
  • The next Mass Effect game will move forward in the timeline beyond Commander Shepard's story, suggesting a shift in focus from previous narrative excursions.
  • The potential new protagonist's character design indicates a departure from the series' militaristic themes, with a more sleek and futuristic look.
  • The aftermath of the Reapers' destruction seems to have led to a rebuilt civilization in the next Mass Effect game, potentially set far ahead of Shepard's time.

While it's uncertain when more news regarding BioWare's next upcoming Mass Effect title will arrive, the game's most recent teaser trailer from November of last year has already begun to set a new tone for the series. It didn't show much beyond a mysterious, N7 logo-wearing character who could potentially be the successor to Commander Shepard. Nevertheless, the appearance of this unknown figure prompts speculation about when this next game is set to take place relative to the previous Mass Effect entries.

There was a lot of ambiguity concerning where the franchise could go following ME3's controversial set of endings, but the next game's first trailer from back in 2020 confirmed that BioWare would be moving forward in the timeline beyond the story of Shepard. Through showcasing Liara T’Soni recovering a bit of what appears to be Shepard’s equipment, this initial cinematic confirmed that the future of the series doesn’t seem to be focused on further narrative excursions such as in Andromeda. The latest teaser, however, has challenged some assumptions that many fans may have had about when this new chapter of Mass Effect will be set.

Every Unsolved Mystery Going into Mass Effect 4

Players have two galaxies' worth of mysteries to solve in Mass Effect 4 with unanswered questions from the original trilogy and Andromeda.

Mass Effect's Latest Character Design is Like No Protagonist Before

Moving Away From ME's Militaristic Themes

From the missions at the beginning of the first title to the colonization focus of Andromeda, there has always been a heavy emphasis on military forces in the ME games. Commander Shepard and their squadmates are known for handling heavy combat scenarios and large-scale battles during pivotal moments, but the character who might be Mass Effect’s next protagonist doesn’t reflect this history. With a combination of trenchcoat and light armor, this person’s sleek helmet and pistol reflect what could be the series’ biggest change in overall feel yet.

The N7 Day Trailer's Implications of a Potential Shift Towards Espionage

There was a relatively generic “soldier” theme to Shepard in the older titles, but BioWare's N7 Day teaser trailer design is indicative of a character who is far more roguish and stealth. The ambiguous, sleek silhouette of a flowing coat and masked face paired with a simple, small gun evoke past party members like Kasumi and Thane, a thief and assassin respectively. While BioWare’s previous Mass Effect efforts have been representative of the direct combat intervention side of military operations, the franchise may be entering a new, even more advanced era defined by a more subtle approach.

The Next Mass Effect Has Room to Be Set Far Beyond the Original Trilogy

The Aftermath of the Reapers and a Seemingly Rebuilt Civilization

With the “Destroy” ending of Mass Effect 3 likely being the canon basis for the series moving forward, the consequences of eradicating technology in the galaxy don’t seem to be as pressing of an issue as many fans anticipated. There is a period of more primitive rebuilding to be expected following such a disaster, but the previews of the next ME seem to depict a relatively familiar level of development. The bar scene pictured in artwork released alongside the most recent teaser showcases a bustling place that even has a patron who appears to be a Geth, making it seem logical that this version of the galaxy may be quite far ahead of Shepard’s time.

Liara's Slow Aging as an Asari

The presence of Liara in the game’s first teaser seems to contradict the idea that the next Mass Effect could be set much further in the future, but the facts of the Mass Effect's Asari life cycle actually make this a plausible circumstance. Going through the Maiden, Matron, and Matriarch stages as they live for over a thousand years, there is legitimately a chance that Liara could have seen hundreds of years of rebuilding pass while maintaining a relatively similar appearance. The timeline and setting of what could be Mass Effect 4 still has yet to be solidly defined, but players may end up far beyond the century of the 2100s in the original series when it finally does arrive.

Mass Effect Trilogy

Mass Effect
Action RPG , Third-Person Shooter