Now that The Matrix Resurrections is here, it's understandable that people might think this is the start of yet another trilogy. However, according to creator Lana Wachowski, this is in fact, not the beginning of another three-picture deal and is apparently meant to stand on its own as a sequel to The Matrix movies.

It certainly makes sense that fans of The Matrix movies would assume this is the beginning of another three-movie run. The original story was told over three films. However, it's worth noting that the Wachowski's never originally intended for The Matrix to be followed up by two other movies. That was simply a happy accident after the popularity of the first. For now, it appears that the people behind this new flick are looking to stick to the plan of one and done.

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While walking the red carpet at the premiere of The Matrix Resurrections, Lana Wachowski stopped and answered questions about why she even made a fourth film in the franchise. In doing so, she also answered a question about whether there would be two more movies after this one and she seemed to shut down that talk rather quickly. First, she made jokes about finding out where the question even came from and then said a very quick "no" as an answer before walking away from the microphone.

As for the rationale for this new film, Lana Wachowski explained that originally, there wasn't any interest in returning to the franchise by either her or her sister Lilly. She went on to say that after tragedy struck in the form of both her parents dying, she realized she needed something to help her deal with her grief. That help came in the form of The Matrix Resurrections.

Wachowski went on to say that inventing a story where "two people come back to life" was healing for her in several different ways. Even after writing the story, she didn't know if it was going to be turned into a film until she shared it with studio execs who realized that The Matrix Resurrections had to be made.

While Lana Wachowski seemed rather confident in her words that this movie isn't the beginning of another trilogy, it's important to remember that three movies were never expected the first time around either. Some fans might also be able to read into her reaction to the question and the small smile that creeps across her face in the video as The Matrix creator playing coy.

The Matrix Resurrections is now playing in theaters and on HBO Max.

MORE: How The Matrix Resurrections Can Achieve Success

Source: AP Entertainment