
  • Mass Effect 4's pilot will have big shoes to fill to top Joker's charisma and wit if it plans on introducing a new pilot.
  • Joker's ability to find humor in dire situations, despite his Vrolik syndrome, makes him one of Mass Effect's most beloved characters.
  • Bringing Joker back in Mass Effect 4 may be necessary, even if it would be hard to justify if there is a big time jump, as his role as the Normandy's navigator and endearing personality are irreplaceable.

Undoubtedly, one of the best features of BioWare's Mass Effect series is the characters. As each Mass Effect game largely revolves around its narrative, every character needs to be intentionally crafted in a way that adds emotional depth and nuance to each story, and BioWare has been known to take this assignment rather seriously. In light of Mass Effect's history, it's likely the same caliber of characters will be present in Mass Effect 4, the next mainline installment in the series, but it may have difficulty topping one particularly beloved character from the original trilogy.

The Mass Effect series is full of compelling characters — like Commander Shepard, Urdnot Wrex, and Tali'Zorah vas Neema — but none quite compare to Jeff "Joker" Moreau and the unmatched charm and wit he is known for. As the pilot of the squad's ship, the Normandy, Joker ensures they arrive at their destination safely and efficiently. While his role as the team's pilot certainly makes him a pivotal part of their success, Joker is much more than a pilot. His extreme charisma and likability make him stand out as one of the more memorable members of the group, and one that can't be so easily replaced. As such, Mass Effect 4 may find itself in a difficult position regarding its pilot.

Mass Effect 4 May Be Better Off Cutting Its Losses in One Area

Several elements of Mass Effect's squad have always been consistent, but the next game might benefit from moving past one of them.

Mass Effect 4's Pilot Will Need to Work Hard to Top Joker

Joker Is Known for His Charismatic Personality and Quick-witted Sarcasm

The majority of Joker's likability stems from his knack for lighthearted, sarcastic humor, even when present circumstances may not warrant it. In fact, his penchant for making light of rather serious situations earned him the nickname "Joker" among his friends, especially those aboard the Normandy. Somewhat appropriately, Joker is played by actor Seth Green, who is widely known for his critically acclaimed stop-motion animated series Robot Chicken, which mocks pop culture with offbeat humor and absurd references. It’s safe to say that Joker and Seth Green were all but made for each other, and this is arguably one of the main variables behind why Joker is such a beloved character in the franchise.

While it's not unheard of for someone to use comedy as a coping mechanism when faced with danger or otherwise unfavorable circumstances, a major detail about Joker's character makes this habit of his much more endearing. Joker has a real physical disability called Vrolik syndrome, otherwise known as "brittle bone disease," which makes his bones prone to fracturing. The fact that Joker has such a debilitating condition and yet finds ways to make light of even the most dire circumstances makes him even more lovable, especially when his jokes are directed at his unfortunate disease. All this leaves little doubt that Joker would be sorely missed in Mass Effect 4.

Joker May Need to Return in Mass Effect 4

Despite the possibility of Mass Effect 4 bringing another pilot onto the scene, it may have no choice but to bring Joker back, as it is hard to imagine a new pilot coming close to what came before. Plenty of characters in the series would undoubtedly be welcomed back in the next Mass Effect game, but none would arguably garner the same reception that Joker would. The longstanding pilot of the Normandy has proven his worth both as an exemplary navigator and one of the franchise's best characters, so there is more than enough reason for him to return in Mass Effect 4.

Even with Vrolik syndrome, Joker is notoriously one of Mass Effect's most resilient characters, though even then it will be hard to feature him in ME4 since there will seemingly be a big time jump. Still, it might be best for BioWare to find a way to let Joker return to the series in the next installment, as if Joker is absent in the next Mass Effect game, it won't go unnoticed.