The Omega DLC for Mass Effect 3 allows players to encounter Aria T'Loak once again and help her reclaim her territory, which has been overrun by Cerberus operatives. While at Aria's Bunker, players will meet an elcor named Harrot, owner of Harrot's Emporium, which some might recognize from Mass Effect 2. This elcor would like Commander Shepard to retrieve Aria's couch in order to earn some points with her and get on her good side.

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This guide will tell gamers everything they need to know so that they can get Aria's couch in Mass Effect 3 and complete Omega: Assist Harrot before it becomes impossible to complete.

The Omega: Assist Harrot missions is only available for players who own the Omega DLC or Mass Effect: Legendary Edition .

How to Find Aria's Couch

talking to harrot on omega

Before leaving Aria's Bunker in Mass Effect 3, players must make sure that they speak to Harrot, the elcor near the shop terminal. Harrot asks Shepard to send him the coordinates of Aria's couch if they come across it while walking through Omega during the DLC missions.

At a certain point in the mission, players must try to enter the Afterlife, the infamous club on Omega. While trying to destroy the support columns to get inside, the bridge in this location will be destroyed, so players will be forced to raise the dam in order to get across without the overflowing water.

Before heading to the room on the left and continuing the mission, gamers must take this opportunity to descend the ladder and explore the area underneath the bridge - here, they will find Aria's Couch. Shepard will call Harrot and let him know where to go to retrieve it.

Can You Return to Omega in Mass Effect 3?

afterlife mass effect 3 on omega

As would be expected, many players would love to see the result of their efforts after getting Aria's Couch back to her, so it is only natural to wonder if it's possible to return to Omega in Mass Effect 3 after completing the DLC.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to return to the Afterlife or Omega after completing the Omega DLC in Mass Effect 3. Once gamers have finished the DLC, they can return to Purgatory on the Citadel if they wish to speak with Aria T'Loak again.

mass effect legendary edition
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

Mass Effect
PC , PS4 , Xbox One
May 14, 2021
Action , RPG