The Mass Effect universe is filled with all kinds of danger. Pirates, mercenaries, Geth, and Reapers are just a few of the enemies out to kill Commander Shepard. Sometimes, the player's regular weaponry isn't enough to get the job done. Players often need more destructive firepower to turn the tide of a difficult fight.

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That's where heavy weapons come into play. These typically single-use behemoths have the potential to obliterate multiple enemies in the blink of an eye. It's worth noting that some heavy weapons are a bit better than others. Therefore, it can be useful to know which of these heavy-duty beasts is worth looking out for in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.

Updated July 17, 2022 by Mark Hospodar: Knowing when to pull out the big guns in the Mass Effect trilogy can save players a lot of trouble. Finding the best heavy weapons is only the first step, as the key is knowing when to employ these beasts on the battlefield.

Generally, these weapons are best utilized against bosses or hordes of weaker enemies. It's also worth paying attention to the effects of each weapon. Some deal fire, while others result in massive explosions. It's recommended to test all of these weapons periodically to gain a better understanding of how best to use them when the right circumstances arise.

This list has been expanded to include some relevant stats so players know what they're getting with a particular weapon. A short section on heavy weapon upgrades in Mass Effect 2 has been added as well. Stats come courtest of the Mass Effect Wiki.

10 M-100 Grenade Launcher

The M-100 Grenade Launcher From Mass Effect 2
  • Firing Mode: Semi-Automatic
  • Reserve: 10
  • Base Damage: 500 - Mass Effect 2
  • Damage Multipliers: Armor - x1.25, Shields - x1.25, Barriers - x1.25

Just because a weapon is acquired early doesn't mean it's doomed to become obsolete. The M-100 Grenade Launcher in Mass Effect 2 is a perfect example. This particular heavy weapon is incredibly useful when fired at groups of enemies due to its high splash damage. Best of all, the grenade fires in a straight trajectory, so aiming is very simple.

The weapon is acquired at the beginning of Mass Effect 2. Miranda will instruct the player to pick it up as a small cluster of mechs pour through a nearby doorway. The M-100 Grenade Launcher can be kept throughout the rest of the game and can shred through armor, shields, and biotic barriers effectively even on the highest difficulty settings.

9 M-451 Firestorm

The M-451 Firestorm From Mass Effect Legendary Edition
  • Firing Mode: Automatic
  • Clip Size: 250 (ME3)
  • Reserve: 500 (ME2), 0 (ME3)
  • Base Damage: 15 - Mass Effect 2
  • Damage Multipliers: Armor - x1.35, Shields - x1.15, Barriers - x1.15

Not all heavy weapons have to be explosive in nature. The M-451 Firestorm is a portable flamethrower with a short range. However, enemies caught within its reach will suffer awfully significant damage. The Firestorm is one of the best weapons for melting armor in a matter of seconds. Krogan and Vorcha are particularly susceptible to it as it negates their regenerative capabilities.

The M-451 Firestorm is present in both the second and third entries. In Mass Effect 2, it can be found during "Zaeed: The Price of Revenge" on the corpse of a dead mercenary in the room BEFORE the Refinery Core. In Mass Effect 3, the Firestorm can be used during the "Attican Traverse: Krogan Team" mission.

8 M-490 Blackstorm

The M-490 Blackstorm From Mass Effect 2
  • Firing Mode: Single Shot
  • Reserve: 5
  • Base Damage: 500 - Mass Effect 2
  • Damage Multipliers: Armor - x3.0, Shields - x3.0, Barriers - x3.0

The M-490 Blackstorm, also known as the "black hole gun," is an immensely devastating weapon to employ against groups of enemies. It fires, unsurprisingly, a small black hole that pulls enemies together before exploding in impressive fashion. Targets caught within the blast are completely disintegrated. It's the perfect weapon to employ against legions of weaker enemies, such as Husks.

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The Blackstorm is only found in Mass Effect 2. The player must purchase it from Harrot's Emporium on Omega for 5,000 credits. Alternatively, players can receive a discount from Harrot by completing the "Omega: Struggling Quarian" side mission. If that's the case, players can obtain the Blackstorm for only 4,166 credits.

7 Collector Particle Beam

Mass Effect 2 Collectors
  • Firing Mode: Automatic
  • Reserve: 500
  • Base Damage: 20 - Mass Effect 2
  • Damage Multipliers: Armor - x1.0, Shields - x1.5, Barriers - x1.5

The Collectors are an unusual alien race, and much of the wider galaxy thinks them extinct. Therefore, Collector technology is as strange as it is unique. The Collector Particle Beam fires a continuous stream of intense energy, melting shields, armor, and barriers alike. It's also precise and has plenty of ammo capacity. The only drawback is that Shepard must maintain a constant line of sight with the target to reap the Particle Beam's maximum potential.

The player can only acquire the Collector Particle Beam in Mass Effect 2. They can find it during the "Horizon" mission after Shepard assembles the core members of his team. There are multiple Collector Particle Beams scattered across the map, so finding one shouldn't be an issue. Failing that, one will be awarded to the player at the conclusion of the mission regardless.

6 Reaper Blackstar

Shepard Firing A Reaper Blackstar From Mass Effect 3
  • Firing Mode: Single Shot
  • Clip Size: 1
  • Reserve: 0

The Reapers are a highly advanced race of biomechanical machines. As such, their weaponry is generally superior to anything the other races have to offer. The Reaper Blackstar is a case-in-point. When fired, the weapon emits a series of micro black holes that literally atomizes anything in its path. It only fires one charged shot, but that's more than enough to end an entire fight early.

