
  • Mass Effect 4 can draw inspiration from great characters like Jack, as her significant character growth is a good example to follow.
  • Her romance really allows her to shine, serving as a good reminder that Mass Effect 4 should feature deep character moments in its romance. However, even if Shepherd is only a friiend to Jack, she changes greatly, which is also something for BioWare to keep in mind.

Fans are waiting to hear more about Mass Effect 4, as BioWare has only revealed minor details about the game. Due to Mass Effect: Andromeda's poor reception and revitalized interest in the series following Mass Effect Legendary Edition, many are hoping that ME4 is more like the original trilogy in key ways.

Based on what BioWare has shown so far, it looks like Mass Effect 4 will be at least loosely connected to the first three titles. The game's reveal trailer includes Liara T'Soni and heavily implies that the game will be set in the Milky Way galaxy, while also showing a piece of N7 armor, which some have interpreted as evidence of Shepard's return. Of course, the game could still be heavily removed from the original trilogy, as Liara belongs to an alien race that can live for upwards of 1,000 years, the Milky Way is a big neighborhood, and the N7 plate could just be fan service or suggestive of a number of other plot details. Still, there are hopes that ME4 will reprise the soul of the first three games, and strong character writing is an important part of that equation.

In a Perfect World, Mass Effect 4's Gameplay Should Look a Lot Like Star Wars Outlaws

Mass Effect 4 can revolutionize its RPG combat and movement mechanics if it decides to pull inspiration from modern games like Star Wars Outlaws.

Mass Effect 4 Should Draw On Jack for Inspiration

Jack Is Among Mass Effect's Best Characters

Mass Effect is known for having great companions, and Jack is one of the best. Introduced in Mass Effect 2 and sadly underused in Mass Effect 3, Jack is a biotic powerhouse with a traumatic past. She was exposed to element zero as a fetus, which gave her latent biotic potential not seen in other humans, who require implants to use such powers. As such, she was abducted by Cerberus and experimented on throughout her youth in an effort to elevate her powers. This facility was far from a humane shelter for children: she was regularly tortured and treated inhumanely.

Jack is a living testament to the psychopathic and villainous tendencies of Cerberus, and is understandably troubled by her upbringing. In Mass Effect 2, she reluctantly works with the very organization that kidnapped her, under the promise of accessing key documents pertaining to Cerberus' devious operations. Though Jack antagonizes Shepard at first, viewing them as yet another Cerberus lackey without conscience, friendship, and potentially even more, can blossom between the two.

Jack Undergoes Major Character Development, Which Mass Effect 4 Can Learn From

Mass Effect's best companions are characterized by their growth, which the player can influence. A few prominent examples of (potential) character development in the series include:

  • Ashley becoming more tolerant of aliens in Mass Effect 1.
  • Miranda leaving Cerberus in Mass Effect 3.
  • Liara becoming more confident throughout the series.
  • EDI's burgeoning humanity in Mass Effect 3.

But few character journeys are as significant and moving as Jack's. She begins Mass Effect 2 as a cold, bitter, and violent person, but she's ultimately just scared of being hurt, never truly connecting with traditional notions of love, friendship, and safety. This makes Jack's romance arc one of Mass Effect's most touching, as the player has a direct hand in shaping her development, helping her open up to romance, affection, and hope. This makes her relationship with Shepard unique as, while romanceable characters like Liara and Ashley can change due to Shepard's influence, they admire and respect the commander from the jump.

Even if the player doesn't romance Jack (which they can't, if they play as female Shepard), they can still facilitate Jack's growth. Seeing her become more mature and caring, ultimately working toward a better future with Grissom Academy in Mass Effect 3, is a big reason why she's a fan-favorite Mass Effect character. Her radical development and unique relationship with the player are highlights of the series, and these traits ought to return through one of Mass Effect 4's companions.

Mass Effect Trilogy

Mass Effect Trilogy is a compilation featuring BioWare's Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mess Effect 3. The Trilogy also contains all of the downloadable content for the first two games including Lair of the Shadow Broker, Stolen Memory, Bring Down the Sky, and Overlord.

Mass Effect
Action RPG , Third-Person Shooter