
  • Mass Effect 4's connection to previous games is unclear, but understanding the unique features of the trilogy is important.
  • Loyalty among NPCs impacts the overall narrative and character survival in Mass Effect 2 and 3.
  • Combining diverse character abilities is crucial for optimal combat performance in Mass Effect.

The Mass Effect trilogy is often praised as one of the best single-player role-playing experiences of all time thanks to its rich lore, strong characters, and focus on meaningful choice. Just how much the upcoming Mass Effect 4 will build off the original games is unclear, but it's worth dissecting the trilogy nonetheless, as it contains a number of unique features that can catch even veteran players off guard.

Although the three Mass Effect games can differ greatly, the player experience can be broken into two broad categories: mission-to-mission combat and exploration, and non-hostile narrative sections. Essentially, each mission in Mass Effect is separated by downtime in a neutral zone, usually the Normandy, where Shepard can bond with their squad mates and make preparations for the rest of the game. This structure is central to the Mass Effect experience, and the oscillation between fast-paced combat and world-building downtime helps the pacing a great deal. Knowing as much as possible about both of these design pillars is crucial to succeeding in all three games.

Mass Effect Taking a Whole New Gameplay Direction Might Be Its Best Bet

The Mass Effect series has largely kept the same style of third-person shooter gameplay through each release, but it may be time for a refresh.

Mass Effect: The Ins and Outs

Mass Effect 2's NPC Loyalty System Is Even More Important Than It Seems

Mass Effect isn't the only relationship-focused RPG, but the franchise certainly places a premium on the player's interactions with NPCs, as Shepard's relationships with other characters can significantly impact the overall narrative of the series. A famous example of the series' emphasis on interpersonal relationships comes in the final mission of Mass Effect 2, during which every member of the Normandy crew, including Shepard, can be killed. Which characters survive this final mission depends greatly on whether Shepard has gained their loyalty earlier in the game.

What's a bit unclear is the fact that character loyalty will actually impact the events of Mass Effect 3 as well. For one thing, while Shepard's death in ME2 simply isn't considered canon, this isn't the case for other characters, meaning that players can miss out on beloved Mass Effect companions like Tali and Garrus entirely in ME3 based on their decisions in the second game. Additionally, while not every disloyal character is guaranteed to die in the final mission of ME2, failing to secure their loyalty can lead to their demise in ME3. For instance, Kasumi can die in a side mission in ME3 if she doesn't become loyal to Shepard in ME2. Loyalty can also impact Effective Military Strength.

Combining Class Powers Is Crucial in Mass Effect

It's not unusual for Mass Effect players to have favorite squad mates that they want to keep in their party for the majority of their playthrough, but character abilities need to be considered for optimal combat performance. The trilogy is centered on a mix of high-intensity third-person shooting and tactical decision-making, and ensuring that party composition is appropriately diverse can have a massive impact when it comes to dispatching different types of enemies.

For instance, tech-focused characters with the Overload ability will come in handy when facing synthetic enemies or overcoming certain shields, and biotics or soldiers can more easily dispatch enemies using tough-to-crack biotic barriers. By ensuring that Shepard's companions have a good range of different skills, players can avoid unnecessary challenges. This is especially important when playing Mass Effect on harder difficulties, as enemies will hit harder and rush the player, making efficiency vital to survival.

Don't Overlook Effective Military Strength in Mass Effect 3

To achieve what is often considered the best ending to the Mass Effect trilogy (destroying the Reapers while keeping Shepard alive), players need to have a high Effective Military Strength. There are a number of decisions the player can make to influence their EMS with some, like befriending Khalisa Al-Jilani and saving the Rachni Queen in the first game, being not so immediately obvious. Keeping these less obvious decisions in mind and understanding that every choice, throughout all three games, can affect the final ending, is important for those looking for the best outcome, which may wind up being canonized in Mass Effect 4.

Mass Effect Trilogy

Mass Effect Trilogy is a compilation featuring BioWare's Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mess Effect 3. The Trilogy also contains all of the downloadable content for the first two games including Lair of the Shadow Broker, Stolen Memory, Bring Down the Sky, and Overlord.

Mass Effect
Action RPG , Third-Person Shooter