Tali'Zorah nar Rayya appears in Mass Effect: HomeworldsMass EffectMass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3. She is the Quarian daughter of Rael'Zorah, who is a member of the Admiralty Board. Despite her youth, Tali'Zorah extremely capable when it comes to mechanics and technology. She is one of the party members in Commander Shepard's squad

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Tali'Zorah wears a full-body suit and helmet because Quarians have weaker immune systems compared to the other creatures in the universe. She is grounded in her beliefs, has great humility, and often feels vulnerable. She is motivated by her loyalty to her father and the Migrant Fleet, and often feels pressured to prove herself. Below are some of the moments from the games where her personality shines through in her dialogue.

10 It Will Turn On Us

Mass Effect Tali Talking

When the team is at the Citadel, they will take on the Signal Tracking mission. During this assignment, Commander Shepard engages the AI. He asks it if the problem they are in the midst of can be resolved peacefully.

Tali'Zorah disagrees big time. She responds, "How can you say that to this thing? You know it will turn on us!" As the player already knows by this point in the story, Tail'Zorah is not the biggest fan of robots.

9 Young Males Have Strange Ideas

Mass Effect Tali Normandy

While the team is on Noveria, in Port Hanshan, they approach Lorik Qui'in. The squad engages in a conversation revolving around Matriarch Benezia. Lorik Qui'in comments on Matriarch Benezia's outfit, and how it resonates well with younger males.

Tali'Zorah reacts to this with: "Young males of all species have strange ideas of what the Asari are like." She says this because the Asari are a mono-gender race. However, they seem feminine and even motherly.

8 Open Your Helmet And Cough

Mass Effect Tali Behind

During the mission "Escape" at the Citadel Archives, the team finds the culprit behind the identity theft of Commander Shepard's clone.

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When Commander Shepard encounters the clone, they taunt Tali'Zorah in regards to how she never takes her helmet off. They say, "I don't know whether I should kill you with a bullet or just open your helmet and cough." To this, she responds, "You are just a cheap imitation of the real thing."

7 Spiders, Spiders, Spiders

Mass Effect Tali Looking

When a Korgan team goes missing, the squad investigates via the Krogan Team in the Attican Traverse. They go through a cave filled with poisonous gas and monsters.

Eventually, Swarmers show up after being released from gestation pods. If James Vega is not a part of the team, Tali'Zorah will shout, "Spiders, spiders, spiders, spiders!" It seems that Quarians, like many humans, are not fans of spiders or other bugs.

6 Uncle Urdnot Wrex

Mass Effect Tali Conversation

During the "Retake the Normandy" mission, the team visits the Citadel Docks. There, they get on an elevator and ride it to the shuttle bay. When Urdnot Wrex asks Tali'Zorah if she remembers the "quick reloading technique" for the shotgun she's is holding, she replies that she has been taking care of herself for the past several years now.

Udrnot Wrex responds that he is old and therefore worries, following up with, "My favorite Quarian is all grown up and killing Reapers." Tali'Zorah replies with saying that Urdnot Wrex is the "crazy, head-butting uncle she's never had."

5 What We Did To Cop Killers

Mass Effect Tali Gun

While the team is on Noveria pursuing the mission regarding Lorik Qui'in, Shepard helps Lorik Qui'in by getting evidence of corruption. Kaira Stirling confronts him afterward, asking Commander Shepard, "You know what we did to cop killers on my world?"

Tali'Zorah responds by asking Kaira Stirling if they should feel bad for preventing her when they are working off-duty for bribes. She makes this comment because Kaira Stirling is a security officer at Port Hanshan on Noveria. Not only that, she is a sergeant (and a human).

4 Space Monkey Lover

Mass Effect Tali Shepard

At some point, the team finds themselves on Eletania for the UNC: Lost Module mission. There is a part of the assignment where they encounter Space Monkeys. They may be killed or searched, in pursuit of the Lost Module.

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If killed, Tali'Zorah reacts with: "That was a little extreme…wasn't it?" She loathes the Geth, which the player understands. However, she has a soft spot when it comes to Space Monkeys and the other animal-like species.

3 A Good Poker Face

Mass Effect Tali Stare

At one point in the story, Commander Shepard retrieves the FBA Couplings for Gabby and Kenneth on the Normandy. They play a game of poker, which Tali'Zorah joins as well.

If Commander Shepard does not charm or intimidate Kenneth, Tali'Zorah will say, "Oh no, what did I get myself into?" And if he wins at least 100 credits, she comments: "And I thought I had a good poker face." This just straight-up funny, as other players literally cannot read Tali'Zorah's face beneath her helmet.

2 My Two Sexiest Belts

Mass Effect Tali Sitting

When the team is doing the Infiltration mission at the Silver Coast Casino, Tali'Zorah may enter the place with Commander Shepard. If Commander Shepard is female, following the comment on her enviro-suit, she says: "At least you can dress up. What can I do? I'm already wearing my two sexiest belts!" Tali'Zorah always wears two belts as part of her ensemble, but her required full-body suit isn't really geared towards seduction.

This exchange doesn't take place .f Commander Shepard is male. Rather, following the comment that he has not worn formal attire for some time, Tali'Zorah says: "Your suit needs something."

1 Real And Mine

Mass Effect Tali Chatting

At the Cerberus Headquarters, during the Priority Mission, Tali'Zorah comforts Commander Shepard if they romanced previously. This happens following the team checking out the first of the video logs of the Lazarus Project.

Afterward, he becomes frightened over the idea he might actually just be an advanced robot that thinks it is Commander Shepard. Tali'Zorah, however, reassures him: "You are real…Real…and mine."

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