Back in 2016, it's possible that not many casual Marvel fans knew who Stephen Strange, aka Doctor Strange, was. But then the mind-bending and massively successful movie made its debut, and many a new fan was born.

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Like all other Marvel heroes, Doctor Strange was founded on paper - his debut came in the mid-sixties, in Strange Tales #110. Since then, the magical man has garnered a strong following of fans eager to absorb his adventures. But what was different in the movie? Adapting things from page to screen can be hard, especially with such fantastical things as superheroes, so we've looked at what elements did get changed in the movie adaptation.

8 His True Power

image of Dr strange

Very quickly it was shown that Doctor Strange was one of, if not the most powerful member of the Avengers. He was able to go toe-to-toe with a gigantic interdimensional being (and win), as well as successfully constraining Thanos with magic.

But, this still wanes in comparison to the true power he holds. It makes sense to dim it down for the films, otherwise, he would be massively overpowered for the battles fans see. Especially for a new character, it was too much to put into his debut film. In the comics, however, he is incredibly magically powerful, able to move through dimensions of space and time at will.

7 Sorcerer Supreme?

Doctor Strange MCU

Similar to dimming Strange's shine, the Marvel Cinematic Universe also glazes over the whole 'Sorcerer Supreme' plotline. Like any other magical group (we're looking at you, American Horror Story), there is a Supreme in charge that holds the most power.

Usually, the holder of the Eye is seen to be the Sorcerer Supreme, but this was never even mentioned in the movie. It is assumed that the title was passed from The Ancient One to Strange after her death. It is another small thing that die-hard fans may have wanted to see, but casual movie consumers probably would not have understood the symbolism.

6 The Ancient One

doctor strange ancient one

Something that fans immediately noted as different even before the Doctor Strange movie was released was the Ancient One. Usually, in the comics, the Ancient One is shown as an elderly Tibetan man, given the location of Kamar-taj. However, the powers behind the MCU went with an interesting choice of Tilda Swinton. A bald Tilda Swinton.

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Tilda Swinton is a fantastic actress, but the casting was certainly a choice. The performance was good, and she encapsulates the wisdom and whimsy, but the design was jarring compared to the comics.

5 Magical Items Are Missing

dr strange

Doctor Strange is adorned and assisted by many magical items: The Cloak of Levitation, The Eye Of Agamotto, Sling name it. But what if that wasn't all?

The Sanctum is filled with magical objects for use by the students and masters within, and it would be beneficial to have more of these show up to make for a really impressive show. Again, it makes sense not to pack a 2-hour movie with names and powers of (sometimes) inanimate objects, but fans already know Strange is a master of the mystic arts. Give him the full arsenal, especially now that Iron Man's gadgets have......gone.

4 The Sling Ring

Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange MCU

There was, however, a specific magical artifact was added for the MCU film. The aforementioned Sling Rings never featured in the comics. In the film, the Rings allow the sorcerers to travel through portals in both the Earth dimension and others.

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The Sling Rings were likely made to explain how and why the characters were able to travel instantly, as they weren't born with magical powers and it seems a mighty task to learn. Also probably because as previously mentioned, the Sanctum is a big fan of magical objects.

3 The True Time It Took

Doctor Strange comics

Something that the MCU film definitely changed was how long it really took for Stephen Strange to learn how to use magic - and indeed, accept its existence. The movie supposes that Strange trains for around 18 months - a mere crash course in celestial manipulation.

It took years for him to master it all and get to grips with interdimensional space travel, portals, and time travel. A long montage spanning years of reading books and studying wouldn't have been the best entertainment, so it is understandable why it was thinned out so much.

2 The Eye Of Agamotto

Eye Of Agamotto MCU

The glowing green amulet is a staple of both comics and screen adaptations of Doctor Strange. In the movie, it holds the time stone, one of the Infinity Stones so coveted by many villains, but in the comics, it is a separate entity that grants Strange many powers.

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The Eye Of Agamotto was created by a previous Sorcerer Supreme named Agamotto. It has previously shown more powers than just time manipulation, including telepathic capabilities and teleportation. The Eye was squished together with the Time Stone probably to save time and confusion on the part of people watching the film.

1 The Cloak

Doctor Strange casts a spell in the Marvel comics

Doctor Strange's silly and silent counterpart, the Cloak of Levitation, is another thing that experienced a change from page to screen. Usually, it appears bland, with no personality. But in the film, it was almost "Disney-fied."

While fans appreciate the comedic use of the floating friend, its origin is different. Originally, it was gifted to Strange after he defeated Dormammu. The cloak is seen to be in a glass case in the film. After it is freed, it chooses Strange as its master, and never leaves him again.

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is scheduled to release on May 6, 2022.

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