Mass Effect: Legendary Edition sees players take on the Reapers once again as they fight to protect the galaxy from a cycle of extermination millions of years in the making. There's no fight without weapons, however, and fans who want the best shot at beating the Reapers need to know which guns are better than others.

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Mass Effect: Legendary Edition possesses a dizzying variety of weapons spread throughout all three games. As such, when ranking the Legendary Edition's weapons by tier, each tier also has to be distinguished by game. Although there isn't room for all of the available weapons in the trilogy, here are the rankings for the best guns in each Mass Effect game.

Updated February 18, 2022 by Mark Hospodar: In Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, not every weapon is made equally. A diverse array of firearms stands ready at the player's disposal. However, for new players especially, knowing which weapons are the best is certainly handy information.

This guide has been broken down into four tiers composed of some of the best weaponry in the trilogy. For a more in-depth look into the trilogy's best weapons and how to get them, check out these regarding Pistols, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and Heavy Weapons.

S-Tier Weapons

Cerberus Soldiers Carrying M-22 Eviscerators From Mass Effect 3

The S-Tier represents the cream of the crop regarding the trilogy's huge selection of weapons. Obviously, these beasts should be prioritized above all other choices when it comes to Shepard's loadout. However, acquiring the best firearms isn't always quick or easy. Players will need patience (and sometimes deep pockets) before putting these weapons to work.

Mass Effect 1

Commander Shepard With Master Spectre Gear From Mass Effect Legendary Edition

In the case of the first Mass Effect game, the S-Tier weapons primarily consist of X-Level Spectre gear. Fans can get their hands on these weapons from the Requisitions Officer on the Normandy or the C-Sec Academy after completing the main story mission on Virmire. However, these weapons are quite expensive, so players should save as many credits as possible before heading to Virmire.

  • HMWP Master Pistol X
  • HMWSG Master Shotgun X
  • HMWA Master Assult Rifle X
  • HMWSR Master Sniper Rifle X

Mass Effect 2

Shepard Wielding A Geth Plasma Shotgun From Mass Effect 2

Shepard's arsenal of weaponry is no less diverse in Mass Effect 2. Players should keep their eyes peeled for these weapons, as some of them can be found during missions. Failing that, they can always be purchased from one of the many terminals on the Citadel, although be prepared to spend some money.

  • M-5 Phalanx
  • Geth Plasma Shotgun
  • M-96 Mattock
  • Black Widow
  • Collector Particle Beam
  • M-12 Locust

Mass Effect 3

Shepard Firing The Cerberus Harrier From Mass Effect 3

In Mass Effect 3, Shepard faces the full onslaught of the Reapers head-on in a desperate struggle for survival. Like the previous entry, many of the S-Tier weapons can be found during the course of a mission or purchased afterward. These represent some of the best weapons in ME3.

  • M-11 Suppressor
  • Javelin
  • Cerberus Harrier
  • M-90 Indra
  • M-560 Hydra
  • N-7 Hurricane

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A-Tier Weapons

Saren Holding A Pistol From Mass Effect

The A-Tier weapons of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition represent excellent firearms capable of getting any job done. The line between S-Tier and A-Tier can often be blurry. As such, players should think of these weapons as suitable alternatives before upgrading to the S-Tier.

Mass Effect 1

Wrex Carring An Armageddon Shotgun From Mass Effect

If players find themselves either unwilling or unable to capture the primo Spectre gear, plenty of other great X-Level alternatives exists. These weapons can be purchased, although buying the requisite armory license first is typically required. Players can also find these weapons as random loot. Nevertheless, Shepard will need to be close to the level cap before these weapons start to spawn.

  • Karpov X
  • Armageddon Shotgun X
  • Kovalyov Assault Rifle X
  • Volkov Sniper Rifle X

Mass Effect 2

Shepard Holding A M-6 Carnifex From Mass Effect 3

Attaining the A-Tier gear in Mass Effect 2 works no differently than their S-Tier counterparts. The vast majority of these weapons will have to either be purchased and/or researched on the Normandy before becoming available to the player.

