Insomniac Games has a pretty busy few years ahead. Coming hot off the heels of Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, the developer is now hard at work on both a sequel to the beloved Marvel's Spider-Mann and a brand-new game titled Marvel's Wolverine. Right now, details are extremely scarce, with only a brief 50-second trailer being shown that does nought but confirm the clawed protagonist.

Marvel's Spider-Man showed players just how much freedom Insomniac was given over the license, so it only seems likely that Marvel's Wolverine will receive the same. With this in mind, it seems pretty likely that Insomniac will want to include plenty of references to the wider X-Men universe, hopefully including some cameos and larger roles for some fan-favorite X-Men characters.

RELATED: Wolverine Game Tier List

Professor X

Professor X Ready to Fight Cropped

A staple of just about any and every X-Men property, Professor X is a must-have character cameo for Marvel's Wolverine. Though the setting of Marvel's Wolverine hasn't been confirmed yet, so it's unclear whether Wolverine will have joined the team or not, Professor X should appear as a voice of reason for Wolverine.

Taking a cue from the X2: Wolverine's Revenge game, Professor X could just make an audio cameo, talking directly to Logan via telepathy. If Marvel's Wolverine wanted to give players a Charles Xavier they've never seen on-screen before, Insomniac could make its version of Professor X more morally gray, closer to his appearance in most contemporary X-Men comic runs.


Magneto with his helmet off sitting on a building at sundown

Similarly, Marvel's Wolverine could give audiences a fresh take on Magneto. Those who have watched the 2000s movies and 90s animated X-Men show only really know Magneto as a black-and-white villain that wants to wipe out humans and replace them with his mutant brethren.

In most Magneto-centric comics, he isn't portrayed as a villain. Instead, Magneto is often shown to be a deeply caring individual who just wants the best for his people, but his traumatic history has blinded him on how he needs to achieve it. Marvel's Wolverine could lean more into this version of Magneto, and refrain from putting him in the villain role.


Sabretooth X-Men

A mutant intrinsically tied to Wolverine, Sabretooth may not be Logan's brother in most comic arcs, but he is a constant in his life. In most comic runs, Sabretooth and Wolverine have known each other since childhood, even performing in a circus together in some books. Though the two were friends in their youth, they have since become adversaries, and Marvel's Wolverine should really hone in on this conflicted relationship.

With similar regenerative powers and strength to Logan, Sabretooth makes the perfect villain. Further, with the tragic nature of their relationship, there's some definite emotive narrative beats that could be gleaned from his potential appearance in Marvel's Wolverine.



Strictly from a gameplay perspective, Mystique is always a great cameo to have in an X-Men game. Being able to transform into just about any X-Men character, Mystique could potentially be an excellent boss fight. Though she can't take a fellow mutant's powers, she can enhance her physical strength with their attributes. Mystique's inclusion could also usher in a number of brief cameos from some relative unknowns, as she could change frequently during a possible boss fight.

RELATED: X-Men Game Tier List


Cyclops X-Men

Though the 2000s X-Men movies didn't quite nail their dynamic, Cyclops and Wolverine have a very engrossing relationship. Cyclops' stoic nature is constantly seen to be at odds with Wolverine's more reckless attitude, and putting the two together in a few missions could lead to some hilarious dialogue and story moments.

With Cyclops often taking on the mantle of leader of the X-Men, this would also pave the way for even more cameos and references, with his teammates coming to pick him up in the X-Jet or something similar. Cyclops hasn't received the best on-screen representation in the last few decades, so having a comic-accurate portrayal in Marvel's Wolverine would certainly please fans of the character.



As fans may have recently seen in the Deadpool movies, Colossus actually acts as the heart of the X-Men team quite often. While the rest of the team often have emotional responses to major events and conflicts, Colossus is frequently seen to observe the situation, collect his thoughts, and offer a rational response. More often than not, that response is the right thing to do.

Colossus could easily fit into Marvel's Wolverine as the moral compass. From the brief trailer released so far, it seems as though this Wolverine isn't quite as heroic as some portrayals of the character, seemingly getting into a bar fight. If this version of Wolverine is even more morally gray than some audiences are used to, then it might be an interesting idea to make Colossus his moral guide, similar to his relationship with Deadpool in the recent movies.


Psylocke in X-Men animted series 90s

For being one of the most popular X-Men, X-Force, and X-Club members, Psylocke still hasn't had a great portrayal on-screen. With X-Men: Apocalypse reducing her to just a few lines of dialogue and giving her no real characterization, Psylocke is still fairly unknown to most casual X-Men fans.

Marvel's Wolverine could go a long way in reintroducing this character to modern X-Men fans, giving a clear depiction of her personality, and abilities. In some comic runs, Psylocke and Wolverine have been close friends for quite some time, so she'd be a natural fit for Marvel's Wolverine.


Dazzler X-Men

A pure product of the 1980s, Dazzler would make for a very fun cameo in Marvel's Wolverine. Despite having some pretty second-rate powers, being able to convert sound vibrations into light, Dazzler was one of the most prominent members of the X-Men for well over a decade, appearing in countless mainline and spin-off comics as well as a slew of games, such as the X-Men arcade game. Putting Dazzler in Marvel's Wolverine would be a nice nod to some of the X-Men's weirder roots.

Marvel's Wolverine is currently in development for PS5.

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