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Like all heavy weapons in Mass Effect 3, Shepard drops the Reaper Blackstar once they have fired it. It appears across several missions, including "Priority: Palaven,""Tuchanka: Turian Platoon," and "Mahavid: Leviathan." Just aim this weapon in the general vicinity of an enemy and watch it do its deadly work.

5 Geth Spitfire

Geth Spitfire From Mass Effect 3
  • Firing Mode: Automatic
  • Clip Size: 200 or 1,000
  • Reserve: 0

Like the Reapers, Geth technology is also highly advanced and quite powerful. Throughout his adventures, Shepard has the opportunity to acquire various pieces of Geth weaponry. The Geth Spitfire is a heavy weapon that acts as a minigun. It's fully automatic, firing clusters of electric projectiles that turn enemies into plasmic soup.

The player can get their hands on the Geth Spitfire in Mass Effect 3. There are three instances where Shepard can obtain the Geth Spitfire. The first two are in "Priority: Rannoch" and "Rannoch: Admiral Koris." The final appearance of this weapon is in "Citadel Wards: Ambush," part of the Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC.

4 M-920 Cain

Shepard Firing M-920 Cain From Mass Effect 2
  • Firing Mode: Single Shot
  • Reserve: 100%
  • Base Damage: 10,000 - Mass Effect 2
  • Damage Multipliers: Armor - x1.0, Shields - x1.0, Barriers - x1.0

Nicknamed somewhat erroneously as the "nuke gun," the M-920 Cain delivers a devastating high explosive blast that emits a small mushroom cloud. The damage potential of the M-920 Cain is enormous, although it's hampered by its small ammo capacity. It's best utilized against strong, single targets or large groups of enemies.

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The M-920 Cain appears in both Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. In the former's case, the Cain can be unlocked after researching three heavy weapon ammo upgrades on the Normandy. In Mass Effect 3, players can get their hands on it during the mission "Priority: Earth."

3 Arc Projector

Arc Projector Promo Art From Mass Effect 2
  • Firing Mode: Single Shot
  • Reserve: 10
  • Base Damage: 400
  • Damage Multipliers: Armor - x2.0, Shields - x3.0, Barriers - x2.0

The Arc Projector is a devastatingly powerful weapon when utilized against groups of enemies. It ionizes targets through an invisible laser, electrocuting them in the process. Furthermore, this effect can be chained to other enemies in the vicinity, multiplying its damage potential.

The Arc Projector only appears in Mass Effect 2. Originally, it came as a free item as part of the Cerberus Network DLC. Nevertheless, the Arc Projector still appears in the Legendary Edition. Players should receive an email from the Illusive Man concerning the Arc Projector when the weapon becomes available in the armory.

2 M-560 Hydra

Shepard Firing A M-560 Hydra From Mass Effect 3
  • Firing Mode: Automatic
  • Clip Size: 1
  • Reserve: 0

The M-560 Hydra is the perfect example of an "overkill" weapon. It releases a barrage of three miniaturized missiles, each designed to eliminate a target in detail. One explosion destroys the target's shields and/or kinetic barriers. The next one melts the armor. Finally, the last explosion finishes off the now completely defenseless target. The M-560 Hydra is brutally efficient in its purpose.

Players can find this particular heavy weapon on multiple occasions throughout the course of Mass Effect 3. These locations include: "Tuchanka: Bomb,""Priority: Thessia,""Despoina: Leviathan,""Priority: Earth," and "Omega: Aria T'Loak." Charge the Hydra to its maximum potential and let the missiles fly.

1 M-622 Avalanche

Shepard Holding A M-622 Avalanche From Mass Effect 2
  • Firing Mode: Semi-Automatic
  • Reserve: 20
  • Base Damage: 50
  • Damage Multipliers: Armor - x8.0, Shields - x8.0, Barriers - x8.0

While most heavy weapons use high explosives or particle beams, the M-622 Avalanche utilizes cryo technology. The weapon proves doubly effective against shielded and armored enemies. The freezing blast of the Avalanche will neutralize an enemy's protection, eventually freezing the target solid altogether. Enemies become easy pickings when they can't fight back.

This unique heavy weapon is only available in Mass Effect 2. Commander Shepard can unlock the M-622 Avalanche on the Normandy once they have made two heavy weapon ammo upgrades through the research station.

Heavy Weapons Upgrades In Mass Effect 2

Players who want to make their big guns even more effective in Mass Effect 2 should consider investing some of their resources into upgrades. Heavy weapons are great for putting a dent into many of the game's toughest enemies, so choosing to upgrade them tends to be a wise strategy, as it gives players more ammo to work with:

  • Heavy Weapon Ammo 1-7 (Microfusion Array): +15% Heavy Weapon Ammo Capacity

Nevertheless, upgrades aren't free. Depending on a particular player's situation, tough choices may have to be made regarding where resources should be spent. If fans do decide on upgrading the ammo capacity of their heavy weapons, this is what it will cost them:

  • Cost of Microfusion Array: 2,500/5,000/7,500/10,000 Iridium or 30,000 Credits at Kenn's Salvage/Ratch's Wares

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is currently available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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