
  • Mass Effect 4 could expand its iconic biotic powers for unique characters.
  • The next Mass Effect game could benefit from new biotic ability types, like biotic walls or blades.
  • New biotics abilities could make each crewmate distinct in combat.

The next Mass Effect title can take one notable ability from the series and take it to a whole new level. Mass Effect as a whole has become one of the most successful sci-fi video game series in the industry, so the next sequel is sure to make an impact. In particular, there are several aspects that have become iconic to the games. In another sequel, expanding on these signature details could be beneficial for Mass Effect in general. In fact, additional focus on one specific area would do wonders for the series' flavor of science fiction adventure.

While the main protagonist, Commander Shepard of Mass Effect is the most well-known icon of the series, the universe of the games as a whole is highly fascinating. Over the course of the trilogy, players are introduced to a lot of interesting people, species, and planets. Members of Shepard's crew would end up becoming several of the most memorable characters of their gaming generation, such as Garrus and Tali, and the enthralling worlds designed by the developers are what made the series so beloved in the first place. A new Mass Effect game would be an amazing opportunity to add to an iconic legacy.

Mass Effect 4 Can't Let Romance Be the End All Be All of Relationships

Mass Effect 4 has the chance to make its companions who aren't available to romance some of the most memorable and beloved in the series.

Mass Effect's Biotics Can Grow Further in the Next Game

Biotics are Mass Effect's Psychic Combatants

One element that players should be familiar with is Mass Effect's biotic powers. Essentially, biotics are the Mass Effect universe's equivalent of psychics. By using mental powers, either natural or augmented, biotic powers can be applied in several ways. Players will be most familiar with the combat powers that their biotic squadmates, or even Shepard themselves can use. Biotic powers typically specialize in manipulating the fight, such as using lift to send enemies flying into the air, or Barrier to bolster their shields against enemy fire. Almost every biotic power in the game is a lot of fun to use in a fight.

Mass Effect Would Greatly Benefit From an Expanded Selection of Biotic Powers

Expanding the scope of biotic powers could be a notable way for Mass Effect 4 to improve over past games. While biotic powers have been shown off frequently in past games, there is still a world of new effects that they could be used for. For instance, they could erect walls of mental energy to block bullets and impede movement. They could also use their power to create biotic blades to fight with, similar to Psylocke from X-Men. Future biotic abilities could even include powers to counteract enemy biotics, collapsing their shields and even making their powers backfire when used.

Mass Effect's Biotics Can Evolve Into More Specialized Characters

An expanded array of biotic powers would have several advantages for the next Mass Effect game. The biggest reason for Mass Effect to level up its biotics would be to make each biotic crewmate feel more distinct. It's almost certain that the next game will feature multiple biotics in its crew. While some abilities such as Throw and Barrier could be universal, giving them very specialized biotic powers would give each a distinct role in a fight beyond being a biotic. For instance, one biotic crewmate could specialize in support and crowd control, while another could have powers focused almost entirely on heavy direct damage.

Expanding the scope of biotic powers could be a notable way for Mass Effect 4 to improve over past games.

Whenever the next Mass Effect game comes along, hopefully it will have a new list of exciting biotic powers. Even if players don't see Commander Shepard return to Mass Effect, the universe still has a lot to offer, with biotics being a significant reason for enthusiasm. After so much time has passed since the last game, there's no telling how much more creative biotic powers could get, and how they could reshape the game's formula. Biotics have a real chance to be one of the defining aspects of the next Mass Effect.

mass effect
Mass Effect
Created by
Casey Hudson
Creation Year
BioWare , Edge of Reality , Demiurge Studios , Straight Right
Electronic Arts , Microsoft Game Studios