BioWare's beloved series hit a bit of a blip after the controversy around Mass Effect 3's ending and Mass Effect: Andromeda's slightly disappointing launch. Mass Effect: Andromeda was supposed to be a fresh start for the popular franchise with a new crew and even a new galaxy, but its decision to leave Shepard and the familiar surroundings of the Milky Way behind wasn't welcomed by fans in the way BioWare might have hoped. With a few bugs and graphical issues at launch, some gamers were quick to turn against the recent mainline installment in the Mass Effect series, whether the game deserved it or not.

It was probably always going to be an uphill battle for the developer to top the first three games in the Mass Effect franchise, and Mass Effect: Andromeda had high expectations to meet even before it was released. With the pressure on to provide as memorable a protagonist as Shepard and as endearing a set of companions as the crew of the Normandy, Mass Effect: Andromeda might have been hated by some fans even without its technical issues. More recent appraisals have recognized the positives of the game, like its compelling gameplay and innovative new combat mechanics, ensuring that Mass Effect: Andromeda joins the list of titles that have been unfairly maligned at launch for one reason or another.

RELATED:The Case for Mass Effect: Andromeda Continuing Without the Milky Way

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

kingdoms of amalur

Mass Effect: Andromeda may not have been completely slated, but there was definitely a perception that it wasn't as good as its predecessors. Despite some fairly decent reviews, Mass Effect: Andromeda is considered by some to be at best a middling game, which is the same fate that Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning received. Like Mass Effect: Andromeda, the reception for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning wasn't terrible, but reviews were polarized.

While some felt that the 2012 game was enjoyable and just the right amount of challenging, others thought it was derivative and not complex enough compared to similar fantasy RPGs. Despite its criticisms, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is a really fun game, with a hefty amount of side quests and lots of upgrading to help hone a character with the Fateweaver mechanic to switch things up if gamers wanted. Even if Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning found its fans, it was reported as a commercial failure and 38 Studios shut down as a result.

Days Gone

days gone

It's undeniable that the zombie video game market has been oversaturated for years, and it's hard for new games that feature any version of the undead enemies to separate themselves from the horde. After numerous delays, the release of Days Gone was already fraught with issues, and given that some players were already turned off to yet another zombie game, it certainly had its work cut out for it when it came to finding an audience. Days Gone might have been a commercial success, but critics had plenty to say about its story, mission structure, and technical issues. Despite these, Days Gone still introduces some interesting enemy AI and the graphics that players encounter as they drive around as Deacon are something to behold.

Mad Max

Max and Chumbucket in Mad Max

Avalanche Studios' action-adventure game Mad Max was released hot on the heels of the Mad Max: Fury Road film in 2015, but rather than help bring new fans to the franchise, the movie's massive success may have soured people on the game. Players might have come expecting more of a tie-in title, instead of a game based on the Mad Max universe rather than any of the films. This might have accounted for some of the disappointment that gamers felt after playing the open-world post-apocalyptic title, as while it might not reinvent the wheel or introduce any hugely innovative mechanics, Mad Max is still an entertaining game. Not every release has to be a masterpiece, and sometimes it's OK for them to just do what they do well and present players with a fun few hours.

Mass Effect: Andromeda is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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