The Mass Effect series is famous for the incredible amount of freedom it gives players regarding the choices they make. Every decision impacts the storyline and has a profound effect on the ending. Some choices have a more immediate effect, limited to the game currently being played. However, some decisions carry over to the other games in the trilogy, and can either be a blessing or a curse for players.

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For new players of the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, this freedom can seem daunting as they worry about the ending they will get. By making the right decisions, players can achieve the best ending to the game. But it's also very easy for players to make the wrong decisions, and lock themselves out of Shepard's best ending.

Updated on January 17, 2022 by Talha Bin Rizwan: Players across the world found themselves once again in the boots of Commander Shepard with the release of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. They were tasked with destroying the Reaper Sovereign, the renegade Spectre Saren, and his Geth army. Players make a plethora of decisions throughout the game that lead them to their fated duel against Saren. Some of these decisions have a pleasant effect on the game's ending while others can have catastrophic outcomes. Players may find themselves making the wrong decision that will cost them the best ending. However, just by avoiding making these certain choices, players can guarantee that they will have a good ending.

12 Not Recruiting Wrex

Not recruiting Wrex from Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition can cost players the best ending

Wrex is one of the most prominent characters in the Mass Effect series. He is a recruitable companion in the first game, and makes an appearance in the second game. Finally, he has a pivotal role in the third game's main quest.

However, if players do not recruit him on the citadel, Wrex does not show up in the next two games. Instead, players will meet Wrex's brother Wreav, who is a lot less pleasant to deal with. He is not as clever, and has no interest in creating a better future for the Krogan race.

11 Not Recruiting Garrus

Garrus Vakarian close up from Mass Effect 1

Garrus is one of the most iconic characters of the series, and he makes a consistent appearance in all three games. He is a skilled fighter and a close friend of Shepard. Players will typically find Garrus in the first game as part of the main quest at Dr. Michel’s clinic, and, after a short quest, players will be able to recruit him as a squadmate. Should players choose not to recruit him, they will find many of the game’s fights more difficult.

That in part may influence players to make more wrong decisions than the correct ones, potentially costing them the best ending. He also has a significant role to play in the following games and brings some vital upgrades necessary for survival. Players can still recruit Garrus in later games, but since Shepard never meets him, the conversation will be less pleasant.

10 Shutting Down Feros Colony

Destroying Feros Colony from Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition can cost players the best ending

When players go to Feros, they can complete some side-quests, use dialog options, and employ special grenades to ensure the survival of the colony. While it may not have a profound effect on the ending of the first game, the colony contributes as a valuable war asset in the third game.

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If players choose to shut down the colony, they cannot help in the war effort in the third game. Players also miss out on the "Illium: Medical Scans" assignment in Mass Effect 2. As every bit of war assets count in Mass Effect 3, players may fall short of acquiring the good ending in that game.

9 Killing The Rachni Queen

Killing the Rachni Queen from Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition does not bode well towards the best ending

In Mass Effect lore, the galaxy was plagued by the Rachni long before the events of the games, and it took the Krogan to finally turn the tide against them. In Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition, players can meet the last Rachni Queen and are presented with a choice of killing her or letting her live.

If players let the Rachni Queen live, she leaves and goes into hiding with her offspring. She makes an appearance in Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition, and if spared again, can become a valuable war asset. However, if killed, she will obviously not show up here. Players will then encounter a genetically engineered being known as Breeder, who is less mentally stable and less cooperative.

8 Not Leveling Charm Or Intimidate

Not Leveling Charm and Intimidate in Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition will cost players the best ending

The Charm and Intimidate skills both allow players some exclusive dialog options during conversations and prompts. In order to get them, players need to also level them up while they are distributing talent points in Shepard's skill tree.

However, if players do not level either skill up, they will be unable to get exclusive Paragon or Renegade dialog options during crucial moments. Players may not be able to make the best possible choice in a conversation or prompt, and that will cost them the best ending to the game.

7 Making More Renegade Choices

Choosing Renegade options in Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition will not give players the best ending

Provided their Charm or Intimidate skills are appropriately leveled, players will be able to make some exclusive Paragon or Renegade options in dialogs. Paragon choices generally yield a good result, while Renegade has some negative repercussions.

If players make more Renegade choices than Paragon, then they will face more negative results of their choices. Moreover, they will make the wrong choices required for getting the best or even any good ending. Renegade choices complete the objectives required to finish the mission, but the cost of victory will be higher.

