One dedicated Mass Effect player has attempted to beat the game without using the Mako at all throughout the run. While the Mako isn't exactly a Mass Effect fan favorite, it remains an important piece of utility in the original game.

The Mako remains one of the most controversial features in the series, with Mass Effect: Legendary Edition making improvements to the Mako's controls due to fan disdain for the original. It was so unpopular that it was removed entirely in Mass Effect 2 and 3, only appearing as set dressing throughout the rest of the trilogy. The Mako was replaced with the Nomad for Mass Effect: Andromeda, where BioWare finally seemed to remove the clunkiness of the controls to fan delight everywhere. Even with the controls, it's hard to imagine playing the original Mass Effect without it.

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The video from popular YouTuber Big Dan Gaming shows their attempts to beat the original Mass Effect without the use of the Mako. To begin with, the effort goes remarkably well. Therum is a breeze, and they manage to brave the colds of Noveria, despite it taking much longer than it usually would. Even the worlds of Feros and Virmire go without a hitch. It's Ilos where this run comes into some severe problems for the player. While it mostly works, the end of Ilos involves a race against time in the Mako, where the player must reach the Conduit before it closes. Of course, in this run, it's impossible to reach in time, and the mission ends in failure. It answers the question once and for all - no, it isn't possible to beat Mass Effect without the Mako, but players can get pretty close.

Challenge runs of classic games are always an interesting watch, as they're often the best way to give a fresh perspective on games that many believe have nothing left to give the gaming community. Mass Effect is particularly difficult, as BioWare doesn't offer many options for the player to tweak, so any restrictions must be entirely self-imposed. A perfect example of a great challenge run is the Fallout: New Vegas player who beat the game roleplaying as Ronald Reagan, which shows the versatility that so many RPGs have.

As of right now, it's unknown if BioWare is planning for the Mako to play a part in the upcoming Mass Effect 4. The developer is remaining tight-lipped about the project, which has been in active development for a few years now. While the Mako has been spotted in some of the early teases, there's still a long way to go until the game finally releases, so anything could change between now and then.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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