
  • Wrex is a witty and clever Krogan squadmate who adds charm to the Mass Effect universe with his sarcastic remarks and level-headedness.
  • Liam Kosta brings fun to the Andromeda squad through his quips and one-liners, making him one of the most interesting and charismatic human allies in the series.
  • EDI, the ship's AI in Mass Effect 3, proves to be more than just a machine with her sarcastic dialogue and charismatic personality, becoming a valued member of the team.

Each Mass Effect game features a handful of squadmates that the player can recruit onto their team. Because every one of these characters is so radically different from one another though, it means that everyone has their own personal favorites, but there are definitely some individuals who are much more fun and charismatic than others.

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Given how terrifying the looming threat of the Reapers is, it never hurts to have an ally who's able to cheer up the rest of the squad with their bubbly and infectious personality, and luckily, there are quite a few squadmates who fit this description. It's clear that BioWare made a real effort to give some of their characters a larger-than-life presence and persona which ends up making them a ton of fun to be around, and it's these quirky characters that this list is going to focus on today.

7 Urdnot Wrex

More Witty And Clever Compared To His Krogan Peers

Urdnot Wrex

When Shepherd starts to learn more about Wrex throughout the first Mass Effect game, he's revealed to be a little more negotiable and level-headed compared to a lot of his Krogan brethren. Rather than wanting to destroy the universe and all its inhabitants like some of his peers, Wrex instead seeks a logical answer to curing the horrific Genophage, which already makes him an incredibly fascinating character.

Still, despite his more mature outlook on life in contrast to the rest of his species, Wrex still has that underlying brash Krogan nature that makes him a joy to listen to, especially considering how clever he is with his words. One moment, he's going on a sarcastic tirade about how "smart" the Salarians think they are, while the next, he's commenting on how little of a chance Saren has going up against Shepherd and the rest of the squad. He's an incredibly important, but also very charming character in the wider Mass Effect universe.

6 Liam Kosta

Provides The Andromeda Squad With Fun Thanks To His Quips And One-Liners

Liam Kosta

While the majority of the Andromeda squadmates are very stern and serious for most of the game, Liam's slightly more care-free attitude helps to make the group feel a little more fun, with him often being cited by fans as one of the most interesting and charismatic human allies in the series. On the battlefield, Liam excels at drawing away enemy fire and clearing some space for his comrades, and this means that he's constantly throwing out snarky one-liners and clever remarks to attract the enemy's attention.

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These silly lines of dialogue help break up the tension from the looming threat of the Reapers.

Even when talking to him outside of battle though, Liam proves that he's dedicated to the mission at hand, but still believes that having a positive and idealistic outlook on life is the best way forward. He's a fantastic character who's always got something new to say whenever he's approached.


Proves Through Her Sarcastic Dialogue That She's More Than A Simple AI


EDI might be the central AI of the Normandy, but it isn't just restricted to reciting statistics and facts as part of its role. Instead, EDI will regularly engage in conversations with the rest of the crew and throw out witty remarks to remind people that it's much more than a simple machine. In Mass Effect 3, EDI actually acquires a physical body and becomes a fully-fledged squadmate on Shepherd's crew.

Luckily, she's retained the jovial and sarcastic personality that made her so much fun to listen to in the previous game, but considering she can now also be brought out for missions, it means that her endless charisma can also shine in the heat of battle too when she's talking down to her enemies. While she's literally designed to be nothing more than a fact machine for Shepherd aboard his ship, EDI eventually decides to become a much more layered and lovable character in her own right, and it ends up making her a highly valued member of the team.

4 Liara T'Soni

Smart, Goofy, And Incredibly Endearing

Liara in her office

Liara may be quiet and shy on the surface, but when players get to know her a little deeper, they'll discover that she's actually incredibly charming, partly because of how upbeat and positive she always is. Even during the first few hours of Mass Effect 3 when Earth has been almost completely decimated, it's Liara who manages to get Shepherd back to his feet, instilling her positive energy into the commander through her wise words of encouragement.

Her slightly more goofy side is also incredibly endearing, especially during the romance scenes where she tries to explain her affection for Shepherd in the most hilarious ways possible. Liara is often considered to be a fan-favorite squadmate of the series, and there's no doubt that her charming and sweet personality is a big reason why.

3 Jack

An Outgoing And Cocky Nature Makes Her A Ton Of Fun To Be Around


There's no denying that Jack is loud, brash, and at times, a very rude individual, but this is ultimately what makes her so intriguing as a character since she's never afraid to say what she's really thinking. When speaking to Jack, who prefers to hang out at the bottom of the Normandy, she will often use nicknames when referring to the other characters, such as calling Miranda a "Cheerleader" which she uses multiple times throughout the game to tease her with.

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Jack's immense strength as a biotic human also allows her to say some pretty outlandish and over-the-top dialogue which also lends to her infectious charisma, such as saying how she plans to blow a Cerberus base sky-high all by herself. She might not be charming in the traditional sense, but it's hard for any fan to argue that Jack still isn't bursting with charisma.

2 Tali'Zorah

An Endlessly Charismatic Personality Shines When Players Get To Know Her


In a similar vein to Liara, Tali can often come across as a fairly introverted character, but underneath the surface, she has a much more comical and sarcastic side that really shines through at certain points in the original trilogy. Tali is known for being a tech expert, often being heralded by the Migrant Fleet as one of the smartest Quarians alive, and while she always uses her intellect to help others, she can also run circles around people who aren't quite as smart as she is, which results in some hilarious conversations.

Her bubbly personality really shines though during the Citadel DLC, where she steals the show with her comical remarks and references, one of the most notable being when she tries to mimic Liara being stuck in a bubble during the first game. While Tali's unique design is definitely one reason why she's so beloved by a lot of the fanbase, her underlying charisma is another huge factor.

1 Garrus Vakarian

Oozes Badass Charisma Without Even Needing To Say Much

Garrus sitting down

Garrus somehow manages to get more charismatic with every game he makes an appearance in. During the events of the first game, he's a C-Sec veteran who is determined to bring Saren to justice, but by Mass Effect 2, he's developed a much more laid-back attitude that comes from his time hunting down thugs as the Archangel. Without even needing to say too much, Garrus comes across as effortlessly cool and charismatic through his actions alone, especially when he's popping off Geth heads from afar like nobody's business.

He's also one of the very few squadmates who will actually tease Shepherd from time to time, such as when he claims that Shepherd is officially now the better-looking of the two after Garrus gets scorched by a helicopter. He may be fiercely dedicated to stopping the Reapers, but Garrus isn't against throwing out some funny and clever dialogue every now and again, whether it's aboard the Normandy, or even when face to face with the enemy.

mass effect
Mass Effect

Created by
Casey Hudson
Creation Year
BioWare , Edge of Reality , Demiurge Studios , Straight Right