
  • Blade reboot continues facing delays and uncertainties, with the script being rewritten again due to dissatisfaction from key players.
  • Original Blade actor Wesley Snipes publicly mocks Marvel Studios' struggles in finding the "secret sauce" for the reboot.
  • Numerous setbacks plague the production, with multiple directors and writers exiting, budget cuts, and a premiere date set for late 2025 still uncertain.

The Blade reboot is experiencing challenges and setbacks in its release. Meanwhile, an actor from the original series is poking fun at the delays.

The Blade reboot has yet to be released, and uncertainties continue to surround its production. One of the actors from the original trilogy has been publicly mocking these delays, raising questions about whether this will further impact the movie's progress.

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The original Blade, Wesley Snipes, has taken to social media to poke fun at the Blade reboot delays. He first commented on Twitter, "Lordy Lordy Lordy," and then stated that Marvel Studios is still looking for that "secret sauce," claiming that "daywalkers make it look easy." While Snipes has previously voiced support for the reboot, this is the first time he has publicly mocked its issues. Interestingly, he is not the first to do so, as his co-star did the same earlier.

Snipes took on the iconic role of Blade in 1998, starring in a standalone movie followed by two sequels, with the trilogy concluding in 2004 with Blade: Trinity. A Blade TV series aired two years later but was canceled after one season. In 2019, Marvel Studios announced a reboot of Blade, but the project has faced numerous setbacks and remains unreleased five years later. Snipes had previously voiced his support for the reboot, especially after Mahershala Ali was cast as the new Blade. Reportedly, Snipes was never contacted about returning to the role and had not expressed any negative opinions about the reboot until recently. His recent mocking of such a major production studio comes as a surprise. However, Snipes is not the only actor from the original trilogy to criticize the reboot. Last year, his co-star Stephen Dorff also publicly mocked Marvel and the Blade reboot. Dorff laughed about the production struggles, asserting that the original trilogy set the standard and that the reboot was a mockery. Dorff has a history of criticizing Marvel films, calling them garbage and embarrassing, not just targeting the Blade reboot.

The Blade reboot has faced numerous setbacks since its initial announcement. The production and premiere dates have been postponed multiple times, and the movie's premise has undergone significant changes, leaving the plot unclear. Recently, the script was rewritten again, with reports indicating that it is "back to square one" due to dissatisfaction from some "key players." Budget cuts have further complicated the production, with Marvel planning to spend less than $100 million, which is low for a major project like this. Additionally, several directors have been attached to the reboot, only to leave the project. Just last week, Yann Demange, who was supposed to direct, exited the project. Similarly, Michael Green stepped down as a writer, and Marvel is now searching for a replacement. On a positive note, Eric Pearson, who has worked on several Marvel movies, is now reported to be the screenwriter. For now, the premiere date is set for late 2025, but this remains uncertain. Fans of the franchise are left wondering if the reboot will ever see the light of day.

Blade is expected to be released on November 7, 2025.

Source: @wesleysnipes | Twitter

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a sprawling movie and television franchise that weaves together individual stories of superheroes including Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, Hulk, Black Widow, and many more. The first film in the franchise, Iron Man, was released in 2008. The MCU has garnered critical praise and financial success, earning billions at the box office and becoming a cultural phenomenon.

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