
  • Isekai anime features unique worlds and protagonists in wild, often dark settings with a mix of humor and adventure.
  • "Cautious Hero" explores the consequences of extreme caution in a hero, adding a romantic twist for extra entertainment.
  • "Re:Zero" delves into the complex themes of death and resurrection, blending suspense, fantasy, and dark humor.

The isekai brand of anime has opened the gates to a variety of wild fantasy series over the years. The genre has frequently served as a highlight of otherworldly settings and situations.

The Greatest Isekai Anime Of All Time (June 2024)

True Isekai fans should make sure they've watched each of these iconic anime from start to finish.

Typically, an isekai protagonist finds themselves thrown into a brand-new world. While dark fantasy is commonplace when it comes to the new world in question, isekai has provided writers space to create all manner of new, wild settings for their protagonists. The fish-out-of-water storytelling can lead to all manner of themes and tones, from horrifying situations to fun, upbeat adventures. Some series, however, manage to walk a tightrope, hitting viewers with harsh, often cynical storytelling whilst also providing a surprisingly strong sense of fun along the way.

5 Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered But Overly Cautious Is A Subversive Look At Super-Powered Life

MyAnimeList: 7.48

Overly Cautious Hero - Ristarte Being So Done With The Hero She Summoned
  • Premiere date: October 2, 2019
  • Studio: White Fox
  • Genres: Comedy, Action, Fantasy

The mighty Seiya Ryuuguuin is a supremely powerful hero with all the tools to save the day. Unfortunately, despite his immense strength, Ryuuguuin is excessively safety-conscious.

The result is a character cut out to save the world who frequently gets in his own way. For viewers, this leads to a surprisingly thought-provoking look at the perils of going through life being overly cautious. Summoned by the healing goddess Ristarte, the hazard-focused hero is tasked with protecting the land of Gaeabrande from a fearsome demon lord. The high level of danger in Gaeabrande provides plenty of isekai thrills, while Ristarte’s infatuation with Seiya adds an amusing, romantic wrinkle into the story.

4 Overlord Takes Viewers Into A Deadly Gaming World

MyAnimeList: 7.91

Overlord main character momonga with his underlings
  • Premiere date: July 7, 2015
  • Studio: Madhouse
  • Genres: Adventure, Action, Fantasy

This thrilling fantasy series introduces viewers to a dangerous, Full-Dive MMORPG called YGGDRASIL. Renowned for how scarily interactive it can be, the game eventually leads to a select few characters seemingly entering its world for real.

Viewers follow Momonga, a dedicated player who finds himself trapped in the game world. Despite his human nature, Momonga slowly but surely becomes a psychological victim of the gameplay, turning into a focused, remorseless killer in the process. Despite its dark, bloodthirsty themes and style, Overlord provides a sense of colorful, often unpredictable adventure through its fantastical setting. To top it off, its focus on MMORPG culture and the dangers of a game world being brought to life hold obvious fun and appeal for gamers.

3 The Rising of the Shield Hero Offers A Stark Look At Betrayal And Redemption

MyAnimeList: 7.95

The Rising of the Shield Hero - Naofumi and his party looking off screen
  • Premiere date: January 9, 2019
  • Studio: Kinema Citrus
  • Genres: Adventure, Action, Fantasy

Naofumi Iwatani, a high-schooler turned fantasy hero, struggles with life after betrayal in this dramatic series. The princess of the kingdom he serves throws him under the figurative bus with false accusations that derail his life and reputation.

The Rising Of The Shield Hero: Every World Introduced In The Anime

The many worlds in The Rising of the Shield Hero depict alternate realities that have shaped the series' characters.

Needless to say, the setbacks and isolation the once noble Iwatani endures change him for the wose, turning him into a more jaded, cynical character. Acquiring new fantastical allies eventually allows Iwatani to find a new lease on life, returning to more heroic ways and resuming his destiny of doing battle with the monstrous Waves. The swashbuckling action and colorful supporting characters lend a sense of fantastical fun to the series. This comes in stark contrast to the often bleak, challenging nature of Iwatani’s troubled journey, making for a harsh, but adventurous series.

2 Saga Of Tanya The Evil Showcases A Wild Lead Character Transformation

MyAnimeList: 7.96

Saga of Tanya the Evil With Tanya Looking Rabid
  • Premiere date: January 6, 2017
  • Studio: Nut
  • Genres: Action, Fantasy

This dark piece of fantasy isekai introduces viewers to a salaryman who finds himself in a truly bizarre situation. After being murdered by an enraged employee he recently sacked, the unnamed protagonist is reincarnated as a little girl.

As if the situation wasn’t bizarre enough already, the newly named Tanya is also stuck in a violent, alternate World War I timeline. Stuck in a grim loop of death and reincarnation, Tanya’s march into a world of military brutality and bloodshed is equal parts disturbing and darkly amusing. Between its eyebrow-raising narrative and frequent depictions of a murderous, Darwinist kid in the lead role, the series is a distasteful, borderline nihilistic affair that also manages to be action-packed and colorful, providing viewers with an eclectic, one of a kind viewing experience.

1 Re:Zero - Starting Life In Another World Is An Intriguing Look At Death And Resurrection

MyAnimeList: 8.23

An image of Subaru Natsuki and Emilia
  • Premiere date: April 4, 2016
  • Studio: White Fox
  • Genres: Fantasy, Suspense

A trip home from the shop changes everything for Subaru Natsuki. Finding himself in a new fantasy world, Natsuki is almost immediately murdered.

This shocking moment places him in an often darkly humorous situation in which he frequently dies before resurrecting in the near past. Frequently learning everything in this new world the hard way, Natsuki’s life is forever changed by his bond with a potential world leader named Emilia. The themes of self-discovery and friendship are countered by the bleak reality of Natsuki’s situation, as he frequently endures immense pain and trauma from his frequent demises. Serving as both a fun, breezy fantasy adventure and a dark, unsettling meditation on death, Re:Zero is a remarkable blend of genres and ideas.

The Greatest Fantasy Anime Of All Time (June 2024)

Fans of anime looking for epic fantasy adventures to watch will find these titles among the best ever animated.