With the recent release of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, fans of the series can now play remastered versions of the original Mass Effect trilogy. While being generally true to the originals, several major things have been changed to help update the games to be more in line with modern standards and make the process of playing through all three games back to back to back a much smoother one.

These changes are mostly done behind the scenes to help finely tune the games' combat and other systems. While some argue that Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is an RPG first and a third-person shooter second, it's easy to see that plenty of a player's time with the trilogy is going to be spent behind cover in combat. An issue that some players are running into is that after accidentally pushing a combat-oriented button in a non-combat space, they can't seem to put their weapons away.

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Holstering Shepard's Weapon

The quick combat tutorial at the start of Mass Effect 1 is hardly all-encompassing of every combat system in the game. Sure, players get a general overview of how firefights work and what their abilities are, but some things are left unspecified. Manually having Shepard and their crew holster their weapons isn't something entirely necessary to the gameplay, but it never feels great to be running around the Citidel turning in missions with an assault rifle in hand.

Legion and Tali Mass Effect 2

There are moments after combat sections where Shepard will put away their guns automatically, but they're still able to be drawn at any time. If the player is looking to manually hoster their guns, all they'll need to do is press the "touchpad" on PS4 and PS5 or the "view" button on the Xbox. This button is also called "select" by some, but as there's no text on the controller to indicate either name, it's the left-center button with three horizontal lines.

This button layout is the same in Mass Effect 2, however, the ability to manually hoster Shepard's weapons is strangely absent in Mass Effect 3. This might be something patched into Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, but it was absent in the original version as well, so it might be an intentional feature. Either way, make sure to be sure that all enemies have been dealt with before having Shepard put away their guns as putting them away also hinders their ability to take cover or engage in any other combat mechanics.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Complete Guide - Tips, Tricks, Discussions, & News