The YouTube channel headed up by Super Smash Bros. and Kirby creator, Masahiro Sakurai, has passed a major milestone and has received the YouTube Play Silver Button in commemoration. For the uninitiated, after Sakurai posted the final daily screenshot of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on his Twitter, he revealed that he would be starting up a new YouTube channel known as "Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games," with both Japanese and English versions for fans to follow along. This YouTube channel would be focused on his principles of designing games and how each aspect is integral to the player having fun.

Considering that numerous people have an immense amount of respect or are fans of his work, many started subscribing to the channel. While most fans who subscribed are gamers and not game designers, they still wished to see the perspective of an industry veteran like Sakurai on various topics and his insight on designing fun games. It's no surprise with the number of fans who love Super Smash Bros., Kirby, or other games the industry legend has worked on, Sakurai's new YouTube channel ended up crossing the milestone to earn him a Silver Play Button plaque.

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The Silver Play Button is a part of the YouTube Creator Awards, where this plaque is awarded to channels that have reached or passed 100,000 subscribers. As of this writing, Sakurai's English and Japanese channels have roughly 455,000 and 384,000 subscribers respectively, easily surpassing the qualification requirements. When Sakurai revealed the award on his Twitter account, he noted it was "quick" likely referring to the subscriber count and how quickly the award was also delivered to him.

Alongside the photo of Sakurai's award was a follow-up tweet, where he thanked the many fans who had subscribed to the channel on both the English and Japanese sides. Many gaming personalities and fans also congratulated him on his accomplishment, with many gamers noting that it was fun to hear the man's perspectives and advice about designing games based on his own experiences.

Masahiro Sakurai's YouTube channel is broken up into various categories that dissect different parts of game design, with corresponding playlists describing them. This includes videos about the essence of game design, the proper work ethic when it comes to designing video games, or even the story of how games like Kirby's Dream Land or Kirby's Adventure on the NES came to be. Considering the number of fans of Masahiro Sakurai's work, the channel may surpass the requirements to get the next plaque in the future.

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