With the recent release of the Mass Effect Legendary Edition, it might feel premature to talk about Mass Effect 4. After all, a new generation of players is just now discovering the story of Commander Shepard. But there are moments, even in the very first Mass Effect, that are never explained or explored in the next few games. One of those is the identity of Armistan Banes.

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Finding out about Banes isn't even a mission, but that's what makes it all the more intriguing. Multiple characters have something to say about this individual. No, this article can't get to the bottom of who Banes actually is; no one can or has, there just aren't enough hints. But it's very likely that whoever he is, it will be addressed in the future of the series and it makes an expert out of fans that know everything there is to know before that inevitable point.

Getting The Prerequisites Done

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Garrus Saving Chloe Michel

Before finding out anything about Banes, Shepard will have to have recruited Garrus already. This means that saving Chloe Michel in the clinic is required before getting any further clues.

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Mass Effect Legendary Edition Doctor Michel Getting Blackmailed

After recruiting Garrus and knocking out a few missions around the Citadel, return to Dr. Michel (there is a fast travel station to the Wards and the Med Clinic). She'll be getting extorted again. This time, go down to the bottom floor of the Markets and talk to the lone merchant there named Morlan.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Blackmailer Interrupting Morlan

With enough renegade or paragon points, the blackmailer will stop the operation without a fight. Regardless of the outcome, he won't be able to keep extorting the doctor anymore. Return to Chloe Michel again.

Inquiring About Banes

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Asking Chloe Michel About Banes

Before saying goodbye to Dr. Michel, ask her about Banes on the left side of the dialogue wheel. She'll mention that the Alliance was using him for contract work last she heard. One of the companions will suggest talking to Captain Anderson about Armistan Banes.

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By this point in the story, Captain Anderson will either be in the embassy or next to the Normandy.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Captain Anderson Balking At The Mention Of Banes

Talk to Anderson and he will, quite suspiciously, tell Shepard that he shouldn't be asking about Banes. Shockingly, he will divulge that Banes is dead. He was apparently involved in a top-secret project for the Alliance and died under suspicious circumstances.

If players push the issue (and they should), he'll direct further questions to Admiral Kahoku.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition Admiral Kahoku Divulging What He Knows About Banes

Speak to Admiral Kahoku, who is in the Citadel Tower of the Presidium district. He's to the left of the stairs that lead to the Council. Unfortunately, while he is aware of Banes' death, the crew that was sent out to find the body is missing. This leads to an official quest, but none of it has to do with Banes, though it does involve Cerberus, so perhaps they are part of the solution.

It's undeniable that there are more questions than answers when investigating Armistan Banes. The identity of the blackmailer is never revealed, either as a real or fake Banes. If he's fake, how did he get Chloe's information? If he's real, why is he blackmailing people on the Citadel? Why was the Alliance so concerned with covering it all up? Is Cerberus connected? These are things to conder while waiting for potential answers in Mass Effect 4.

NEXT: Mass Effect 1: Balak Choice Guide