  • M-6 Carnifex
  • M-22 Eviscerator
  • Geth Pulse Rifle
  • M-98 Widow
  • M-490 Blackstorm/Arc Projector
  • M-9 Tempest

Mass Effect 3

Venom Shotgun From Mass Effect 3

The A-Tier weapons of Mass Effect 3 perform admirably when pitted against the Reaper threat. Once again, players should get into the habit of saving their money since most of these weapons, with the exception of the M-358 Talon and Reaper Blackstar, must be purchased.

  • M-358 Talon
  • Venom Shotgun
  • N7 Typhoon
  • Kishock Harpoon Gun
  • Reaper Blackstar
  • Blood Pack Punisher

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B-Tier Weapons

Prothean Firing A Particle Rifle From Mass Effect 3

B-Tier weaponry isn't quite as special as those found in the previous tiers. These firearms are a bit less unique, although they still have their uses. Players a tad short on credits and/or resources can still utilize these competent weapons in battle without sacrificing too much in the process.

Mass Effect 1

Sokolov Shotgun From Mass Effect

The stats for these weapons are still significant, although they remain inferior to the top-of-the-line Spectre gear. Some are better at dealing damage, while others tend to favor accuracy. As always, it's important to be aware of a weapon's strengths and limitations before equipping it.

  • Brawler X
  • Sokolov Shotgun X
  • Crossfire X
  • Punisher Sniper Rifle X

Mass Effect 2

M-76 Revenant From Mass Effect LE

It's worth mentioning here that the M-76 Revenant assault rifle is only available to players who have chosen the Soldier class in Mass Effect 2. All of the other weapons can be found throughout the course of various quests, notably recruitment/loyalty missions.

  • M-3 Predator
  • M-27 Scimitar
  • M-76 Revenant
  • M-97 Viper
  • M-451 Firestorm

Mass Effect 3

Executioner Pistol From Mass Effect 3

The Executioner Pistol and Graal Spiker Thrower costs a modest sum of credits: 10,000 and 7,000 respectively. Fans, however, can acquire the Spike Thrower for free during "Priority: Tuchanka." The N7 Valiant, however, will fetch a high price at 250,000 credits.

  • Executioner Pistol
  • Graal Spike Thrower
  • Particle Rifle
  • N7 Valiant
  • Geth Spitfire

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C-Tier Weapons

Garrus Holding M-92 Mantis From Mass Effect Legendary Edition

C-Tier weapons are the final class of firearms that can still be considered the "best" the trilogy has to offer. Although there's always room for some argument, these weapons find it tougher to compete with their beefier and more valuable cousins.

Mass Effect 1

Spectre Gear From Mass Effect 1

Players who don't feel like waiting around for the X-Level gear to spawn should consider investing in the VII-Level Spectre weapons. These firearms are unlocked after Shepard is made a Spectre relatively early in the main story. Fans can still utilize these weapons for quite some time before they eventually become obsolete with the higher-level gear.

  • HMWP Master Pistol VII
  • HMWSG Master Shotgun VII
  • HMWA Master Assault Rifle VII
  • HMWSR Master Sniper Rifle VII

Mass Effect 2

Shepard Wielding The M-15 Vindicator From Mass Effect 2

The M-300 Claymore, like many other weapons in the trilogy, appears in both Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. It's worth noting that in the second entry, only Soldiers and Vanguards can acquire a Claymore, which occurs during the Collector Ship mission.

  • M-300 Claymore
  • M-15 Vindicator
  • M-92 Mantis
  • M-100 Grenade Launcher

Mass Effect 3

M-11 Wraith From Mass Effect 3

Unlike the vast majority of the other weapons in this guide, the M-99 Saber can't actually be purchased if Shepard happens to miss it during "Priority: Horizon." It's locked inside a pod that players will have to open by accessing a holographic terminal nearby.

  • Acolyte
  • M-11 Wraith
  • M-99 Saber
  • Krysae Sniper Rifle
  • M-920 Cain
  • M-25 Hornet

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is currently available on PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One.

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