BioWare's Mass Effect series is an excellent lesson in character-driven gameplay, a tradition that many fans hope Mass Effect 4 will continue. The road hasn't always been a smooth one, but the majority of players who have played and loved the Mass Effect games are pleased with where its fan-favorite characters have ended up ahead of the next installment. Along with storylines that the developer has shaped, gamers were able to make some momentous decisions for themselves when it came to the fate of the galaxy – something Mass Effect 4 will have to deal with for its own narrative.

In both of the upcoming entries in BioWare's arguably two biggest series – Dragon Age: Dreadwolf and Mass Effect 4 – the developer will have to contend with a handful of important events that were left up to players. Some of these choices will need to be made canon in order to continue narratives or address the fates of certain characters, which is a problem that a number of franchises face when they release new installments. Canonizing some player choices over others can be a contentious issue, and this is just one of the many hurdles Mass Effect 4 will face on the way to release.

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Complications of Canonicity In Games Like Mass Effect

Mass Effect 4 poster ship

One of the strengths of role-playing games is that they can be incredibly immersive, letting gamers shape not only their protagonist but the world around them through their decisions. Previous Mass Effect games weren't completely determined by player choice, but there were enough key moments that meant the galaxy they end up with - and even which characters were around to enjoy it - was up to players to some extent.

This adds a personal dimension to any playthrough, but it can lead to some tricky decisions for developers about canon. Some of these choices are smaller and don't have to necessarily be addressed in Mass Effect 4, but others are monumental and would surely feature in the sequel's plot. Sometimes the playerbase assumes certain popular decisions are canon already, even without confirmation from the developer. However, a handful can prove to be controversial, leaving unresolved questions.

Although BioWare will inevitably need to make its own mind up about what state the Milky Way and Andromeda will be in during Mass Effect 4, the experiences of some players will have to be negated as a result. If a gamer has made certain decisions because that's how they wanted the stories of their Shepard or their Ryder to play out, yet BioWare ends up canonizing alternate options, that essentially reduces a player's freedom of choice come Mass Effect 4. They will still have had their unique experience of the earlier games, but to some extent their creativity is made redundant.

Major Choices in Previous Mass Effect Games

There are some aspects of the Mass Effect series and its galaxy-spanning story that are set in stone. Shepard will always need to face the Reapers and resolve their destructive cycle one way or another, Ryder will have no choice but to step into their father's shoes and lead the Andromeda Initiatives' search for a new home, and Garrus Vakarian will remain the best friend a spacefaring hero could have. However, alongside predetermined parts of each Mass Effect game there are plenty of elements that fans are able to choose for themselves, from smaller details like who to take on missions, to larger ideas like which side to take in a generations-long conflict.

Because of this, many fans are wondering what Mass Effect 4 will canonize when it comes to these more significant choices, as they will inevitably have an impact on how the story plays out. Some of the more monumental decisions that players have a hand in throughout the Mass EffectTrilogy and Mass Effect: Andromeda include determining the outcome of the conflict between the Quarians and the Geth, curing the Genophage, and if the Andromeda Initiative has a respectful or combative relationship with the Angara. Of course, the biggest decision that BioWare has already revealed is making the "Destroy" ending of Mass Effect 3 canon, which already has some interesting consequences for Mass Effect 4.

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How Canon Decisions Could Affect Mass Effect 4

Mass Effect 4 Mudskipper concept art

BioWare's choice to make the Destroy ending its canon option might provide some insight into where Mass Effect 4's story could go, but it also shows that the developer is committed to establishing a certain type of galaxy. Players who wanted to resolve Shepard's journey another way might be disappointed by this decision, but for the most part, the Destroy ending makes sense in the context of the wider series. This does mean that all synthetic life in the galaxy faced the same fate as the Reapers, so fan-favorite characters like Legion presumably won't feature in Mass Effect 4, and the world that players encounter in the next game will be vastly different from the Milky Way they're used to.

There's also a slim chance that Shepard can live through this ending, which sets up a potential return for the character – for better or worse. From the first teaser trailer shown for Mass Effect 4, players know that Liara is set to make an appearance in the upcoming installment, and the return of other characters could lead to some narrative complications. BioWare might need to make one of the many romances that Shepard or even Ryder can pursue canon in order to feature characters from the previous entries, which could add another layer of controversy to Mass Effect 4's story.

Mass Effect 4 is in development.

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