Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE is the newest game from some of the creators behind the Danganronpa series. The story follows Yuma Kokohead, a detective who wakes up in a train station with amnesia. Upon boarding his train, Yuma soon discovers that there is a plot to kill off the other detectives from the World Detective Organization onboard.

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Who, in the Kanai Ward of Amaterasu's private city, wants the WDO to butt out of their business? That's exactly what Yuma and his ghostly partner, Shinigami, are trying to find out in the game. There is a lot in common between Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE and Danganronpa, but some things are indeed better with this spiritual sequel.

8 A Bigger World

Exploring the world in Master Detective Archives RAIN CODE

Most of the Danganronpa games had players trapped in a school trying to solve the murders of fellow classmates. While Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE begins in a linear area via a train, the game opens up past that. It feels like a more lived-in world than any of the Danganronpa games.

The use of full 3D models is also a step up compared to the flat models from before. The anime-like designs have anyways been good in these games but they are particularly well rendered in Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE like Shinigami’s human form that looks a lot like Bowsette.

7 More Cinematic

Ghost Shinigami and Yuma in Master Detective Archives RAIN CODE

The game is more cinematic as well from having true cutscenes to getting more voice acting. The previous games relied on a visual novel way of storytelling between character portraits talking. There were a few CG cutscenes but they were few and far between.

The cutscenes are frequent in Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE, which like the bigger world, helps make the story more believable. Most of the dialogue is voiced too which is an upgrade from about 50% to 90%.

6 More RPG Elements

The skill tree in Master Detective Archives RAIN CODE

There was leveling up in the Danganronpa games but the idea in them seemed like an afterthought. While Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE is still not a hardcore RPG, the leveling-up mechanics do seem more frequent. By investigating certain areas, players will gain experience points.

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Upon leveling up, Yuma will get skill points and an increase to his skill allotment. There is a skill tree with upgrades ranging from health bonuses to investigation clues. Only so many skills can be equipped at a time which is where the allotment points come into play.

5 Absurdly Weird

Fighting a boss in Master Detective Archives RAIN CODE

The Danganronpa games were borderline anime experiences which is to say they were weird. The overall series was about a robotic army of teddy bears trying to take over the world with Despair and that is with a capital D. There were plenty of strange and funny moments but the overall vibe was dour.

While Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE is about investigating a series of gruesome murders, it’s somehow not as depressing. There is a lot of levity to the situations thanks to the well-written characters which makes it feel like a more fun world to be in.

4 Gets Going Faster

Yuma in Master Detective Archives RAIN CODE

The game begins with a prologue, which basically sets up the mechanics. Even though it is a long chapter with a lot of tutorial pop-up windows, it still moves at a brisk pace. It gets players going almost immediately into a murder investigation.

Once that first murder happens, players are going to be hooked until the very end of the experience. The pacing in Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE overall also deserves praise as players are not going to spend a lot of time dawdling around in-between cases.

3 Easier Investigations

Investigating a crime scene in Master Detective Archives RAIN CODE

Besides the hook of leveling up by scanning every investigation node, the overall mechanics of moving around feels more intuitive. Players are not going to get lost in a room thanks to points of interest getting highlighted. Some players may miss the more obscure nature of investigations from the Danganronpa games.

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They were definitely more attuned to serve fans of adventure and visual novel games. However, the reworking of the mechanics in Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE help keep the game flowing better which helps with the pacing.

2 A Constant Companion

Talking to Shinigami in Master Detective Archives RAIN CODE

The biggest win Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE has over the Danganronpa games is Shinigami. She is a Death God that Yuma makes a contract with. She will be with him for the entire game sort of like Navi from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time except less annoying. This is a new mechanic for these games and it is a welcomed addition.

Shinigami can help with investigations by pointing players in the right direction if they choose. More so than that, she also helps keep the game light thanks to her constant joking. For players that enjoy anime or games with fans service, Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE has plenty of that via Shinigami.

1 The Mystery Labyrinths

Exploring the Mystery Labyrinth in Master Detective Archives RAIN CODE

The Danganronpa games were split into several distinct modes. Players could explore the school and talk to classmates. They could investigate crime scenes that concluded with a trial. Mini-games were thrown in as well but it became formulaic by the third main entry.

Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE has a formula as well via the Mystery Labyrinth which is a mind palace-like dungeon akin to the dungeons in Persona 5. They are constantly changing and make solving cases a more interactive and visual experience.

Master Detective Archives RAIN CODE was released on June 30, 2023, and is available on Switch.

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