IfMass Effect fans have kept up with the latest news and leaks of the franchise, BioWare’s announcement of a remastered edition of the original trilogy may seem like old news. In fact, it’s fairly routine that players getMass Effectnews when N7 Day (today, November 7) rolls around, but it's not usually what fans are wanting. However, it’s still exciting that both old and soon-to-be-new fans of the series will get to see the epic saga of Commander Shepard in higher resolution in theMass Effect Legendary Editionof the trilogy.

BioWare made the announcement today on its blog that theMass Effect Legendary Editionwill be available in Spring 2021. This special remaster will feature all base game content from the original trilogy but also all DLC fromMass Effect, Mass Effect 2,andMass Effect 3.TheLegendary Editionwill include all promotional weapons, packs, and armors too. While fans have little information beyond the cover art reveal and blog post, there are a few things that players can look forward to and speculate about.

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All Previous Mass Effect DLC Included

mass effect: legendary edition announcement

It’s not uncommon for game remasters to include all previous DLC, but it’s still incredibly exciting. While DLC shouldn’t, and in most cases doesn’t, detract from or overshadow the main story, it still adds an extra bit of immersion into the game world that players appreciate.The originalMass Effectgamehad two DLC packs titled “Bring Down the Sky” and “Pinnacle Station,” in which players got to play as Commander Shepard a bit longer to save other people in the galaxy from certain doom.

Mass Effect 2was when BioWare hit hard with DLC, which could be purchased with “BioWare Points” or real-life currency. Overall, there were 15 different DLC items available, not including the digital comicMass Effect: Genesis, and 5 of these items were available for free when players signed into the Cerberus Network. Each DLC pack had a different focus, whether it was armor or an extra mission. In fact, the DLCs “Zaeed - The Price of Revenge” and “Kasumi - Stolen Memory”introduced extra Mass Effect companionsthat were only available upon the completion of their respective DLC pack. There were 9 promotional items available as well.

The last entry into the trilogy,Mass Effect 3didn’t have as much DLC available as its predecessor. There were 8 packs and 7 promotional items available for purchase, and a follow-up digital comic titledMass Effect: Genesis 2. Perhaps the most exciting DLC that will be available from this time is “Mass Effect: Citadel,” where players get to see their Commander Shepard have fun with their crewmates (andpossible romantic interest) on the Citadel for one night of cutting loose with some pretty laughable dancing.

For original trilogy players who never invested in the DLC, theLegendary Editionis sure to fill the gap. Instead of watching others do playthroughs of the DLC online, players will now be able to play the DLC themselves with the Commander they’ve created at no additional cost after purchase. Plus, everything has been revamped and enhanced for enjoyment in 4k Ultra HD.

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How Long Will it Take to Beat the Mass Effect Trilogy?

garus mass effect legendary edition

With any immersive video game, there is a certain amount of playtime that goes into completing it. Playtime is factored by adding together how long it takes to complete the main storyline along with other side missions and tasks that, although not pertinent to the main story, add exciting revelations about the story or fan-favorite characters.Mass Effectplayers easily logover 10 hours of playtime in the first game alone by just focusing on the primary missions.

There are a variety of different types of players: those who only focus on the primary storyline, others who do that and a little more, and even completionists who won’t stop until they’ve done every single task possible. With this in mind, completing theentirety of theMass Effect Legendary Editionmay be a task that takes a lot of dedicated time and energy. However, as many fans can attest, these games can go by quickly and by the time all is said and done, many players just want to jump back in and replay.

Normal playtime hours don’t even begin to factor in DLC, so players can look forward to a long road with theMass Effect Legendary Edition—assuming they don’t play a speed run the first time around. TheMass Effectuniverse is immersive and expansive, so players are sure to get lost in the magic of the remaster just like they did in the original trilogy, although the cover art does seem to showresident crewmate Asari Liara T’Soniin an interesting light.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Price Tag

BioWare Casey Hudson Mass Effect 5 veterans confirmed concept art

The exciting bonus features built-into theLegendary Editionmay seem like a reason to bump prices, but generally, the market sees releases like this still hit the standard $60 range. It's possible since Mass Effectfans are operating with little additional information that the extras included in this complete remaster of the trilogy will make this game more expensive than usual AAA game prices, but it's not highly likely. It’s also fair to assume that theMass Effect Legendary Editionmay be available in standard, deluxe, and collector’s edition pre-orders, as is typical fashion forMass Effectgames and other AAA titles. 

The news of this remaster has been a long time coming, especially thanks to the different leaks that have popped up over the last few months. Despite the predictable nature of the announcement, theMass Effect Legendary Editionis sure to be an incredible experience for old fans and new fans alike, especially with the bonus content and improved graphics. In the meantime, well before the release of theLegendary Edition, fans of the series can catch up on thereunion of theMass Effectvoice actors done in celebration of N7 Day.

Mass Effect Legendary Editionwill be available spring 2021 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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