A Mass Effect 3 fan online has shared an extremely interesting theory that would make unpopular companion James Vega much more interesting. The companions in the Mass Effect franchise are often seen as the most important feature of the games, but Vega is often overlooked by the community.

Upon the release of the third game in the trilogy, Vega was considered one of the worst companions in Mass Effect. His appearance in the finale felt shoehorned in, and he initially appears as a cliché buff-soldier type. In true BioWare fashion, Vega does begin to show another more likable side to his character, with layers deeper than many other Mass Effect characters. This is especially notable during James Vega's romance storyline for FemShep, as well as during the incredible Citadel DLC. Unfortunately, he was just added too late to make a lasting impact on the community, and he remains one of the more unpopular companions in the franchise.

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Redditor GetEquipped posted their theory about James Vega, and even if it isn't intentional, it still makes him a much better character. If the player recruits Kaidan in Mass Effect 3, they'll see an interaction in which Vega cleans him out in a game of Poker. Later in the game, Vega can be seen playing Poker with a bunch of refugees, but despite his earlier prowess he always seems to lose. This theory proposes that Vega is throwing the games on purpose, and donating his credits without making it seem like a handout, while also offering a distraction and morale boost to the refugees. It's a brilliant theory, one that would add even more layers to Vega's character. It's not even particularly far-fetched, given the complexity of the writing in the Mass Effect trilogy.

Gamers in the thread loved the idea, but one user proposed another interesting theory that is at odds with this one: Kaidan could just be awful at Poker, and has absolutely no idea when to quit. Ultimately, it's a great theory that will hopefully encourage some players who skipped Vega on their first playthrough to give him a second chance. He's one of the best romances in Mass Effect, simply overlooked by many FemShep players for characters like Garrus and Thane.

At the moment, it seems very unlikely that Vega will make a big return for Mass Effect 4. Although BioWare is yet to reveal an official time period for the sequel, early teasers indicate it will take place well after the original trilogy, long after Vega is dead and gone. It seems likely that Liara is the only returning companion for Mass Effect 4, and given her fan-favorite status, it would be a move that makes a lot of sense. The game is rumored to still be in early development, so it could be a while before gamers know for sure.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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