Throughout the Mass Effect games, there have been plenty of characters who have proven that they aren't afraid to go against the system if they truly believe that it will lead to a positive outcome. These sorts of characters are considered to be "Chaotic Good", in the sense that they can seem a little chaotic in their actions considering that they will be breaking laws or traditions, but the reason for them doing so is to make a change for the better.

Mass Effect: 7 Most Charismatic Squadmates In The Series

These Mass Effect companions manage to steal every scene they're in with their infectious charismatic personalities.

While some characters who fit this description act this way in order to make up for their past sins, others are doing so to try and save their species, while some are simply rebelling against the established status quo in an attempt to warn people against the inevitable threat of the Reapers. Either way, while these characters all have good intentions, they still aren't above taking matters into their own hands if they feel that it's necessary.

7 Urdnot Wrex

Wrex Stands Against The Rest Of The Krogans' Ideology In Order To Secure A Safer Future For His People

Urdnot Wrex

While the majority of the Krogan that Shephard meets are only concerned with cracking heads and making their species as powerful as possible, Wrex is a little different. While he's most certainly a Krogan at heart, loving nothing more than charging head first into his enemies with a shotgun at hand, he also believes that the Krogan don't need to go to war, and instead, makes plans for them to re-populate and even rekindle relationships with other species in order to flourish.

It's fair to say that this is not in line with the vast majority of the Krogans' beliefs, and his ideology causes quite a lot of commotion on Tuchanka where, slowly but surely, a few Krogan tribes start to see him as their leader. After the Genophage decimated the Krogan population, they have always been taught to believe that it's them against the world, an idea which quickly became integrated into their culture, but Wrex is willing to stand up against this tradition if it means that his people will be saved in the long run.

6 Thane Krios

He May Be A Lethal Assassin, But Thane Only Kills Those That He Believes Deserve To Be Punished


When Thane first appears in Mass Effect 2, he's in the middle of assassinating one of his targets, Nassana Dantius, who is just one of the many victims that Thane has taken down over the years. Although he's an incredibly dangerous assassin, Thane doesn't kill just for the thrill of it. Instead, he only hunts down people who he believes deserve to pay for their past sins, such as when he killed a famous Salarian war criminal, and the Batarian slavers who killed his wife.

Mass Effect: 7 Underrated Characters

These Mass Effect characters don't get quite as much attention as a lot of their peers, despite how interesting they are as individuals.

Thane feels a deep sense of guilt and regret due to putting his family in danger because of how prolific he became as an assassin, and by the time he meets Shephard, he's trying to make up for that by lending his abilities to help stop the Collectors. Still, as is shown in his side mission where he trails a famous politician, he's still not against bending the rules now and again when he needs to.

5 Pelessaria B'Sayle

As A Young Asari Teenager, Peebee Has Little Regard For Rules Or Laws

Peebee looking at a hologram

Pelessari, also commonly known as Peebee by her friends, is an incredibly smart and witty Asari who joins Ryder's team to have a chance to explore as much of the galaxy as possible. Throughout the team's many journeys, it quickly becomes apparent that Peebee has pretty much no concern for following any laws or rules, and simply wants to live a carefree life where she can say and do whatever she wants.

Considering that Peebee is roughly the same age as Liara was in the first game, who herself claims to be a teenager in Asari years, it does make sense why Peebee would be this brash, but she does still want to do the right thing, as shown by how passionately she feels about stopping the Archon. Her rebellious personality may get her into trouble at times, but she ultimately acts this way in order to help make a difference in the universe.

4 Garrus Vakarian

Garrus' Disillusionment With C-Sec Motivates Him To Take Matters Into His Own Hands

Garrus sitting down

Although Garrus starts off as a loyal member of the Citadel's C-Sec division, he slowly starts to become infuriated at how little effort the Council is making to try and apprehend Saren and even explains to Shephard that he's starting to lose his faith in following orders because of how much it slows down the process. By the time he re-appears in Mass Effect 2, Garrus has become the "Archangel", a rogue vigilante who takes the law into his own hands, assassinating any gang members and criminals that he finds roaming around in the underbelly of Omega.

Rather than turning completely evil after becoming disillusioned with C-Sec and the Council, Garrus still retained his good intentions, but just simply went against the law in order to clean up the streets much quicker. Considering how dangerous Garrus is with a sniper rifle, he could have easily started killing for fun if he really wanted to, but his sense of justice still motivates his actions, even if they tend to involve a lot of bloodshed.

3 Mordin Solus

Mordin Turns On His STG Allies To Rectify His Past Mistakes By Curing The Genophage

Mordin Solus in Mass Effect 2

Mordin became a valuable member of the STG when he spearheaded the plan to re-vamp the Genophage after coming to learn that the Krogan were naturally overcoming its effects. Although this was in line with everything that the Salarians, and every other species in the galaxy, believed was the right thing to do, once he became ridden with guilt, Mordin turned into somewhat of an undercover doctor on Omega who disappeared completely off the radar, even abandoning his STG companions.

Although in Mass Effect 2 he sticks by his past actions by threatening to kill his own student Maelon, who had been researching a cure for the disease, in the third game, he goes against everything he stood for and dedicates himself to releasing a cure to save the Krogan once and for all. Despite practically every other species seeing this as a gravely bad decision, and even threatening to punish Mordin with legal action, he still goes through with it, believing that saving an entire population, as dangerous as they might seem, is the best way he can make up for his past sins.

2 Liara T'Soni

The Amount Of Authority Liara Wields As The Shadow Broker Makes Her A Dangerous Individual In The Eyes Of Many Governments

Liara in her office

It could definitely be argued that during the first game, Liara falls more into the Neutral Good category due to how shy and timid she is, but once she becomes the Shadow Broker a little later down the line, this completely changes. With an infinite amount of classified information and resources at her disposal, anyone else would have gone mad with power, but Liara decided to use her new position of influence to help those in need while exposing individuals who had been considered a danger to the universe.

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The Mass Effect series is filled with romance options. Here's a look at some of the absolute best, ranked.

By even taking on this position, Liara immediately became a prime target of the Council, but her motivations for even becoming the Shadow Broker were based on not only making the universe a safer place but also helping Shephard in his missions to stop the reapers, something the Council never even seemed bothered by.

1 Commander Shephard

Shephard Is Constantly Forced To Disobey Laws And Rules In Order To Prepare For The Looming Threat Of The Reapers

Shephard in front of meteors with a concerned look on his face

Up until the beginning of the third game, it feels as though Shephard is the only one who truly believes that the Reapers are a real threat. Whenever he and his squadmates talk to the Council, they always shoot him down, which means that he constantly needs to act unlawfully in order to prepare for the enormous threat that's on the horizon. For example, while the Council does make him a Spectre in the first game, they also constantly try to thwart his plans, such as when they lock down the Normandy, but Shephard rejects this and re-activates it without their consent so that he can intercept Saren.

Even when he joins Cerberus in the second game, which is already seen as an antagonist organization by the rest of the galaxy, he still has plenty of moments where he disregards the Illusive Man and follows his own orders, such as if the player decides to keep the Human Reaper research at the end. Of course, this alignment can depend on the player's actions, but each of the three games still steers Shephard toward being a rebellious and individualistic character who is more than willing to ignore the rules if it puts him one step closer to stopping the Reapers in their grand plan to harvest the universe.

mass effect
Mass Effect
Created by
Casey Hudson
Creation Year
BioWare , Edge of Reality , Demiurge Studios , Straight Right