6 Killing Balak During The Bring Down The Sky Mission

Killing Balak in Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition may prevent players from getting the best ending

Bring Down The Sky is a side mission that has players stop an asteroid headed towards a nearby planet. Toward the end of the mission, they will be faced with a choice. They can either take down Balak, or they can attempt to rescue the hostages he has taken.

If players rescue the hostages but let Balak go, he will show up in Mass Effect 3 and can offer some useful War Assets. In the event players choose to either kill him or hand him over to the Alliance, he will not show up in Mass Effect 3. Players will then miss out on acquiring the Batarian Fleet War Asset in Mass Effect 3, which can hurt their chances of getting the best ending.

5 Choosing Udina As The Human Councilor

Making Udina the Human Councilor in Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition hurts players' chances for getting the best ending

Udina is one of the most unlikeable characters in the Mass Effect games. At the end of the main quest, players are presented with the choice of appointing either Captain Anderson or Ambassador Udina as the human councilor. If players choose to appoint Udina, he will be hostile to Shepard in the coming games.

RELATED: Mass Effect: Anderson or Udina for Council - What's the Best Choice?

Moreover, Udina has a human supremacist attitude, and will be unlikely to move forward with the rest of the council races in harmony. Even if players win at the end, the decision will make matters worse for humanity in the galaxy.

4 Not Saving The Council

Sacrificing the Council in Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition gives players the bad ending

During the final mission, players will have to choose how the Alliance ships engage the Citadel. One choice is to save the Destiny Ascension, which houses the Council. The other is to engage Sovereign. In choosing the latter option, The Destiny Ascension gets destroyed, killing the Council. Sovereign gets destroyed too, but at a very heavy cost for the galaxy.

This is the major turning point of the game, and it decides whether players get the good ending or the bad one. The decision has lasting effects that carry over to the following two games, which can affect their endings as well.

3 Choosing To Kill Wrex

Killing Wrex in Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition has lasting effects that costs the best ending

During the mission on Virmire, players come to a stand-off with Wrex if he is in the squad. Major Kirrahe tells players they need to deal with Wrex before advancing the mission.

Players can choose to talk to Wrex to get him to stand down, and the mission proceeds. However, killing Wrex can cost players the best ending to the trilogy. In the absence of Wrex, his brother Wreav takes over. As mentioned before, he has little interest in the welfare of the Krogan race and holds violent ideals.

How To Save Wrex

To save Wrex, players must get him to stand down during the mission on Virmire. There are a few ways to do so, however, they require players to have a high Charm or Intimidate skill. The easiest way to get Wrex to stand down is to first obtain his family armor during the quest “Wrex: Family Armor.” To find the armor, players need to head to the Argos Rho cluster and find the Phoenix system. There, they will find the planet Tuntau, where they must land.

It is recommended to bring the Krogan in question along, as there will be some challenging fights. Players must find a “hidden structure,” which is a mercenary base, inside which they will find the armor. They can do so by heading south of their position when they land. Inside, the armor can be found on the upper floor in the far-side room. Once they have the armor, they must talk to Wrex on the Normandy, and he will thank players.

When Shepard talks to Wrex on Virmire, he will now have the chance to get him to stand down. Players must choose the options, "I wouldn't do this otherwise" or "We are," and Wrex will trust Shepard's judgement enough to lower his weapon.

2 Not Saving Captain Kirrahe

Saving Captain Kirrahe in Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition can give players the best ending

Salarian Captain Kirrahe, whom players first come across on Virmire, is one of the most iconic characters of the series. During the mission, he comes under fire and players will have to rush to his aid. If he does not survive the ordeal, players will lose out on the chance to prevent a major character's death in Mass Effect 3.

Thane shows up in that scenario to intervene; however, if both Thane and Kirrahe are dead, then that character dies. Kirrahe also counts as a War Asset in Mass Effect 3, which players are unable to get if he doesn't survive.

1 Not Doing Squadmate Quests

ME1 Squadmates selection screen

In addition to sidequests found throughout the galaxy, players can also partake in special missions given to them by their squadmates. Some of these missions are vital in ensuring that everyone survives the game’s events. Moreover, some missions can have a profound impact in the following two games in the trilogy.

If players skip these missions then they can lock themselves out of not only the best ending in the first game, but also the next two games as well.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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