Six years may have passed since the release of the last mainline entry in the series, but BioWare's Mass Effect 4 is still a highly anticipated upcoming release. Mass Effect: Andromeda took the franchise in a slightly different direction that didn't quite pan out the way the developer intended, but Mass Effect 4 seems to be bringing things back on track with a reunion of elements from both the original trilogy and the fourth installment. Alongside these returning aspects, Mass Effect 4 will likely add its own original ingredients into the mix, but these could also include resurrected elements from another BioWare IP.

With a controversial ending for Shepard's journey in Mass Effect 3 and a departure that didn't necessarily pay off in Mass Effect: Andromeda, the pressure is on for Mass Effect 4 to bring fans back on board. Despite some minor missteps, the Mass Effect series remains a beloved part of the developer's catalog, and there are more than a few players waiting patiently to see where the series goes next. BioWare might be slightly risk-averse given the reception of Mass Effect: Andromeda and the ill-fated Anthem, but it could use the latter as inspiration for some of the new additions to Mass Effect 4.

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Anthem's Demise

Anthem Javelin Group

Anthem was BioWare's attempt to move away from its long-running series and introduce a new IP that embraced multiplayer. When Anthem was first announced, gamers were intrigued by the concept of an alien planet that they could explore with a variety of enhanced exosuits. This felt different from other science fiction titles that BioWare had released up to that point, but unfortunately with a botched launch and an unfinished product, Anthem failed to impress. There was a brief moment of hope for fans when it seemed like BioWare might follow in CD Projekt Red's footsteps and significantly rework the title post-launch, but this was dashed with the cancelation of Anthem 2.0.

However, there are aspects of Anthem and its canceled reboot that could be successfully recycled into one of BioWare's other science fiction franchises – Mass Effect. Mass Effect: Andromeda made lots of changes when it came to the formula, from switching up the setting to introducing a whole new main cast of characters, and it definitely took some risks. While not all of them paid off, there were aspects that made improvements and added new features. Combat felt more fun, gameplay was more dynamic, and traversal options were really opened up with the use of a jump-jet. Players will be looking at what Mass Effect 4 might include from previous entries, but also what it might tweak and innovate from other BioWare properties like Anthem.

How Mass Effect 4 Could Capitalize On It


Anthem might have failed to live up to the potential of its premise, and while it could have won players back if it was given the chance, it will remain a slightly dark spot on BioWare's resume. Anthem 2.0 never managed to see the light of day, but it would be a shame if all aspects of the IP are left behind. However, one thing that many agree Anthem nailed was the use of exosuits and the way the game's flight was handled, which Mass Effect 4 could potentially make use of.

Players will be familiar with the N7 armor in the first three Mass Effect games along with other memorable armor sets, as well as Mass Effect: Andromeda's Initiative equivalent, but this space suit could be upgraded to include a version of Anthem's Javelins. Not much is known about Mass Effect 4's story, but it seems likely that it will take place in a Milky Way galaxy that has suffered greatly not just from the Reaper invasion, but also the destruction of the mass relay system and all AI as well. Space-faring societies will be rebuilding, and this could pave the way for new types of tech, especially those that make use of left-behind advanced Reaper technology which could translate to a Javelin-style getup and ensure Anthem's survival in one small way.

Mass Effect 4 is in development.

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