Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is releasing in less than a month, and those who have played the games before may be planning their ideal first playthrough of the trilogy in 4K. Others will be playing the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time, and may want some insight on which Paragon or Renegade choices they should consider making.

It was revealed last year by a developer from BioWare that hardly anyone played Renegade in the Mass Effect trilogy, meaning most players missed out on some of the best moments in the franchise. Below are some of the funniest, most rewarding, or all around best Renegade choices to make in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, proving that sometimes it’s good to be bad.

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Mass Effect 1

Mass Effect

Hang up on the Council, Repeatedly - The galactic council in the original Mass Effect means well, but they can really be more of a nuisance than an assist. Whenever they push back on Shepard’s mission against Saren, just hang up. While these choices are rather inconsequential to the story at large, the council's reactions to Shepard's rudeness make these some of the funniest Renegade choices to make. Don’t forget to hang up on them again in Mass Effect 3 when you get the chance.

Punch the Reporter - Commander Shepard will cross paths with a scrappy news reporter by the name of Khalisah al-Jilani multiple times over their three-game adventure. Al-Jilani specializes in the “gotcha” school of sensational journalism, and seems to really be out to get Shepard, doing whatever she can to paint the Commander as a terrible person.

The right and professional thing to do is take the Paragon route and help her understand Shepard’s side of the story, but there is a renegade option to just clock the reporter. Obviously punching the reporter does not hold up in the context of our society in 2021, so it’s important to remember that Mass Effect 1 has its own context and was made 14 years ago.

Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 promo image of key characters and title

Push the Eclipse Merc Out the Window - When recruiting Thane, Shepard will come across a tight-lipped Eclipse mercenary who tells Shepard, “I’ve nothing more to say to you,” prompting a Renegade interrupt where Shepard pushes the merc out the window of the skyscraper they’re in. Shepard then replies, “How ‘bout ‘goodbye.” This cheesy 80s action movie moment is a fan favorite for many Mass Effect fans, even those who want to make all Paragon choices.

Headbutt Gatatog Uvenk - In Mass Effect 2, Shepard takes their Krogan squadmate Grunt to Tuchanka to complete the Rite of Passage required to become a true Krogan. A traditionalist Krogan named Gatatog Uvenk tries to convince the shaman in charge that a tank-bred Krogan with a human family will be too weak to commit the Rite of Passage.

Shepard has the option to prove Uvenk wrong by speaking in the only language the Krogans understand, strength, and headbutting him. While this is a Renegade interrupt, headbutting Uvenk actually earns Shepard the shaman’s respect. There are no negative consequences either, since no one likes Uvenk and Grunt and Shepard end up killing him in a fight later anyway, much to the relief of the rest of the Krogans.

Destroy the Geth Heretics - The Geth squadmate Legion has a Loyalty Mission where Shepard stops the Heretics from uploading a virus that would allow the Reapers to control all Geth. Shepard must choose to either destroy the Heretics or rewrite them to be free of Reaper control. Choosing how to deal with the Heretics is one of the tougher choices in the Mass Effect series, as both options have mixed consequences.

While the rewrite option is more peaceful, it will lead to more Quarian deaths at the hands of Geth, whereas destroying the Heretics will take a lot of regular Geth with them. Thankfully, Legion is a logical being and understands if Shepard chooses to destroy the Heretics, having fewer Geth will make brokering peace between the Geth and the Quarians easier in Mass Effect 3. 

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Mass Effect 3

mass effect 3 (1)

Save Kelly’s Life - A Renegade decision can actually save Yeoman Kelly Chamber’s life. In order for this to be possible, however, Shepard must choose to have dinner with Kelly in Mass Effect 2 (a choice which does not affect the other romances in the trilogy).

In Mass Effect 3, Shepard can find Kelly on the Citadel helping refugees, having quit Cerberus. Shepard can tell Kelly to leave the Citadel and change her name so that Cerberus can’t find her and kill her for defecting. Doing so is a Renegade option, as she won’t be helping the refugees, but after Cerberus attacks the Citadel, Shepard will find out that Kelly escaped and lived.

Hit Admiral Han'Gerrel vas Neema - The conflict between the Geth and the Quarians is complex, to say the least. What is not complex is Admiral Han'Gerrel vas Neema, who is hellbent on killing the Geth, no matter what. In Mass Effect 3, Shepard comes to the aid of the Quarians by disabling a Geth dreadnought broadcasting the Reaper’s control signal.

Han'Gerrel tries to seize the opportunity and push the Quarian’s Heavy Fleet to destroy the disabled dreadnought, but with Shepard and their squad still on board. His recklessness earns him the scorn of his fellow Quarians and should earn him a Renegade punch to the gut from Shepard as well.

Kill Kai Leng - Kai Leng is the mysterious assassin and attack dog of the Illusive Man in Mass Effect 3. He is more than just a nuisance to Shepard though, as Kai Leng can kill several important characters, most notably Thane Krios. Eventually Shepard and Leng get to properly face off near the end of Mass Effect 3, and naturally Shepard wins. Leng is going to die anyway, so choosing the Renegade interrupt just gives Shepard an excuse to be a badass and tell Leng, “That was for Thane you son of a bitch!”

Don’t Let Javik Touch the Shard - Javik, the last Prothean and Shepard’s squadmate in Mass Effect 3, doesn’t remember much of his past. But during the story, Javik will come into the possession of a Prothean Memory Shard that will remind him of his life during the Reaper and Prothean war. Shepard can choose a Renegade option however to stop him from using it, which will effectively save his life.

If Javik does relive the horrors of his past, Javik will reveal to Shepard at the end of the game that he plans on committing suicide. If Javik doesn’t use the shard however, he tells Shepard he is looking forward to living in peace and that he might even help Liara write a book about the Protheans.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition releases on May 14 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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