BioWare's Mass Effect series has been a major part of video game culture since the first game launched in 2007. Its compelling story, fun biotic powers, and intriguing world helped to set it apart from other RPGs, but it was the characters that really elevated the franchise. The Mass Effect series features some of the most well-known and beloved sci-fi video game characters of all time, and chief among these is Commander Shepard. They may be flanked by a great cast of support characters and crewmates, but it's Shepard who often steals the show with their heroic deeds, awkward dance moves, and no-nonsense attitude.

When BioWare announced that the fan-favorite franchise was getting a new installment, many gamers were excited. Not much has been revealed about Mass Effect 4 yet, and questions still remain unanswered as to where and when the next game will be set. With the Mass Effect trilogy and Mass Effect: Andromeda both offering up vastly different galaxies as well, there are so many options for Mass Effect 4's setting and storyline. But among all the fan debate and speculation, one of the biggest questions is whether or not Shepard will make a return. Or perhaps, more importantly, if Shepard should return at all.

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The Shepard Effect

mass effect shepard birthday

It is undeniable that one of the key factors in the original Mass Effect trilogy's success was Shepard. Other characters like Garrus, Wrex, and Liara may have achieved their own cult status, but Shepard is head and shoulders above the rest in the eyes of some fans. With players gravitating in particular to Jennifer Hale's nuanced and unforgettable performance as FemShep, the Commander cemented themselves as a gaming culture icon and a linchpin for the first three games of the Mass Effect series.

The original Mass Effect trilogy centered its expansive story around Shepard and their crew, and this worked really well to give the narrative an emotional core alongside the action-packed goings-on. With a whole galaxy at stake, the story still needed to have a focal point to keep it grounded and the stakes meaningful, and Shepard was the perfect avatar through which players experienced the story. Including Shepard in Mass Effect 4 will serve a similar purpose, creating a nostalgic and instantly emotional bond between players and the new game. More than anything, Shepard is just a great character, and it will be fun to see how they fare in a post-Reaper world.

BioWare already tried to make a Mass Effect game without Shepard, and it quickly discovered that this had some fairly big drawbacks. While Mass Effect: Andromeda is by no means a bad game, it couldn't live up to the previous trilogy in a critical or commercial way, and it failed to build the same dedicated fanbase that the original games had. One of the reasons for this was because many fans felt that the Ryder twins were a poor substitute for Jane and John Shepard, and without a dynamic and strong protagonist, the game just didn't have the same impact. Mass Effect 4 might face a similar problem if it features another new main character, and this could really impact the game as a whole.

Moving The Franchise Forward

Ryder on Elaaden in Mass Effect: Andromeda

Mass Effect: Andromeda may not quite have been the game that fans wanted, but that doesn't necessarily mean that Mass Effect 4 is doomed to repeat some of its struggles. The Ryders may not have proved as popular as Shepard, but bringing back the original protagonist could be a step in the wrong direction for the franchise. Shepard's whole schtick was taking down the Reapers, and while they enjoyed a successful military prior to discovering the galactic threat, Mass Effect 3 brought a fitting end to Shepard's story arc, especially if BioWare makes the 'Destroy' ending canon.

Shepard's story already has its ending, and it was suitably heroic and emotional. Bringing them back again could undermine this, and might feel a bit like fan service rather than a move that makes sense from a narrative standpoint. The culmination of the original storyline in Mass Effect 3 neatly closes that chapter in the Milky Way's history, and Shepard making a comeback just needlessly opens it back up again and could potentially lead to some messy revisionist storytelling. There's also no telling what Mass Effect 4's version of Shepard might be, and many fans might be disappointed if they simply turned out to be merely an NPC.

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Implications For Mass Effect 4

Mass Effect next gen Shepard's armor trailer

Some fans feel like it's time for a new Mass Effect narrative, no matter how beloved Shepard might be. Commander Shepard's story is in the past, and there are so many amazing characters, races, and storylines to explore beyond the N7 operative. Early glimpses of Mass Effect 4 seem to suggest that BioWare is intent on bringing all the previous games together in the new entry, with both Andromeda and the Milky Way featured, as well as some returning characters like Liara. The reveal of a small piece of N7 armor also points at a possible return for Shepard, and YouTuber MrHulthen's recent revelation may have also accidentally confirmed Shepard's return in Mass Effect 4.

There's also the problem with the timeline, which could present some rather large hurdles for Shepard to navigate if they plan on appearing again. Given the likelihood of both Andromeda and the Milky Way featuring in Mass Effect 4, there may have to be a time jump of at least 600 years to accommodate the journey the Andromeda Initiative took. While this rules out almost all of Shepard's former companions due to their limited lifespans, this does mean that Liara could feasibly be a part of Mass Effect 4, as well as characters like Grunt.

Mass Effect 3's 'Destroy' ending does leave the door open a crack for Shepard to make a comeback thanks to a very brief cutscene, but it still remains to be seen which way BioWare will play it. Shepard is a strong character that could help to bring some great storytelling opportunities to Mass Effect 4, as well as provide a meaningful connection to the previous games. However, some players still feel that the series is ready to move on from the Commander, and should embrace fresh characters and new perspectives when it dives once more into the world of Mass Effect.

Mass Effect 4 is in development.

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