While exploring the Citadel in Mass Effect 2, players will have the opportunity to purchase a Space Hamster to keep them company for the rest of their travels. If players did this, the hamster would remain on the ship until the end of the game because, unlike Shepard's fish, it didn't have to be fed.

Mass Effect Fish Tank Guide

The fish tank is a small part of the Mass Effect experience. Here's everything you need to know about it.

However, when fans return to the Normandy in Mass Effect 3, the hamster is no longer there. Gamers don't have to lose hope, as they can get their adorable rodent companion back. This guide will tell players everything they need to know in order to get their back the Space Hamster in Mass Effect 3.

Space Hamster Location in Mass Effect 3

space hamster mass effect

In Mass Effect 3, the team will change considerably. While players will have some of their old squadmates back, like Garrus and Liara, they won't be able to recruit other familiar faces, such as Jack and Grunt. They can check up on these characters if they made it out of the Suicide Mission alive, but that's about it.

In the previous game, Jack used to hang around Engineering on the lower level. Now that she's no longer in this area, the Space Hamster made it his home. To find the Space Hamster in Mass Effect 3, take the elevator to Deck 4: Engineering, enter the corridor that leads to Main Engineering, and go down the stairs - the hamster can be found there.

How to Capture the Space Hamster

The Space Hamster can definitely be hard to capture in Mass Effect 3, as it moves quite quickly. The best way is to stand in the middle of the engineering deck, as it gives players time to spot it and analyze its movement before it hides.

Gamers need to be able to get close enough to the hamster so that the red lines appear around it. They should press the interact button repeatedly so that when it happens, Shepard will automatically capture it instead of missing their chance.

If the player isn't able to catch the Space Hamster on their first try, they can simply wait, and it will come out from hiding a few moments later.

Once gamers have captured the Space Hamster, they'll find it in Shepard's cabin, on top of the shelf next to the bathroom door. Players can interact with the Space Hamster at any time.

If fans complete the Citadel DLC, they'll be able to witness a funny moment in which Shepard finds the hamster's habitat in the Galaxy Map room after enemies have overtaken the ship and flag the creature as disposal - thankfully, this will not actually happen.

shepard space hamster citadel dlc