When the developers decided to remove the need to converse with the villagers every single day to keep them happy, many veterans thoughts that Medieval Dynasty was going to get easier to manage. Yet when the villagers abandoned the town for good, they learned this wasn't the case.

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So what is it that makes the villagers stick around? Even more, what makes them happy and do better work? Gamers will need to understand how to keep everyone happy if they have any hope of building a thriving fiefdom in Medieval Dynasty.

Work Ethic

Medieval Dynasty Looking At The Talents Of Two Potential Villagers

Workers don't like doing jobs they aren't good at. A level ten hunter assigned to hunt will be extremely happy and productive. But a level one hunter in the same role will be miserable and disappointing. These likely seems too difficult for a city-builder game, but there is some good news.

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Workers will level up as they do the job more. This increases their efficiency at the job itself as well as their joy when doing it. So long as the villager is treated well, even a level one villager will eventually be just as talented and sunny as a level ten worker. It'll just take longer.

Meeting Their Needs

Medieval Dynasty Decorations On The Wall

This is a great game to play while listening to podcasts but don't zone out too hard. Check the following list and make sure villagers have everything they need in town:

  • Housing (one per person or one per male-female couple)
  • Food
  • Water
  • Firewood

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Villagers will leave before they die. These are the things they need to keep them alive. A large enough village can indeed sustain itself by having villagers create the supplies besides the housing. But it's better to be safe than sorry. Keep them stocked up.

Keeping The Wife Happy

Medieval Dynasty Buying A Silk Shawl As A Gift

If the wife leaves, she takes the heir with her and never comes back. Keep the same rules in mind as the rest of the villagers, but add in the wrinkle that her mood will drop gradually. This gives her an extra dynamic that other villagers don't have.

Check out a full chart on how to find the wife's personality and say what makes her happiest. In the event that the player can't be visiting the town every day, buy some extra affection with gifts from the luxury vendors.

Medieval Dynasty is available now on PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.

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