While the Mass Effect trilogy was not above criticism, it remains one of the most beloved sci-fi RPG series. Unfortunately, 2017's Mass Effect: Andromeda did not meet expectations. And while some still want Andromeda's story to continue, there was a time when some fans worried its failure might end the series for good. Fortunately, this was not the case when BioWare announced Mass Effect 4 in November 2020.

More than two years have passed since BioWare revealed Mass Effect 4's first teaser trailer. However, the game is still likely a long way off, and there is a lot that fans still don't know about it. It's unclear if BioWare will even call the game Mass Effect 4. However, it's not as if developers are leaving fans totally in the dark, instead drip-feeding them a series of teasers for the upcoming Mass Effect 4.

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N7 Day 2020 Blog Post

Mass Effect 4 Mudskipper concept art

Mass Effect 4's official announcement came on November 7, 2022. Then-Vice President Casey Hudson wrote a blog post wishing fans a happy N7 Day and updating them on the progress of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. While the remaster was Hudson's primary focus, he also revealed that "a veteran team" had just started work on the next Mass Effect game. This included a piece of concept art showing four characters standing outside Mass Effect 4's Mudskipper.

BioWare Coffee Table Book

BioWare 25 years book Mass Effect_4_concept art

November 2020 also saw BioWare and Dark Horse Books publish BioWare: Stories and Secrets from 25 Years of Game Development. The last chapter of the 328-page coffee table book concludes with a two-page spread dedicated to Mass Effect 4. While the short caption reveals nothing new, the book featured four pieces of Mass Effect 4 concept art. In addition to the image from Casey Hudson's N7 day post, the artwork included a Mass Relay under construction, massive structures rising from a planet's surface, and five characters in space suits approaching a large object on a misty planet.

Mass Effect 4 2020 Teaser Trailer

Most fans have probably seen Mass Effect 4's 2020 teaser trailer. Shown at the Game Awards on December 10, 2020, the trailer opens with a view of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. It proceeds to zoom in to the galaxy while picking up radio transmissions that chronicle humanity's exploration of space, contact with the Citadel races, and the Reaper invasion. It then shows the Mudskipper setting down on a frozen planet where recurring Mass Effect squad member Liara T'Soni finds a fragment of Shepard's armor.

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N7 Day 2021 Geth Crater Poster

Fans wouldn't see their next teaser until N7 day 2021 when BioWare revealed a new Mass Effect poster on Twitter. The image features another new ship landed on the edge of a large crater, with text informing fans that "Mass Effect Will Continue." It was not long before fans noticed that the crater looked like one of the robotic Geth, confirming they play a prominent role in the new game. Closer examination reveals a squad of four characters walking toward what appears to be a Geth lying partially buried on the ground.

N7 Day 2022 Secret Transmission

BioWare decided to commemorate N7 Day 2022 with a short clip featuring a slow zoom-in on a partly constructed Mass Relay resembling the one from the coffee table book. Looking closely, viewers can see several ships moving on the screen. This includes a small vessel with bright blue engines, which fans speculated was either the Tempest from Mass Effect: Andromeda or the unnamed ship from the 2021 poster. Fans also noted the clip was dated 2190, about four years after the events of Mass Effect 3. Additionally, the title of the clip's DL file references Mass Effect's Satherium System, which is home to a dormant Mass Relay.

However, the most remarkable part is the ominous, highly distorted, crackling audio. Fans quickly deciphered the cryptic message, with BioWare uploading a clean version a few hours later. It was a conversation between Liara and one of the Geth. While the Geth's speech is indecipherable, Liara responds with, "I see it. How did we miss this?" and "Exactly, the Council will be furious! Although, they should know by now not to underestimate human defiance."

Mass Effect 4 City Concept Art

In addition to the void clip BioWare also shared to pieces of Mass Effect 4 concept art showing futuristic cityscapes. The first image depicts a Turian, Salarian, and third unidentified alien standing beneath flying cars and towering alien skyscrapers. The second image shows more flying cars over a city shrouded in a red mist. While there's not much to decipher, it shows some potential locations from the upcoming Mass Effect 4.

Mass Effect 4 is in development.

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