
  • The recent Mass Effect 4 teaser has sparked speculation and debate among fans, who have been analyzing it for clues about the sequel's plot, setting, and returning characters.
  • Fans have noticed an Easter egg in the teaser's title, "Epsilon," which is a callback to one of the original working titles for the Mass Effect franchise," The Epsilon Effect."
  • The presence of familiar Mass Effect aliens in the background of the teaser suggests that the synthetic Geth and fishlike Angara may make an appearance in Mass Effect 4, raising questions about the game's story and timeline.

Eagle-eyed fans have been scanning the recent Mass Effect 4 teaser for any possible clues about the next game, and some have noticed an interesting throwback to the franchise’s early days. Three years after the divisive Mass Effect Andromeda, BioWare officially announced a new installment in its renowned sci-fi RPG franchise during The Game Awards 2020. Not much was revealed during this cryptic first look, save that Mass Effect 4 would see the return of fan-favorite squadmate Liara T'Soni following the end of the original trilogy.

The Mass Effect fandom has since been awash in speculation about the currently-titled Mass Effect 4, combing over not only the original announcement trailer, but any piece of social media from BioWare for hints about the sequel’s plot, setting, and returning characters. Even more fuel was added to this debate during N7 Day, a holiday named for the insignia worn by original series protagonist Commander Shepard during the first three Mass Effect games. This year’s N7 Day saw the release of another cryptic Mass Effect 4 teaser, featuring a mysterious figure walking down a hallway while a Mass Relay is seemingly being rebuilt outside.

Mass Effect 4 Could Be Using New Technology to Create Characters in the Game

BioWare executive producer Michael Gamble hints that it's using an Unreal Engine 5 tech to make characters for Mass Effect 4.

The “Mass Effect Epsilon” teaser has naturally re-sparked the speculation and debate surrounding Mass Effect 4, with dedicated fans going over the brief clip repeatedly in search of any new information. According to GamesRadar, some have uncovered an interesting Easter egg in the teaser’s title. The Mass Effect News Twitter account was among the first to point this out, posting an image from BioWare’s Stories and Secrets from 25 Years of Game Development book showing unused Mass Effect working titles and logos. One of these is “The Epsilon Effect,” and the fact that the latest Mass Effect 4 teaser also has the word “Epsilon” in it has not gone unnoticed.

It isn’t clear exactly what this apparent reference means in the grand scheme of things, but it isn’t the only detail in the Mass Effect teaser that viewers have picked up on. Fans quickly noticed a group of familiar Mass Effect aliens in the background of the trailer, suggesting that the synthetic Geth and fishlike Angara might appear in Mass Effect 4. This in itself has huge ramifications for Mass Effect 4’s story, as the Angara only recently made their debut in Mass Effect Andromeda, and the Geth might have been wiped from the Milky Way depending on the player’s choices at the end of Mass Effect 3.

There are still many unanswered questions surrounding Mass Effect 4, namely about where it takes place in the series’ timeline and if Commander Shepard is returning as many are already theorizing. The use of the word “Epsilon” in the latest teaser’s title is one such question, especially since it calls back to one of the series’ original working titles. Perhaps Mass Effect Epsilon is the official title for Mass Effect 4, but players will likely have to wait until next year’s N7 Day for more clues about the next chapter in BioWare’s epic sci-fi franchise.

Mass Effect Trilogy

Mass Effect Trilogy is a compilation featuring BioWare's Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mess Effect 3. The Trilogy also contains all of the downloadable content for the first two games including Lair of the Shadow Broker, Stolen Memory, Bring Down the Sky, and Overlord.

Mass Effect
Action RPG , Third-Person Shooter