With the most recent entry in the franchise being poorly received, fans of Mass Effect have had very little to look forward to. Some have called for a remastered original Mass Effect trilogy to help fill the void, though EA hasn't confirmed anything of the sort. However, new artwork shows what a different take on the franchise could look like.

New art created by The Brotherhood Games, a studio behind its own isometric game, Beautiful Desolation, depicts what Mass Effect would look like as an isometric RPG, and the result is incredibly impressive. The art shows a party of Mass Effect characters taking heavy fire, with some of Mass Effects fan-favorite companions appearing in the image.

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The idea of an isometric Mass Effect game is likely appealing to many, as the genre is often associated with heavy storytelling and role-playing potential, both of which Mass Effect is known for. While Mass Effect is on an indefinite hiatus, for now, it would be cool to see a new take on the franchise released in the same vein as the art, perhaps as a side story or prequel to the original trilogy.

There are quite a few amazing isometric ARPG games out there, and with the likes of Baldur's Gate 3 coming soon, there may be many more on the way. Of course, the odds of an isometric Mass Effect game are slim to none, but it is still fun to imagine what it would actually be like were one ever to actually release.

Hopefully, the finished product would manage to look something like this. It would be wonderful to see other isometric art set in the Mass Effect universe, too. Seeing the Citadel from a fresh perspective would be amazing, and there are countless other striking locations that would be neat to see.

Fans can hope that a Mass Effect game arrives sooner rather than later, but BioWare is working on an Anthem overhaul, so there's no telling which study would actually be tasked with creating. There is another Dragon Age game in the works, which scratches a similar itch, but relatively little is know about that title.

No new Mass Effect game has been announced.

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