
  • Legion from Mass Effect was a thought-provoking companion, challenging perceptions of the Geth race and offering deep ethical dilemmas.
  • Despite its potential, Legion was introduced late and killed off too soon in the original trilogy, leaving room for more exploration of the Geth.
  • With the possible return of the Geth teased for Mass Effect 4, BioWare should consider introducing a new Geth companion for players to bond with.

While BioWare's Mass Effect franchise is known for its captivating worlds and narratives, a longstanding fan-favorite feature is undoubtedly its companion characters. Mass Effect's companions have always encompassed a fairly wide range of personalities and backstories, and typically serve as satisfying side adventures for players to enjoy when they're not focused on a game's main story. Judging by BioWare's history with compelling companions, Mass Effect 4 will likely feature companions of the same caliber.

Every companion in the Mass Effect universe has their merits, but none stands out quite like Legion. As a Geth mobile platform, Legion presented players with a companion unlike any other, leaving an indelible mark on the franchise and setting a new standard for future companions. Unfortunately, Legion appeared in Mass Effect 2 a little too late and then was killed off in Mass Effect 3, resulting in what could arguably be deemed "wasted potential." Now, with Mass Effect 4 on the horizon, BioWare should consider the impact that Legion has had on the story and introduce a new Geth companion for players to bond with.

Mass Effect 4 May Be Better Off Cutting Its Losses in One Area

Several elements of Mass Effect's squad have always been consistent, but the next game might benefit from moving past one of them.

Why Mass Effect 4 Needs a Geth Companion

Legion Is One of Mass Effect's Most Thought-Provoking Companions

Of every argument for Mass Effect 4 to include a Geth companion, Legion is undoubtedly the most compelling. The Mass Effect series has seen many characters fight alongside the main protagonist, but Legion is by far one of the franchise's most thought-provoking companions. This is largely due to the fact that they are a Geth mobile platform, a race who were, up until Legion's appearance, presented solely as an enemy force that must be stopped. When Legion arrived on the scene near the end of Mass Effect 2, they added nuance to the collective perception of the Geth, especially as Legion became more self-aware and began exploring questions such as identity and morality.

One of Legion's most intriguing characteristics was found in their logical and calculated approach to every circumstance, as they left emotion entirely out of the picture — though they attempted to understand it to the point that it would often appear as though Legion actually had a soul. Legion's logical approach to every situation presented players with major ethical dilemmas that might not otherwise be present under the influence of emotion. These dilemmas encouraged players to navigate the prejudices present in the Mass Effect universe and thereby added layers of complexity to Legion's character arc that would be nearly impossible for any sentient companion to achieve.

Legion Was Arguably Wasted Potential in the Mass Effect Trilogy

Despite being such a thought-provoking companion, Legion was largely wasted potential in the original Mass Effect trilogy. As the last companion to join the squad in Mass Effect 2, he only first shows up as the story is coming to a close and is then killed off in Mass Effect 3. Since Legion was most likely created by BioWare to challenge perceptions of the Geth, it makes little sense why Legion would play such an insignificant role in the series. Mass Effect 4 could explore this concept even further by adding a Geth companion to its roster, especially if there were any way the Geth could have survived Mass Effect 3's destroy ending.

It hasn't been confirmed whether the Geth will be present in Mass Effect 4, but a poster for the game shared on N7 day in 2021 seems to tease their return. If this turns out to be true, there is very little reason why a Geth companion in Mass Effect 4 would be left off the table considering how much Legion added to the game in Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. With Dragon Age: Dreadwolf receiving a full summer reveal this year, it's likely Mass Effect 4 is still a fair bit away, but BioWare may at least provide updates on the game as its release approaches.