
  • Marvel's Wolverine needs to consider tapping into Wolverine's deep catalog of enemies for a fresh take on the storyline and not just rely on the most visible foes.

Marvel's Wolverine would do well to pull some enemies from deep in the character's back catalog rather than relying on his most visible foes. Both as a member of the X-Men as well as a solo hero, Wolverine has fought a remarkable amount of villains over the course of his career. That leaves Marvel's Wolverine with a wide selection of characters that could be used as enemies in the story. It would be tempting to leap straight to the most well-known names; however, a solo Wolverine game shouldn't immediately pass on his more obscure foes.

Players should expect the likely M-rated Wolverine game to show off the full range of the titular character's abilities. Most people know that Wolverine is a tough fighter with razor-sharp claws and an extremely powerful healing factor. That said, he is also a skilled tracker and hunter and he has even been trained as a ninja. He's just as skilled in acting in the shadows as he is at charging in headfirst like a berserker. Wolverine's rogues gallery features many characters who have challenged both sides of his skillset in the past. That means that Marvel's Wolverine could see villains employing a wide variety of tactics.

Marvel's Wolverine Should Jump on the Chance to Feature This Witcher Mechanic

The Witcher has no shortage of excellent gameplay mechanics, but there's one in particular that would fit Marvel's Wolverine perfectly.

Marvel's Wolverine's Choice of Villains Can't Be Too Predictable

Marvel's Wolverine Will Likely See Some Familiar Faces Among Its Villains

When it comes to the main villain of Marvel's Wolverine, there are a few names that immediately come to mind. Mister Sinister has already been brought up, and as a supremely arrogant scientist who specializes in unethical experiments, he would be a perfect choice. In addition, a Wolverine game immediately brings Sabretooth to mind. Sabretooth is basically Logan's evil mirror, with similar powers, but none of his heart. While Wolverine's most high-profile villains are what may be expected, Insomniac shouldn't focus solely on them at the expense of others. Their prominence doesn't mean that they're the only valid options for the game, after all.

Some of Wolverine's More Obscure Foes Are Worthy Of Attention

There are many characters from stories from Wolverine's past that are worthy of inclusion. One example would be Dog, a childhood friend turned bitter enemy who resented Logan for having a better life than him. There's also Nuke, an exceedingly violent mercenary with an American flag tattooed on his face that Wolverine has clashed with previously. Depending on how many X-Men will be tied into the game, there is also potential for foes such as the supremely hateful Donald Pierce and mutant hunter Ahab. Wolverine has faced so many foes that he has more than enough options to face in his game.

Marvel's Wolverine's Villains Can Help It Stand Out

Choosing the villains for the story is one of the biggest decisions facing Marvel's Wolverine, and there's good reason to not just stick to what's expected. If the villains are the same Wolverine and X-Men foes that fans are already familiar with, then the game will have less to set it apart. A few new or unexpected characters can help to make a story more interesting. They can get players interested in the character in question, and sometimes even launch them into mainstream relevance. For that reason, it may be worth having Wolverine fight some of his lesser-known foes in addition to the heavy hitters.

The villains of Marvel's Wolverine will be critical to driving the story. Even though Marvel's Wolverine is spoiled for choice when it comes to villains, the developers must choose the right ones. As Wolverine's first solo outing in a video game for quite some time, it is a perfect opportunity to show off his skills, and that includes giving him the best enemies that he can fight. There's reason to believe that Marvel's Wolverine can get great returns from some of Logan's less well-known opponents.

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Marvel's Wolverine

Marvel's Wolverine is a third-person action game from Insomniac Games that is set in the same universe as the studio's Spider-Man titles.

Insomniac Games