
  • Mash's strength is considered unheard of among the highest-ranking mages in his magic-dominated society.
  • His combat sense allows him to deduce countermeasures against powerful magical abilities using his physicality.
  • Mash's special physique built for magic and his superb muscle control make him a formidable and versatile fighter.

Mash Burnedead of Mashle: Magic And Muscles graces the shonen protagonist's hall of fame as a main character who boasts otherworldly levels of physical power. However, unlike fellow OP MCs such as Saitama and even Lord Ainz, Mashle being set in a magic-dominated society means Mash's remarkable strength is unheard of among its highest-ranking mages. However, given how Mash can contend with the likes of Triple-Liners who are considered some of the world's best spellcasters, fans of the series may be wondering just how far Mash's strength can go.

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Fans of the ongoing anime who want some hint of Mash's full potential may be curious as to just what kind of special abilities the protagonist has beyond his otherworldy physique. Surprisingly enough, Mash Burnedead has quite a number of tricks up his sleeve that people often misinterpret as the mere trappings of a protagonist.

This article contains spoilers for Mashle Season 2 and the rest of the manga!

10 Incredible Combat Sense

Defeated An OP Cloning Mage By Weighing Their Copies To Find The Real Deal

Whack-a-moling the enemy Doom

Due to the magical setting of Mashle: Magic and Muscles, it’s not all the time that its spellcasters have to rely on combat instincts to win fights. Since magical prowess is dictated based on how many lines a mage has, fights can easily be dictated based on who can pull off the most powerful magical spells. However, Mash’s reliance on his physical prowess means he has to rely on his instincts more than usual - something he can pull off with his Incredible Combat Sense.

While not directly referenced in the series, Mash can deduce countermeasures he can pull off with his physicality whenever he faces powerful magical abilities. This is especially demonstrated in his fight against Doom, perhaps the strongest of Innocent Zero’s children, whose physical prowess is combined with an equally OP power of duplicating himself with clones of the same strength. However, Mash was able to attack him properly after whack-a-moling his clones - which he deduced would be lighter than the original.

9 Immense Durability

Won A Fight With A Gaping Hole In His Chest

Immense Durability

Given someone of Mash’s strength, it makes sense for a physical powerhouse shonen protagonist to also possess Incredible Durability. However, in the Mashle series, Mash is more akin to Goku rather than Superman in terms of physicality, whereas the former and the Saiyan are both still prone to extremely powerful attacks. However, Mash has proven himself to be more than capable of exerting himself to the fullest, courtesy of his excellent muscle control.

This is demonstrated in Mash’s fight with Domina Blowelive of Walkis Magic Academy, where his Waters magic has proven deadly enough to deal a devastating attack on Mash that opened a large wound in his torso. Moreover, there was an instance of Mash fighting with full force briefly with his heart ripped out of his chest. Despite Mash requiring intensive care afterward, his ability to overexert himself in critical conditions shows a resilience few shonen protagonists physically possess.

8 Otherworldly Reflexes

Can Use The Laws Of Physics To Quickly Outsmart Enemies

Otherworldly Reflexes

Mash being able to casually deflect some of the most impressive displays of anime magic in the series is courtesy of his Otherworldly Reflexes. In turn, it’s explained that Mash isn't a nigh-invulnerable force who can deflect the very might of a god if he simply wishes. While Mash is indeed physically potent, he’s still a mortal being capable of being damaged. In turn, he still needs to react fast enough to magic and other attacks to form countermeasures against them.

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This is demonstrated in his fight against Margarette Macaron in the Divine Visionary Selection Exam Arc, where the third-year Macaron’s Sounds magic can hit fast enough that not many students can dodge it. However, as sound still follows the laws of physics, Mash uses sound's ability to travel on the ground faster to predict her attacks. According to Kaldo Gehenna of the Bureau of Magic, Mash must possess otherworldly reflexes to be able to deduce such a property.

7 Superhuman Speed

Can Move Fast Enough To Only leave An Afterimage

Superhuman Speed

On top of Mash’s characteristic strength is remarkable Superhuman Speed. While the anime protagonist’s powers aren’t to the levels achieved by the likes of the Flash, his powerset remains impressive when taking into account the speeds he can reach when he chooses to actively contract his leg muscles. Aside from just popping out of nowhere at the mention of cream puffs, Mash’s superhuman speed becomes more evident from the perspective of his special attacks.

For instance, his Big Bang Dash is a “Hamstring Magic” running sprint that lets him achieve inhuman distances. When used in attacks, it can be as simple as his “Triceps Magic” Ballista Knuckle or the more powerful Divine Punishment, both of which involve running quickly before finishing off opponents with punches. Perhaps most hilarious is his Special Art Body Substitution Jutsu where he changes from his uniform to training gear so quickly his peers can’t notice the process of switching his clothes out.

6 Special Physique Built For Magic

A Form Of Biological Sorcery?

