Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is now officially announced after months of rumors regarding a remaster of the original Mass Effect trilogy. BioWare will be bundling Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3, and all of each game's respective DLC into a single package, to be released in spring 2021. But fans are already worrying that Mass Effect: Legendary Edition won't actually include all of each game. BioWare's announcement made no mention of any Mass Effect multiplayer being retained in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.

Multiplayer was an addition in Mass Effect 3, after both the original game and its sequel were entirely single-player. It was somewhat of a controversial decision at the time, but fans ultimately enjoyed Mass Effect 3's multiplayer for what it was. Despite that, it seems likely that Mass Effect 3's multiplayer is something that fans would want in a remaster of the trilogy. That's a substantial amount of great content, plus it ties into the single-player of Mass Effect 3 via the Galaxy at War feature.

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The multiplayer mode itself offers players a unique wave-based cooperative experience. Players would take on waves of different types of enemies in increasing difficulty, culminating in a powerful boss. But the depth of Mass Effect 3's multiplayer was the class-based progression, which had players unlock abilities that would allow them to more easily defeat certain types of enemies. Squads of complementary classes working together would be able to take on extreme challenges.

mass effect 3 multiplayer classes

First, to clarify, multiplayer hasn't been confirmed to be absent from Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. It's just that BioWare listed the planned contents of the package and didn't explicitly mention multiplayer being included. Perhaps it was implied with the mention of Mass Effect 3, since multiplayer was available at launch, but there was a variety of multiplayer DLC and it definitely seems like something BioWare would have mentioned specifically.

It would be understandable if BioWare did decide not to include Mass Effect 3's multiplayer in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. The package is already bundling in three large RPGs, each of which having been remastered. Remastering multiplayer may have been too much extra work, or setting up servers for a new release could be asking too much.

It's still possible that Mass Effect 3's multiplayer will be included. The standard version of Mass Effect 3's multiplayer is still up, after all. It's possible that Mass Effect: Legendary Edition players will be able to join the existing playerbase. There are still a lot of questions left to be answered. Mass Effect fans will just have to be patient for a few more months.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition releases spring 2020 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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