
  • Mass Effect: Andromeda introduced a new alien species called the Angara, including a popular companion named Jaal Ama Darav.
  • The Angara are characterized by their free-spirited nature, honesty, and community-focused culture with large families.
  • With the teaser trailer for Mass Effect 4 suggesting a return to the Milky Way, it would be a missed opportunity to not include a new Angaran companion, given Jaal's popularity.

Mass Effect is well known for including companions of various alien species such as Asari, Turians, and Quarians. Mass Effect: Andromeda introduced a brand-new alien species called the Angara. With the Angara, a new companion known as Jaal Ama Darav joined to the franchise, and quickly rose in popularity.

Throughout the games, Mass Effect has been introducing companions from alien species and increasing that with each game. In Mass Effect 1, an Asari companion called Liara T’Soni was introduced, followed by two more Asari companions, Samara in Mass Effect 2, and PeeBee in Andromeda. With BioWare introducing new companions from various species with each entry, it would make sense to introduce a new Angaran companion if Mass Effect 4 allows it.

RELATED: Mass Effect 4: Why the Angara Need to Play a Major Role

The Angaran in ME: Andromeda

mass effect 3 andromeda jaal ending

Angaran Origins

The Anagara are a species native to the Andromeda Galaxy, and were originally created by the Jardaan, an ancient civilization that has disappeared from Andromeda and leaving behind their ancient ruins. It is unknown why they created the Angara, but speculation hints that they may have been created as host bodies for the Jardaan, since the Jardaan were non-corporeal lifeforms. However, it seems as if the Jardaan abandoned whatever they had planned for the Angara. The Angara believe that their original home world is the planet Havarl.

Angaran Culture

The Angara are traditionally a free-spirited species and have a larger-than-life attitude. They are however very honest and straightforward, and will say and do what they mean, which also extends to violence. They are a community-focused species rather than individualist, and will have large families. One Angara will have one mother and one father, and on average have up to 18 siblings. They pride themselves on charity, cooperation, and self-sacrifice.

Mass Effect 4 Needs Its Own Jaal Ama Darav

me5 andromeda jaal

Jaal is considered one of the best companions in Mass Effect: Andromeda by players. Some players even say that he is a top tier companion with the likes of Garrus Vakarian. Jaal is a sweet and sincere character with an equally endearing romance. With Jaal being a popular hit in Andromeda, BioWare introducing a new Angara companion in Mass Effect 4 would be a great addition.

Out of all the companions in Andromeda, Jaal is one of the most popular romance choices for players. At first, he is hesitant at opening up, and a romance isn’t possible until he considers Andromeda protagonist Ryder a friend, but once he does, Jaal has a beautiful romance with Ryder, from introducing Ryder to his family, to bringing them to a lovely, secluded area to be alone together. Jaal is one of the most sincere and vulnerable companions in Andromeda.

How a New Angaran Companion Would Fit into Mass Effect 4


Mass Effect 4's Setting is Key

The teaser trailer for Mass Effect 4 has shown Liara and a derelict Reaper, so the next game will most likely bring players back to the Milky Way. Liara is an Asari, which can live up to 1,000 years, and she was roughly 109 during Mass Effect 3, which was set in the year 2186. With Andromeda being set about 600 years after Mass Effect 3, it is highly likely that Liara is still alive, making it entirely possible for the Angara to attempt to venture to the Milky Way during Liara's lifetime.

Angara Visiting the Milky Way

It would make sense for the Angara to want to visit the Milky Way after getting to know the Initiative. Even some members of the Androeda Initiative may grow homesick and look for a way back to the Milky Way. Of course, unless their friends and family were Asari, it is more than likely there is nothing to go back home to. Nevertheless, if Mass Effect 4 is set after Andromeda, it would be a missed opportunity for BioWare to not include a new Angaran companion in the next Mass Effect, given Jaal's popularity.