Before Mass Effect 3 players unlock the famous party section of the Citadel DLC, they must complete the "Retake the Normandy" mission by defeating the clone and deciding its fate. This additional content is included as part of the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.

Those playing the original, or revisiting the fan-favorite Citadel DLC as part of the remastered Mass Effect: Legendary Edition can use this guide to decide whether to save or kill the clone in Mass Effect 3.

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Save or Kill Clone in Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC?

Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC Retake the Normandy decision

Although the decision of whether to save or kill the clone in Mass Effect 3 is presented as a big choice, it actually doesn't matter which option is selected. If players choose to kill the clone, they get a cutscene of Shepard kicking them overboard. If the clone is saved, Shepard offers them their hand and tells the clone that they get to live. They ask "For what?", and then let go, falling to their death. The clone will die no matter which option is picked.

The decision is just a way to conclude the story roleplaying as a Shepard who makes Paragon or Renegade choices in Mass Effect. Players have another morality decision to make regarding Brooks after getting the Normandy under control.

Choosing the Paragon dialogue and prompt will talk Brooks out of hacking her cuffs, and she will turn herself in. Picking the Renegade dialogue instead results in Brooks successfully hacking her cuffs and attempting to escape. If players use the Renegade interrupt, Shepard will shoot and kill her. If they don't, one of Shepard's squadmates will kill her instead.

Mass Effect 3 Brooks decision in Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC mission

At this point, the famous party section of Mass Effect 3's Citadel DLC is now available. It can be delayed if players wish to complete more missions and assignments, as surviving squadmates from previous games can only be invited if their story arcs in the third game have been completed.

It's recommended to see everyone players wish to speak with on the Silversun Strip before the party, as the conversations can affect dialogue and even cutscenes available at the big blowout at Shepard's apartment. There's even the chance to spend an awkward night with Javik in Mass Effect 3 if a female Shepard hasn't locked in a romance with another character before the party.

Even though the decision to save or kill the clone doesn't really affect the game, players should get a kick out of the many ridiculous moments experienced throughout the rest of the Citadel content.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Complete Guide - Tips, Tricks, Discussions, & News