trap that fires a volley of arrow-like bolts when triggered, causing immediate and lethal damage to anyone who stands in its way. The trap's range provides an advantage over other traps in the game and opens up opportunities for more stealthy and strategic placements. The Boltshot is one of the harder traps to detect as projectiles can from the ground, ceiling, or any walls at a moment's notice.

2 Bomb Ejector

The Bomb Ejector trap from Meet Your Maker

The purpose of this trap does not require any guesswork, it's all in the name. Nonetheless, the Bomb Ejector is a very effective way of ensuring no Genmat leaves the premises. This single-use trap releases a number of bombs when triggered, which bounce along the ground for a short time before exploding.

While this trap does not offer the immediacy of a Boltshot or any of the close-range traps, the explosive nature of the Bomb Ejector offers a wide blast radius, which pressures raiders to act quickly when the trap is triggered. Given its delay, this trap would be most effective when paired with the likes of the Iron Claw or Holocube.

1 Plasma Sentinel

The Plasma Sentinel trap from Meet Your Maker

The Plasma Sentinel is by far the most powerful trap players can enlist as part of their outpost defenses, which is why it is so expensive.

This handy contraption releases a ball of pure energy that will cause some serious hurt to any who touches it, with the added bonus that it will continue to do so until disabled. The sentinel's projectiles have a wide blast radius to make it even more challenging for raiders to avoid their demise.

Meet Your Maker is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam.

More: Meet Your Maker: Outpost Raiding Tips