BioWare's Mass Effect series is approaching a decade and a half since it first began, and it's just as beloved as ever. With four mainline entries and another on the way, fans have had lots of opportunities to explore the vast world of Mass Effect and encounter the many different aliens that inhabit it, and hopefully Mass Effect 4 will offer just as many great characters as its predecessors. The upcoming Mass Effect 4 is still a bit of a mystery, and despite some veiled comments, tantalizingly mysterious images, and a teaser trailer, fans are mostly none-the-wiser when it comes to what the next game will be.

Some have speculated that Mass Effect 4 could feature a significant time jump from the events in Mass Effect 3 in order to incorporate the Andromeda Initiative's long journey across the stars, but this remains unconfirmed. One thing that fans hope BioWare will address in the next game is Mass Effect: Andromeda's relative lack of new aliens. While Mass Effect 4 will probably take place back in the Milky Way, some players are hoping there will be new communities of aliens to get to know, and this should also translate to a freshening up of the companions as well.

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Why Companions Are So Important


BioWare games use a familiar formula, especially in series like Mass Effect and Dragon Age. The group of companions that players encounter can be brought along on missions and play integral roles in the overarching story. They are also vital for a lot of the games' humor and emotional story beats, developing meaningful relationships with the player character as well as providing entertaining background comments on quests.

A lot of the most memorable and popular characters in BioWare games that follow this format are companion characters, like Varric in Dragon Age or Wrex in Mass Effect. They become so important to fans that they can be the source of a never-ending parade of fan fiction and fan art that transcends the world of the games they feature in. Whether players like the companions has a large impact on their enjoyment of the game, so it's a vital ingredient to get right.

mass effect legendary edition companions feature

The Mass Effect trilogy was perhaps more successful in cultivating this close-knit bond between the player and their in-game companions than Mass Effect: Andromeda was, but all four titles presented gamers with a compelling cast of characters that were varied and entertaining. Some definitely stand out more than others, and characters that featured in the first game right through to the third like Garrus and Liara were able to connect to the player's Shepard in a way that first-timers like James weren't.

Without their companions, Shepard could be seen as a fairly run-of-the-mill militaristic hero character, but it's through their relationships that Shepard's personality is really shaped. Ryder too could be seen as a little bland, but their team helps to flesh them out and give color to their character. In the Mass Effect Trilogy in particular, the whole Reaper arc is powerfully underscored by Shepard's commitment to their team, and that's why things like the Citadel DLC and the coming together of all the characters felt so rewarding and meaningful.

However, while the Mass Effect games to date have managed to present unique and mostly distinct characters for players to have as companions, there are certain patterns that the games adhere to. There are at least two human companions in every game, there's always a turian and a krogan, and there's usually an asari in the mix as well. Considering the dominance of these species in the galaxy, it does make sense for them to feature prominently, but it leaves less space for other races to shine.

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Where Mass Effect 4 Could Take Them


Some Mass Effect games have tried to shake things up with one-off companions like the prothean Javik in Mass Effect 3, but usually they don't waver too much from the classic setup. Mass Effect 4 has the chance to really push the boat out and could feature previously underrepresented companions from races that otherwise don't get a lot of love. Thane was a popular character, but despite some missions featuring his son and a few interesting conversations with him on the Normandy, players don't really know much about the drell. Another drell companion, perhaps even with a hanar on the ship as well to see how the two interlinked species interact, would be a great addition.

There are some species that seem ruled out due to their size, like the cumbersome elcor. It's also hard to picture them engaging in combat, and while they're amusing to encounter on the Citadel, it's unlikely players would want their particular brand of communication as background noise on a mission. There are so many species that players have only previously encountered in limited circumstances who would make interesting companions, though. While it's difficult to imagine what some of them would bring to the table in a fight, it would be fun to get to know species like the volus better.

There may have been a salarian companion in the form of the unforgettable Mordin Solus and his penchant for catchy rhymes, but some outlier of his race would be interesting to see. The Mordin equivalent of Peebee would no doubt be interesting.

Depending on where and when the story for Mass Effect 4 takes place, another angaran companion like Mass Effect: Andromeda's Jaal could work well, especially if members of the race have traveled across to the Milky Way and are experiencing an entirely new galaxy.

Of course, there are plenty of fan-favorite races like krogans and turians that it is difficult to imagine a Mass Effect game without, and while Mass Effect: Andromeda had a female turian, players have never had a female krogan companion. Putting female turians and krogans front and center would be a big change and could help diversify the companion roster. But some players would be most excited about an entirely new alien race joining the ranks. With Mass Effect 4's main antagonist still a mystery, a new race could tie into the next Big Bad in a similar way to the angara/kett relationship in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Mass Effect 4 is in development.

MORE: Mass Effect: 6 Things You Didn't Know About Turians