A Physique for Magic

When one looks at Mash and his powerset in the anime, one might think that the shonen protagonist must have one of the best natural bodies to endure the kind of training he constantly undergoes. As it turns out, Mash does have a Special Physique Built For Magic. Due to his status as Innocent Zero’s child, it seems Mash may have a body specially compatible with magic.

Such is Mash’s special natural physique that Innocent Zero himself wanted to absorb it to become “the perfect human.” However, the wording in the manga that states Mash’s body is compatible “for magic” may imply there’s always been the possibility of Mash being able to tap into magical powers, and that Muscles Magic may be some form of biological sorcery.

5 Superhuman Strength

Can Punch Through Entire Structures Or Lift Sections Of The Ground

Superhuman Strength

Perhaps the most notable power of Mash as an anime protagonist is his remarkable strength. Similar to the likes of Saitama of One Punch Man, Mash has trained incredible lengths for his muscles to achieve superhuman levels. This eventually resulted in him pulling off remarkable feats beyond mere hitting foes like with his usual Barbarian Shot.

For instance, his Big Three Dragon Head is an “Erector Spinae Magic” that allows him to dig out entire portions of the ground to throw at opponents. Likewise, his Bio-Mechanics Cannon: Pronation can let him punch the walls of Innocent Zero’s castle with such force that it can create massive holes through its structures.

4 Dark Magic Dispersion

Can Shrug Off Dark Magic Attacks With Ease

Dark Magic Repulsion

While it’s true that Mash possesses remarkable durability and superhuman strength, the youth is not impervious to magic. However, throughout the Mashle anime magic series, Mash has demonstrated a remarkable ability that hasn’t been directly referenced as part of his natural skillset: Dark Magic Dispersion.

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Much of the anime’s demonstrations of Mash deflecting his opponent’s magical attacks have to do with Mash manipulating the environment to his advantage. However, one special occurrence of this not happening was with his Gaia Burst. He considers this a “Finger Extensor Magic,” where he simply flicks his fingers with such strength that it can casually deflect Dark Magic attacks. Unlike other forms of magic in the series, Dark Magic doesn’t have natural environmental limitations that Mash can use against it, making Gaia Burst quite a unique attack.

3 Muscles Magic

Total Muscle Control Beyond Human Comprehension

Muscles Magic

Despite being called Muscles Magic, Mash is ironically still not able to use any kind of magic in the magic school-themed anime. However, such is his capabilities with his muscles that schoolmates, teachers, and even antagonists are convinced he’s using some sort of undetectable magical power. In truth, Mash has achieved such an incredible degree of muscle control that he can do impossibly ridiculous feats.

For instance, Mash has superb control over his lungs that he can inhale to suck specific objects or exhale to spit objects out at impressive speeds. Breakdancing upwards can cause enough air pressure to generate tornadoes, while he can rub a stick on the ground fast enough to generate fire. More impressive is his capability of moving his legs at such a speed that the air it generates can propel him upwards, mimicking flight. He can even block a sword strike with his eyelids, courtesy of special training.

2 Weakness Mode

Become Flimsy As Paper To Deflect Attacks

Weakness Mode

Given Mash’s incredible control over his muscles, he not only can reinforce his body to become as durable as Superman’s, but he can also literally let himself “loose” to the point of becoming a paper-thin elastic Plastic Man. This mode is called Weakness Mode, described as a state of “perfect lethargy” where Mash just lets himself flow with the wind, becoming as floppy as paper.

However, it’s this flimsiness where the Weakness Mode’s true power lies. According to Doom, whose powers include being able to duplicate Mash-level strength, the Weakness Mode is the perfect combination of defense and offense. While Weakness Mode Mash is difficult to damage due to the state of his body, his capacity to contract his muscles back into a state of activity is at such a speed that he can both dodge and deflect Doom’s destructive attacks.

1 Unlimited Physical Mode

Losing His Wrist Bracelets Unleashes Otherworldly Physique

Unlimited Physical Mode

At first glance, Mash receiving an anime power-up comparable to the Super Saiyan Mode like the Unlimited Physical Mode can become rather mundane once fans realize this is just Mash removing his wrist weights. However, similar to Naruto’s Rock Lee whose immense physical prowess is showcased to Gaara upon removing his body weights, it seems Mash is only getting serious once his restraining weights are finally away from his arms.

What’s important to realize here is the implication that his wrist weights are magically empowered to actively suppress his physical might. This means Mash’s nonchalant displays of immense strength are just a fraction of what Unlimited Physical Mode offers. In this mode, Mash becomes extremely fast and his movements create after-images. Two of his strongest moves are achieved in this mode: a two-armed strike called Unlimited Hammer, and fast-paced Punch Squared that has Mash punch a target twice and then squared the amount after that ad infinitum.

Mashle: Magic And Muscles

Release Date
April 8, 2023
Hajime Kōmoto
Streaming Service(s)