Intergalactic travel has always been an incredible part of the Mass Effect franchise. With many incredible ships and stations, the game has sparked the imagination of countless people around the world, allowing players to witness and even drive some of the most amazing flyers in the galaxy.

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Every race has its own approach to building starships, each with its unique architecture and style incorporated into its vehicles. It is interesting to note, however, that all civilizations follow the guidelines for vehicle sizes, from shuttles to dreadnoughts. Depending on the player’s choices, a lot of these ships could be seen together during the climax of Shepard’s saga.

8 Geth Dreadnought

Geth Dreadnought

The Geth have been at the heart of the conflict, from the very start of the series. As an evolved form of Artificial Intelligence, the Geth excel at coordination and thus have built a large number of powerful Dreadnoughts to battle the other races as well as transport a large number of troops over long distances.

The Geth do not follow the Citadel regulations for building ships and are not restricted in their size or number, which has led them to build more and bigger ships than some of the other civilizations. Without any organic restrictions as well, they are only limited by their available resources and troops when creating vessels, giving them a massive edge.

7 Turian Dreadnought

Turian Ship

Turians have been a powerful military force for many years, with their large Navy being divided into 32 fleets. They have been through a number of wars and encounters, which has helped them improve their battleships over the centuries. These impressive vessels are recognized for their distinctive avian-like appearance, with their sharp angles, angular wings, and gleaming metal hulls, somewhat reminiscent of the Turian species' avian ancestry.

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The Turian starships are known for their exceptional speed, agility, and firepower, making them a formidable presence on the battlefield. With advanced weapon systems, cutting-edge shields, and powerful thrusters, Turian Dreadnoughts are the pinnacle of their star navigation and are capable of engaging in both space and planetary combat with remarkable efficiency

6 Shadow Broker Ship

Shadow Broker's Ship

The Shadow Broker has been an incredibly powerful figure in the universe for many years, masterfully wielding information to manipulate entire civilizations. Such a line of work tends to make one a lot of enemies, and the Shadow Broker’s ship has played a huge part in evading all of them for so long.

The ship is stationed on the planet of Hagalaz, with extremely unwelcoming weather, ranging between scorching and far below freezing. The only somewhat habitable area is the ever-moving storm, which constantly generates lightning wherever it goes. The Shadow Broker’s ship is equipped to harness the power of lightning strikes and withstand the extreme conditions of the planet. The ingenious structure of the ship has protected its owner for years.

5 Quarian Liveship


The Quarians possess the largest flotilla in the known galaxy, with over 50,000 ships being a part of the Migrant Fleet. As a nomad society, the Quarians are forced to live entirely on their ships, which involves finding ways to produce food and other resources to continue their existence.

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The Liveships are solely responsible for the Quarian’s food production, among other things. There are 3 such ships in the flotilla, and losing even one would be catastrophic for the Quarians, which is why they are the most heavily protected vessels in the entire flotilla. These ships were not at all meant to be participants during conflicts. Nevertheless, they were outfitted with heavy weaponry and defenses during the final Reaper confrontation, signifying Quarians’ dedication to the cause.

4 Collector Cruiser

Collector Cruiser

This infamous ship is solely responsible for the destruction of the first Normandy, effectively overwhelming its defenses and blasting it to pieces, along with Shepard. The ship acts as both a transportation vessel for the collectors and their numerous victims, as well as a powerful intergalactic battle station.

The ship’s otherworldly design adds a lot to the second game’s atmosphere, with it being the representative of all the horrendous acts being done by the Reapers and Collectors. The ship continues to haunt the players throughout the game, actively disrupting, baiting, and engaging Shepard in a long and difficult battle.

3 Destiny Ascension

Destiny Ascension

The Destiny Ascension is the Asarian flagship of the Citadel Fleet, wielding awe-inspiring power. With roughly 10,000 personnel aboard, its destructive capabilities are comparable to the rest of the Asari fleet. It is a unique and beautiful Starship, reflecting the many unique Asari traits with its distinguished design.

During the events of the first Mass Effect game, the players have a choice to either save the Destiny Ascension along with the council or preserve the human fleet that would otherwise suffer great losses. Should the players choose to save it, the Asari use it to help during the final confrontation in the third game, greatly boosting the united effort of the galaxy.

2 Sovereign

Sovereign alien species

Sovereign is the very first Reaper the players ever come across, kicking off the events of the first game, and setting the overarching plot into motion. As a ship, it holds tremendous powers, requiring the entire Citadel Fleet, along with the Alliance and the Normandy itself to combine their strength in order to bring it down.

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Aside from the raw firepower, Sovereign is capable of influencing and indoctrinating people and machines alike, which could be far more dangerous than missiles and laser beams. Sovereign has wreaked tremendous havoc and destruction because of that ability, long before firing a single shot.

1 Normandy


The Normandy has gone through a few iterations and rebuilds during the events of the saga. Initially, the very first Normandy was developed by the Alliance with the help of Turians. The ship boasts incredible speed and the unique ability to conceal itself in space by hiding its heat signature.

The Normandy has served well as Shepard’s main means of transportation, and the main hub for many operations. It is not only a formidable warship but also a symbol of hope and unity among different alien species. The Normandy has played a key role in deciding the fate of the galaxy, taking Shepard in and out of situations where no other ship would suffice, and remains an icon for the many fans of the series.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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