Just when the gaming community thought Behavior Interactive had ticked all the boxes of an exciting project in Dead By Daylight, they continue to keep players on their toes with a new concept bearing the same replayability. Meet Your Maker has been a hit with gamers since its release, with the post-apocalyptic title offering a little something for everyone.

Related: Meet Your Maker: Raiding Tips For Beginners

Meet Your Maker empowers players to be creative as they design and test their own fortresses riddled with traps and guards to ensure that their genetic material, or Genmat, doesn't get pinched by incoming raiders. On the other side of the coin, players are able to test their skills as infiltrators by enabling them to try their hand at stealing Genmat from other Outposts. As the strength of an Outpost's defense rests on the application of its traps and the positioning of its guards, players would benefit from familiarizing themselves with the henchmen available.

4 Cannonback

The Cannonback guard from Meet Your Maker

The Cannonback guard may not offer much variety in its offensive weapons, but it uses its limited skills to devastating effect. What this sub-clone lacks in arms, it makes up for with a hefty cannon on its back.

Due to the heavy device mounted on the Cannonback, builders should anticipate that movement will not be as free-flowing as the alternative guard options; however, the explosive arsenal at its disposal will pay dividends when used intelligently. Players looking to maximize the Cannonback's effectiveness should look to position it in a manner that will have their explosive projectiles cornering any raiders.

Related: Meet Your Maker: Building Tips For Beginners

To counteract the lack of mobility in the Cannonback, players should look to combine its arsenal with an array of traps. Obstacles like the Iron Claw are an excellent ally for Cannonbacks as they can draw trespassers into the path of the fiery projectiles, whereas using the likes of the Incinerator may divert an intruder's path toward a more explosive demise.

3 Enforcer

The Enforcer guard from Meet Your Maker

The Enforcer plays the role of a standard rifleman, and if raiders are not careful, this guard will put a bolt-sized hole into anyone in its cross-hairs. The Enforcer guard is the most efficient form of ranged defense for any Outpost, and while it won't deliver a blast radius like the Cannonback, it will fire off more projectiles at would-be thieves at a much faster rate.

The light weapon attached to the semi-clone's arm allows for greater maneuverability than the Cannonback; however, it does not compare in agility to the Hornet. With that being said, the added freedom of movement for this ground-based guard enables it to be posted on a variety of station points. Its moderate agility opens up the possibility for builders to position the guard at a higher vantage point with some room to move, which may give the Enforcer the space and advantage it needs to ensure no Genmat leaves the Outpost.

Whether on the ground, from a height, or from a distance, the Enforcer will provide a well-needed boost in ranged offense that will present a significant challenge to incoming raiders.

2 Hornet

The Hornet guard from Meet Your Maker

The Hornet guard differs from its counterparts with its ability to launch an offense from the air. Unlike the other guards, this Genmat protector will zip through the air in an attempt to simultaneously dodge incoming projectiles while finding the right angle to launch an attack of its own.

Related: Meet Your Maker: Outpost Raiding Tips

The Hornet is the most evasive of the guards available in Meet Your Maker as a result of its crudely-made jet pack, which means raiders will need to ensure their aim is true before pulling the trigger. In addition to its aerial acrobatics, the Hornet's plasma projectiles have a moderate ability to seek out its target, meaning intruders will need to ensure they track any shots fired their way.

Given the Hornet's evasive nature, players can effectively make use of this guard by designing rooms with plenty of ceiling space to allow them to roam. The more room this guard has, the better chance it has to dispatch any raiders and keep the Genmat safe.

1 Warmonger

The Warmonger guard from Meet Your Maker

The Warmonger is the cream of the crop when it comes to protecting Genmat. Combining brute force, armor, and a relentless charge toward any intruders, this large sub-clone will have raiders panicking and running for their lives.

The Warmonger offers builders a formidable heavy weapon bearer to protect their Outpost in the form of a grotesque version of Batman's adversary Bane. Unlike the other guards, the Warmonger is heavily armored and will require multiple shots to neutralize it unless raiders have a hand steady enough to put a bolt through its head.

Where the other guards do their damage from a distance, the Warmonger thrives on close-quarter combat and relishes any opportunity to slice and dice their adversaries head-on. The guard's two fearsome blades are attached to their arms, making for a terrifying Genmat guardian.

The sheer size of the Warmonger makes it the slowest of the guards. In order to counteract this, players would benefit from providing a distraction using traps to buy the Warmonger time to get in range and deliver the lethal blow.

Meet Your Maker is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam.

More: Meet Your Maker: Best Weapons